Marauding Crust Burster - NPC

Marauding Crust Burster

Informations générales

  • Level 59-60
  • Faction: Monster
  • Not specified
  • Life: 4142-4979
This NPC can be found in Hellfire Peninsula.

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Name ILVL Type % Loot
Eroded Leather Case 58 Quest 10 %
Formula: Enchant Bracer - Superior Healing 65 Enchanting 5 %
Recipe: Elixir of Major Agility 66 Alchemy 5 %
Vengeance Pauldrons 87 Leather 1 %
Vengeance Bands 87 Leather 1 %
Unyielding Footwraps 81 Mail 1 %
Vengeance Legguards 87 Leather 1 %
Unyielding Waistband 81 Mail 1 %
Vengeance Chestpiece 87 Leather 1 %
Vengeance Belt 87 Leather 1 %
Vengeance Boots 87 Leather 1 %
Unyielding Chain Vest 81 Mail 1 %
Vengeance Gloves 87 Leather 1 %
Vengeance Helm 87 Leather 1 %
Unyielding Helm 81 Mail 1 %
Felstone Greaves 84 Mail 1 %
Felstone Chain Vest 84 Mail 1 %
Felstone Gauntlets 84 Mail 1 %
Felstone Helm 84 Mail 1 %
Felstone Waistband 84 Mail 1 %
Unyielding Bindings 81 Mail 1 %
Haal'eshi Bindings 84 Leather 1 %
Unyielding Leggings 81 Mail 1 %
Unyielding Spaulders 81 Mail 1 %
Unyielding Fists 81 Mail 1 %
Haal'eshi Hat 84 Leather 1 %
Hellfire Cloak 87 Cloth 1 %
Bonechewer Pelt-Girdle 81 Leather 1 %
Bonechewer Shredboots 81 Leather 1 %
Bonechewer Chestpiece 81 Leather 1 %
Starfire Wristwraps 87 Cloth 1 %
Starfire Mantle 87 Cloth 1 %
Starfire Vest 87 Cloth 1 %
Starfire Gloves 87 Cloth 1 %
Starfire Circlet 87 Cloth 1 %
Starfire Trousers 87 Cloth 1 %
Bonechewer Spikegloves 81 Leather 1 %
Bonechewer Skincloak 81 Leather 1 %
Haal'eshi Jerkin 84 Leather 1 %
Haal'eshi Gloves 84 Leather 1 %
Felstone Leggings 84 Mail 1 %
Haal'eshi Leggings 84 Leather 1 %
Haal'eshi Boots 84 Leather 1 %
Haal'eshi Cord 84 Leather 1 %
Bonechewer Ripleggings 81 Leather 1 %
Bonechewer Shoulderguards 81 Leather 1 %
Bonechewer Bands 81 Leather 1 %
Haal'eshi Pauldrons 84 Leather 1 %
Felstone Bindings 84 Mail 1 %
Darkcrest Helm 87 Plate 1 %
Darkcrest Legguards 87 Plate 1 %
Darkcrest Pauldrons 87 Plate 1 %
Darkcrest Bracers 87 Plate 1 %
Darkcrest Gauntlets 87 Plate 1 %
Darkcrest Breastplate 87 Plate 1 %
Ango'rosh Pauldrons 84 Plate 1 %
Ango'rosh Vambraces 84 Plate 1 %
Darkcrest Belt 87 Plate 1 %
Darkcrest Sabatons 87 Plate 1 %
Northman's Shield 81 Shields 1 %
Emperor Shield 84 Shields 1 %
Stronghold Crossbow 87 Crossbows 1 %
Mahogany Wand 81 Wands 1 %
Crystallized Ebony Wand 84 Wands 1 %
Purpleheart Wand 87 Wands 1 %
Ram's Head Crossbow 84 Crossbows 1 %
Tower Crossbow 81 Crossbows 1 %
Telaari Shield 87 Shields 1 %
Barbed Shrike 81 Thrown 1 %
Silver Throwing Knifes 84 Thrown 1 %
Wooden Boomerang 87 Thrown 1 %
Ango'rosh Legguards 84 Plate 1 %
Ango'rosh Helm 84 Plate 1 %
Netherstalker Legguards 87 Mail 1 %
Netherstalker Mantle 87 Mail 1 %
Netherstalker Bracer 87 Mail 1 %
Grimscale Belt 81 Plate 1 %
Netherstalker Helmet 87 Mail 1 %
Netherstalker Gloves 87 Mail 1 %
Starfire Sandals 87 Cloth 1 %
Netherstalker Belt 87 Mail 1 %
Netherstalker Greaves 87 Mail 1 %
Netherstalker Armor 87 Mail 1 %
Grimscale Sabatons 81 Plate 1 %
Grimscale Armor 81 Plate 1 %
Ango'rosh Belt 84 Plate 1 %
Ango'rosh Sabatons 84 Plate 1 %
Ango'rosh Breastplate 84 Plate 1 %
Ango'rosh Gauntlets 84 Plate 1 %
Grimscale Vambraces 81 Plate 1 %
Grimscale Pauldrons 81 Plate 1 %
Grimscale Gauntlets 81 Plate 1 %
Grimscale Helm 81 Plate 1 %
Grimscale Legguards 81 Plate 1 %
Felstone Spaulders 84 Mail 1 %
