Neal Allen - NPC

Neal Allen <Engineering Supplies & General Goods>

Informations générales

  • Level 20
  • Faction: Stormwind
  • Humanoid
  • Reaction: Alliance
  • Life: 484
This NPC can be found in Wetlands.

Members Screenshots

Name Level Stock Sell Price:
Refreshing Spring Water 5 1
Ice Cold Milk 15 6
Melon Juice 25 25
Sharp Arrow 15 0
Heavy Shot 15 0
Weak Flux 5 25
Mining Pick 4 16
Razor Arrow 30 0
Solid Shot 30 0
Strong Flux 25 50
Rough Blasting Powder 5 4
Copper Tube 10 120
Copper Modulator 13 50
Coarse Blasting Powder 15 12
Bronze Tube 21 20
Bronze Framework 29 60
Gyrochronatom 34 750
Wooden Stock 10 50
Heavy Stock 25 50
Silver Contact 18 25
Simple Wood 5 9
Heavy Brown Bag 25 500
Brown Leather Satchel 15 625
Blacksmith Hammer 1 3
Engineer's Ink 50 50
Blank Parchment 40 125
Design: Pendant of the Agate Shield 31 375
Keen Throwing Knife 16 18
Deadly Throwing Axe 27 50
Sharp Throwing Axe 16 18
Heavy Throwing Dagger 27 50
Hair Trigger 71 2250
Walnut Stock 80 125

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