Veteran Coldmine Explorer - NPC

Veteran Coldmine Explorer

Informations générales

  • Level 58-68
  • Faction: Beast - Wolf
  • Humanoid
  • Life: 2800-2900
The location of this NPC is unknown.
Name ILVL Type % Loot
Stormpike Lieutenant's Flesh 1 Quest 100 %
Armor Scraps 1 Quest 100 %
Frostwolf Soldier's Medal 1 Quest 100 %
Orc Tooth 0 Quest 100 %
Stormpike Soldier's Blood 1 Quest 100 %
Stormpike Commander's Flesh 1 Quest 100 %
Runecloth 50 Trade Goods 51.16 %
Homemade Cherry Pie 55 Consumable 7.76 %
Star Ruby 50 Trade Goods 5 %
Pauldrons of Arcane Rage 85 Cloth 5 %
Morning Glory Dew 55 Consumable 3.1 %
Major Healing Potion 55 Potions, Flask, Elixirs 3.1 %
Bloodlust Belt 55 Mail 1 %
Bloodlust Gauntlets 55 Mail 1 %
Merciless Belt 54 Mail 1 %
Protector Breastplate 54 Mail 1 %
Ironhide Legguards 55 Mail 1 %
Crusader's Leggings 54 Mail 1 %
Merciless Epaulets 54 Mail 1 %
Impenetrable Bindings 55 Mail 1 %
Ironhide Helmet 55 Mail 1 %
Ebonhold Helmet 55 Mail 1 %
Ebonhold Girdle 54 Mail 1 %
Ebonhold Gauntlets 54 Mail 1 %
Triumphant Girdle 60 Mail 1 %
Ebonhold Boots 55 Mail 1 %
Merciless Greaves 54 Mail 1 %
Ornate Bracers 54 Mail 1 %
Ornate Girdle 55 Mail 1 %
Ebonhold Shoulderpads 54 Mail 1 %
Crusader's Armor 55 Mail 1 %
Engraved Helm 59 Mail 1 %
Warstrike Belt 59 Mail 1 %
Bloodlust Helm 58 Mail 1 %
Bloodlust Boots 58 Mail 1 %
Warstrike Armsplints 59 Mail 1 %
Impenetrable Sabatons 59 Mail 1 %
Magnificent Belt 58 Mail 1 %
Magnificent Bracers 58 Mail 1 %
Impenetrable Pauldrons 59 Mail 1 %
Bloodlust Breastplate 59 Mail 1 %
Engraved Pauldrons 58 Mail 1 %
Ornate Breastplate 58 Mail 1 %
Hero's Belt 59 Mail 1 %
Hero's Gauntlets 59 Mail 1 %
Engraved Gauntlets 58 Mail 1 %
Engraved Boots 58 Mail 1 %
Engraved Leggings 59 Mail 1 %
Triumphant Bracers 61 Mail 1 %
Hero's Bracers 58 Mail 1 %
Impenetrable Helmet 60 Mail 1 %
Pridelord Armor 59 Leather 1 %
Nightshade Gloves 59 Leather 1 %
Nightshade Armguards 58 Leather 1 %
Pridelord Halo 58 Leather 1 %
Pridelord Pants 58 Leather 1 %
Peerless Gloves 58 Leather 1 %
Peerless Boots 58 Leather 1 %
Indomitable Armguards 59 Leather 1 %
Nightshade Boots 59 Leather 1 %
Nightshade Girdle 58 Leather 1 %
Peerless Bracers 55 Leather 1 %
Jadefire Pants 54 Leather 1 %
Praetorian Pauldrons 54 Leather 1 %
Traveler's Helm 59 Leather 1 %
Traveler's Spaulders 59 Leather 1 %
Swashbuckler's Breastplate 58 Leather 1 %
Mighty Girdle 59 Leather 1 %
Wanderer's Leggings 58 Leather 1 %
Peerless Leggings 59 Leather 1 %
Peerless Shoulders 58 Leather 1 %
Emerald Breastplate 60 Plate 1 %
Impenetrable Breastplate 61 Mail 1 %
Engraved Breastplate 60 Mail 1 %
Impenetrable Legguards 60 Mail 1 %
