Lhara - NPC

Lhara <Darkmoon Faire Exotic Goods>

Informations générales

This NPC can be found in Elwynn Forest.

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Name Level Stock Sell Price:
Mageroyal 10 20
Medium Leather 20 50
Earthroot 10 20
Bruiseweed 20 25
Wild Steelbloom 22 50
Kingsblood 24 30
Liferoot 30 75
Khadgar's Whisker 37 175
Heavy Leather 30 150
Thick Leather 40 30
Rugged Leather 50 50
Ghost Mushroom 47 375
Enchanted Leather 55 50
Dreamfoil 54 10
Golden Sansam 52 10
Mountain Silversage 56 150
Black Lotus 60 100
Darkmoon Ring 55 125
Darkmoon Necklace 55 125
Knothide Leather 60 1250
Mote of Air 65 40
Mote of Earth 65 40
Mote of Fire 65 40
Mote of Life 65 40
Mote of Mana 65 40
Mote of Shadow 65 40
Mote of Water 65 40
Ragveil 65 60
Terocone 60 50
Ancient Lichen 68 750
Netherbloom 70 100
Nightmare Vine 70 1250
Mana Thistle 70 250
Fel Lotus 70 1
Living Ruby 70 3
Talasite 70 3
Star of Elune 70 3
Noble Topaz 70 3
Dawnstone 70 3
Nightseye 70 3
Heavy Knothide Leather 65 6250
Fel Hide 70 6250
Thick Clefthoof Leather 60 750
Borean Leather 70 2250
Goldclover 72 750
Constrictor Grass 75 60
Adder's Tongue 77 1250
Tiger Lily 72 750
Lichbloom 80 200
Icethorn 80 200
Talandra's Rose 72 750
Frost Lotus 80 1
Crystallized Air 75 60
Crystallized Earth 75 60
Crystallized Fire 75 60
Crystallized Shadow 75 60
Crystallized Life 75 60
Crystallized Water 75 60
Deadnettle 72 750
Heavy Borean Leather 80 135
Arctic Fur 75 3

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