Silky Velvet Cloak 81 Cloth 1 %
Lead-Slug Shotgun 81 Guns 1 %
Longbeard Rifle 84 Guns 1 %
Gnomish Assault Rifle 87 Guns 1 %
Doomsayer's Mace 81 One-Handed Maces 1 %
Telaari Longbow 87 Bows 1 %
Ashenvale Longbow 84 Bows 1 %
Lucky Strike Axe 81 Two-Handed Axes 1 %
Fel-Touched Axe 84 Two-Handed Axes 1 %
Mok'Nathal Battleaxe 87 Two-Handed Axes 1 %
Azerothian Longbow 81 Bows 1 %
Riversong Mace 84 One-Handed Maces 1 %
Naaru Lightmace 81 One-Handed Maces 1 %
War Scythe 81 Polearms 1 %
Sha'tari Longspear 84 Polearms 1 %
Halberd Polearm 87 Polearms 1 %
Telaari Longblade 81 One-Handed Swords 1 %
Gronn-Bone Club 87 Two-Handed Maces 1 %
Giant's Leg Bone 84 Two-Handed Maces 1 %
Revitalizing Hammer 84 One-Handed Maces 1 %
Pneumatic War Hammer 87 One-Handed Maces 1 %
Glorious Scepter 87 One-Handed Maces 1 %
Shining Mace 81 Two-Handed Maces 1 %
Jagged Broadaxe 87 One-Handed Axes 1 %
Knight's War Axe 84 One-Handed Axes 1 %
Traveler's Backpack 55 Bag
Fist of Reckoning 88 One-Handed Maces
Blade of Misfortune 85 Two-Handed Swords
Blade of Trapped Knowledge 88 Daggers
Codex: Prayer of Shadow Protection II 70 Book & Codex
Tome of Conjure Water IX 70 Book & Codex
Bracers of Finesse 85 Leather 1 %
Scale Leggings of the Skirmisher 85 Mail 1 %
Thrallmar Tabard 20 Miscellaneous
Thorium Lockbox 55 Junk
Leggings of Concentrated Darkness 85 Cloth
Cloak of Entropy 88 Cloth
Boots of the Decimator 85 Plate
Breastplate of Blade Turning 88 Plate
Gauntlets of Purification 88 Plate
Karaborian Battle Axe 81 One-Handed Axes 1 %
Storm Lord's Girdle 88 Mail
Hauberk of Totemic Rage 85 Mail
Gloves of Ferocity 85 Leather
Sash of Silent Blades 85 Leather
Demon Hide Spaulders 91 Leather
Silver Hand Blade 84 One-Handed Swords 1 %
Skettis Curved Blade 87 One-Handed Swords 1 %
Outlander's Tunic 81 Cloth 1 %
Outlander's Gloves 81 Cloth 1 %
Outlander's Facewrap 81 Cloth 1 %
Outlander's Leggings 81 Cloth 1 %
Outlander's Boots 81 Cloth 1 %
Outlander's Girdle 81 Cloth 1 %
Bleeding Eye 84 Miscellaneous 1 %
Spined Ring 87 Miscellaneous 1 %
Sunstone Necklace 87 Miscellaneous 1 %
Laughing Skull Orb 87 Miscellaneous 1 %
Outlander's Pauldrons 81 Cloth 1 %
Outlander's Bracers 81 Cloth 1 %
Fireheart Leggings 84 Cloth 1 %
Fireheart Shoulderpads 84 Cloth 1 %
Fireheart Bracers 84 Cloth 1 %
Silvermoon Royal Cloak 84 Cloth 1 %
Fireheart Skullcap 84 Cloth 1 %
Fireheart Gloves 84 Cloth 1 %
Fireheart Girdle 84 Cloth 1 %
Fireheart Boots 84 Cloth 1 %
Fireheart Chestpiece 84 Cloth 1 %
Dreamseeker Dandelion 81 Miscellaneous 1 %
Fire Opal Collar 84 Miscellaneous 1 %
Brutal Scar-Limb 84 Staves 1 %
Jinbali Warp-Staff 87 Staves 1 %
Primal Lore-Staff 87 Staves 1 %
Ravager Claws 81 Fist Weapons 1 %
Angerstaff 81 Staves 1 %
Straight Hardwood Staff 84 Staves 1 %
Royal Crusader Sword 81 Two-Handed Swords 1 %
Serpentlord Claymore 84 Two-Handed Swords 1 %
Skeletal Broadsword 87 Two-Handed Swords 1 %
Rattan Bo Staff 81 Staves 1 %
Thrasher Blades 84 Fist Weapons 1 %
Vampiric Handscythes 87 Fist Weapons 1 %
Combustion Dagger 87 Daggers 1 %
Rubellite Ring 81 Miscellaneous 1 %
Azurite Ring 84 Miscellaneous 1 %
Anglesite Choker 81 Miscellaneous 1 %
Jaedenis Dagger 87 Daggers 1 %
Tuning Knife 84 Daggers 1 %
Liege Blade 81 Daggers 1 %
Cross Pommel Dagger 84 Daggers 1 %
Absorption Dagger 81 Daggers 1 %
Starfire Sash 87 Cloth 1 %

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