Magnificent Helmet 61 Mail 1 %
Magnificent Leggings 61 Mail 1 %
Magnificent Greaves 60 Mail 1 %
Magnificent Gauntlets 60 Mail 1 %
Mercurial Gauntlets 61 Mail 1 %
Mercurial Bracers 60 Mail 1 %
Hero's Band 60 Mail 1 %
Hero's Boots 60 Mail 1 %
Grand Shoulders 59 Leather 1 %
Hero's Leggings 61 Mail 1 %
Hero's Pauldrons 60 Mail 1 %
Mercurial Greaves 61 Mail 1 %
Mercurial Girdle 61 Mail 1 %
Magnificent Shoulders 61 Mail 1 %
Hyperion Girdle 61 Plate 1 %
Glorious Headdress 59 Plate 1 %
Heroic Pauldrons 59 Plate 1 %
Heroic Gauntlets 58 Plate 1 %
Glorious Legplates 58 Plate 1 %
Exalted Armsplints 59 Plate 1 %
Impenetrable Wall 61 Shields 1 %
Glorious Shield 60 Shields 1 %
Engraved Wall 60 Shields 1 %
Heroic Greaves 58 Plate 1 %
Warleader's Bracers 58 Plate 1 %
Imbued Plate Pauldrons 59 Plate 1 %
Imbued Plate Helmet 59 Plate 1 %
Imbued Plate Greaves 58 Plate 1 %
Commander's Vambraces 59 Plate 1 %
Commander's Girdle 59 Plate 1 %
Warleader's Belt 59 Plate 1 %
Vanguard Headdress 58 Plate 1 %
Vanguard Breastplate 59 Plate 1 %
Imbued Shield 61 Shields 1 %
Revenant Deflector 54 Shields 1 %
Scroll of Intellect III 40 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 1 %
Dragon Finger 60 Wands 1 %
Star Ruby 50 Trade Goods 1 %
Scroll of Protection III 40 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 1 %
Scroll of Stamina III 40 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 1 %
Scroll of Strength III 40 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 1 %
Scroll of Agility III 40 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 1 %
Scroll of Spirit III 40 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 1 %
Vanguard Shield 59 Shields 1 %
Bloodlust Buckler 59 Shields 1 %
Protector Buckler 54 Shields 1 %
Heavy Lamellar Shield 55 Shields 1 %
Crusader's Shield 55 Shields 1 %
Sunscale Shield 54 Shields 1 %
Ornate Shield 58 Shields 1 %
Emerald Shield 59 Shields 1 %
Templar Shield 58 Shields 1 %
Imbued Plate Gauntlets 58 Plate 1 %
Emerald Pauldrons 58 Plate 1 %
Exalted Gauntlets 61 Plate 1 %
Glorious Breastplate 61 Plate 1 %
Heroic Legplates 61 Plate 1 %
Exalted Girdle 60 Plate 1 %
Alabaster Plate Helmet 54 Plate 1 %
Templar Gauntlets 55 Plate 1 %
Revenant Chestplate 54 Plate 1 %
Alabaster Plate Pauldrons 55 Plate 1 %
Heroic Skullcap 60 Plate 1 %
Warleader's Shoulders 61 Plate 1 %
Commander's Gauntlets 60 Plate 1 %
Commander's Helm 61 Plate 1 %
Commander's Boots 60 Plate 1 %
Commander's Pauldrons 61 Plate 1 %
Praetorian Leggings 55 Leather 1 %
Warleader's Greaves 60 Plate 1 %
Warleader's Gauntlets 60 Plate 1 %
Hyperion Vambraces 60 Plate 1 %
Templar Girdle 54 Plate 1 %
