Caregiver Breel - NPC

Caregiver Breel <Innkeeper>

Informations générales

  • Level 30
  • Faction: Exodar
  • Humanoid
  • Reaction: Alliance
  • Life: 737
The location of this NPC is unknown.

Members Screenshots

Name Level Stock Sell Price:
Tough Jerky 5 1
Refreshing Spring Water 5 1
Slitherskin Mackerel 5 1
Ice Cold Milk 15 6
Melon Juice 25 25
Moonberry Juice 45 10
Sweet Nectar 35 50
Haunch of Meat 15 6
Mutton Chop 25 25
Wild Hog Shank 35 50
Tough Hunk of Bread 5 1
Freshly Baked Bread 15 6
Moist Cornbread 25 25
Mulgore Spice Bread 35 50
Longjaw Mud Snapper 15 1
Bristle Whisker Catfish 25 4
Rockscale Cod 35 6
Cured Ham Steak 45 10
Soft Banana Bread 45 10
Morning Glory Dew 55 20
Homemade Cherry Pie 55 20
Roasted Quail 55 20
Spinefin Halibut 55 20
Striped Yellowtail 45 5
Smoked Talbuk Venison 65 280
Mag'har Grainbread 65 280
Sunspring Carp 65 280
Filtered Draenic Water 70 280
Pungent Seal Whey 80 425
Honeymint Tea 85 550
Crusty Flatbread 75 425
Fillet of Icefin 75 425
Salted Venison 75 425
Sweet Potato Bread 85 80
Poached Emperor Salmon 85 80
Mead Basted Caribou 85 80
Sweetened Goat's Milk 75 30
Name ILVL Required Level Faction
Assisting Arch Druid Staghelm 50 50 Alliance

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