Landraelanis - NPC

Landraelanis <Tradesman>

Informations générales

The location of this NPC is unknown.

Members Screenshots

Name Level Stock Sell Price:
Coarse Thread 5 2
Bleach 5 6
Red Dye 10 12
Mild Spices 5 0
Weak Flux 5 25
Mining Pick 4 16
Empty Vial 1 1
Salt 10 12
Blacksmith Hammer 1 3
Copper Rod 5 24
Fishing Pole 1 4
Blue Dye 10 12
Shiny Bauble 10 12
Skinning Knife 4 16
Blank Parchment 40 125
Jeweler's Kit 20 20
Simple Grinder 20 6250
Recipe: Lynx Steak 5 10
Simple Flour 5 1
Light Parchment 1 3

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