Templar Boots 55 Plate 1 %
High Chief's Legguards 54 Plate 1 %
High Chief's Crown 55 Plate 1 %
Lofty Shoulder Pads 54 Plate 1 %
Glorious Belt 55 Plate 1 %
Glorious Bindings 55 Plate 1 %
Emerald Legplates 59 Plate 1 %
Emerald Helm 58 Plate 1 %
Templar Chestplate 58 Plate 1 %
Lofty Legguards 55 Plate 1 %
Vanguard Sabatons 54 Plate 1 %
Heavy Lamellar Leggings 54 Plate 1 %
Heavy Lamellar Chestpiece 55 Plate 1 %
Templar Bracers 54 Plate 1 %
Emerald Girdle 55 Plate 1 %
Sunscale Chestguard 54 Plate 1 %
Vanguard Girdle 54 Plate 1 %
Vanguard Gauntlets 55 Plate 1 %
Imbued Plate Leggings 61 Plate 1 %
Swashbuckler's Boots 54 Leather 1 %
Elegant Mantle 60 Cloth 1 %
High Councillor's Sash 60 Cloth 1 %
High Councillor's Gloves 61 Cloth 1 %
Elegant Leggings 61 Cloth 1 %
Elegant Circlet 60 Cloth 1 %
Masterwork Cape 61 Cloth 1 %
Adventurer's Cape 60 Cloth 1 %
Master's Cloak 61 Cloth 1 %
High Councillor's Boots 61 Cloth 1 %
High Councillor's Bracers 60 Cloth 1 %
Highborne Star 59 Miscellaneous 1 %
Councillor's Scepter 59 Miscellaneous 1 %
Mystical Orb 58 Miscellaneous 1 %
Elemental Ember 59 Miscellaneous 1 %
Hardened Stone Band 59 Miscellaneous 1 %
Arcane Robe 61 Cloth 1 %
Arcane Leggings 60 Cloth 1 %
Arcane Armor 61 Cloth 1 %
Bonecaster's Shroud 60 Cloth 1 %
Bonecaster's Vest 60 Cloth 1 %
Arcane Cloak 55 Cloth 1 %
Imperial Red Pants 54 Cloth 1 %
Supreme Cape 61 Cloth 1 %
Traveler's Cloak 55 Cloth 1 %
Duskwoven Tunic 55 Cloth 1 %
Councillor's Gloves 55 Cloth 1 %
Councillor's Cuffs 54 Cloth 1 %
Duskwoven Robe 55 Cloth 1 %
Elunarian Belt 60 Cloth 1 %
Elunarian Boots 60 Cloth 1 %
Celestial Silk Robes 61 Cloth 1 %
Celestial Crown 61 Cloth 1 %
Celestial Tunic 61 Cloth 1 %
Resplendent Gauntlets 60 Cloth 1 %
Resplendent Sarong 60 Cloth 1 %
Eternal Cord 61 Cloth 1 %
Eternal Bindings 61 Cloth 1 %
Resplendent Epaulets 61 Cloth 1 %
Quicksilver Pendant 59 Miscellaneous 1 %
Obsidian Band 58 Miscellaneous 1 %
Painbringer 58 Two-Handed Maces 1 %
Fierce Mauler 61 Two-Handed Maces 1 %
Blesswind Hammer 55 One-Handed Maces 1 %
Widow Blade 54 One-Handed Swords 1 %
Dimensional Blade 59 One-Handed Swords 1 %
Solstice Staff 60 Staves 1 %
Massacre Sword 59 Two-Handed Swords 1 %
Dark Espadon 54 Two-Handed Swords 1 %
Sharpshooter Harquebus 60 Guns 1 %
Quillfire Bow 55 Bows 1 %
Solid Star of Elune 70 Blue 1 %
Teardrop Living Ruby 70 Intellect 1 %
Mithril Lockbox 50 Junk 1.56 %
Felstone Reaver 61 One-Handed Axes 1 %
Corpse Harvester 55 One-Handed Axes 1 %
Blasthorn Bow 61 Bows 1 %
Razor Axe 59 Two-Handed Axes 1 %
Warlord's Axe 58 One-Handed Axes 1 %
Thaumaturgist Staff 54 Staves 1 %
Magus Long Staff 58 Staves 1 %
Marble Circle 54 Miscellaneous 1 %
