Omor the Unscarred - NPC

Omor the Unscarred

Informations générales

  • Level 62
  • Rank: Elite
  • Faction: Demon
  • Demon
  • Life: 59836
This NPC can be found in Hellfire Ramparts.

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Name ILVL Type % Loot
Omor's Hoof 0 Quest 100 %
Tenacious Defender 85 Plate
Bloodstained Ravager Gauntlets 85 Mail
Heartblood Prayer Beads 85 Miscellaneous
Crystalfire Staff 85 Staves
Garrote-String Necklace 85 Miscellaneous
Heart Fire Warhammer 85 Two-Handed Maces
Name ILVL Type % Loot
Omor's Hoof 0 Quest 100 %
Badge of Justice 70 Junk 100 %
Primal Nether 65 Materials 100 %
Iridescent Fire Opal 70 Green 20 %
Effulgent Chrysoprase 70 Green 20 %
Spiced Mammoth Treats 80 Bandages 20 %
Ace of Blessings 1 Quest 10 %
Ace of Storms 1 Quest 10 %
Dragonfin Filet 80 Bandages 10 %
Ace of Lunacy 1 Quest 10 %
Ace of Furies 1 Quest 10 %
Crimsonforge Breastplate 115 Plate 0 %
Justice Bearer's Pauldrons 115 Plate 0 %
Headdress of Alacrity 115 Cloth 0 %
Omor's Unyielding Will 115 Miscellaneous 0 %
Terror Flame Dagger 115 Daggers 0 %
Truncheon of Five Hells 115 One-Handed Maces 0 %
Faol's Signet of Cleansing 115 Miscellaneous 0 %
Band of Many Prisms 112 Miscellaneous 0 %
Silent-Strider Kneeboots 115 Leather 0 %
Mana-Etched Gloves 115 Cloth 0 %
Crimson Bracers of Gloom 115 Cloth 0 %
Girdle of the Blasted Reaches 115 Mail 0 %

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