Selenium Loop 55 Miscellaneous 1 %
Serpentine Loop 55 Miscellaneous 1 %
Selenium Chain 54 Miscellaneous 1 %
Duskwoven Branch 55 Miscellaneous 1 %
Quicksilver Ring 59 Miscellaneous 1 %
Jasper Link 58 Miscellaneous 1 %
Venomshroud Orb 54 Miscellaneous 1 %
Frigid Ring 61 Miscellaneous 1 %
Petrified Band 59 Miscellaneous 1 %
Jungle Necklace 60 Miscellaneous 1 %
Jungle Ring 61 Miscellaneous 1 %
Peridot Circle 61 Miscellaneous 1 %
Dragonscale Band 60 Miscellaneous 1 %
Arcane Star 61 Miscellaneous 1 %
Astral Orb 61 Miscellaneous 1 %
Bonecaster's Star 60 Miscellaneous 1 %
Councillor's Sash 54 Cloth 1 %
Mystical Mantle 55 Cloth 1 %
Mighty Armsplints 60 Leather 1 %
Mighty Boots 61 Leather 1 %
Wanderer's Armor 60 Leather 1 %
Mighty Gauntlets 61 Leather 1 %
Nightshade Helmet 61 Leather 1 %
Indomitable Belt 60 Leather 1 %
Adventurer's Bracers 61 Leather 1 %
Nightshade Spaulders 60 Leather 1 %
Traveler's Leggings 60 Leather 1 %
Traveler's Jerkin 61 Leather 1 %
Highborne Padded Armor 59 Cloth 1 %
Highborne Robes 59 Cloth 1 %
Eternal Cloak 58 Cloth 1 %
Elunarian Cuffs 58 Cloth 1 %
Indomitable Cloak 59 Cloth 1 %
Eidolon Cloak 59 Cloth 1 %
Orphic Bracers 59 Cloth 1 %
Triumphant Cloak 58 Cloth 1 %
Indomitable Epaulets 61 Leather 1 %
Grand Boots 60 Leather 1 %
Wanderer's Gloves 55 Leather 1 %
Wanderer's Belt 54 Leather 1 %
Wanderer's Bracers 54 Leather 1 %
Swashbuckler's Eyepatch 55 Leather 1 %
Swashbuckler's Shoulderpads 55 Leather 1 %
Praetorian Boots 55 Leather 1 %
Pridelord Girdle 55 Leather 1 %
Keeper's Armor 54 Leather 1 %
Righteous Armor 55 Leather 1 %
Serpentskin Leggings 54 Leather 1 %
Peerless Headband 60 Leather 1 %
Grand Legguards 61 Leather 1 %
Grand Gauntlets 60 Leather 1 %
Peerless Armor 61 Leather 1 %
Supreme Sash 61 Leather 1 %
Serpentskin Helm 54 Leather 1 %
Supreme Bracers 60 Leather 1 %
Resplendent Belt 58 Cloth 1 %
Resplendent Boots 59 Cloth 1 %
Venomshroud Vest 54 Cloth 1 %
Resplendent Cloak 55 Cloth 1 %
Celestial Cape 54 Cloth 1 %
Venomshroud Silk Robes 54 Cloth 1 %
Highborne Pauldrons 54 Cloth 1 %
Impenetrable Cloak 54 Cloth 1 %
Peerless Cloak 54 Cloth 1 %
Grand Cloak 55 Cloth 1 %
Celestial Bindings 55 Cloth 1 %
Bonecaster's Belt 55 Cloth 1 %
Mystical Boots 54 Cloth 1 %
Mystical Gloves 54 Cloth 1 %
Mystical Headwrap 55 Cloth 1 %
Engraved Cape 55 Cloth 1 %
Opulent Leggings 54 Cloth 1 %
Bonecaster's Boots 54 Cloth 1 %
Arachnidian Legguards 55 Cloth 1 %
Arachnidian Circlet 55 Cloth 1 %
Arcane Pads 59 Cloth 1 %
Arcane Cover 58 Cloth 1 %
Elegant Belt 58 Cloth 1 %
Elegant Gloves 59 Cloth 1 %
Elegant Bracers 58 Cloth 1 %
Bonecaster's Crown 59 Cloth 1 %
Celestial Slippers 58 Cloth 1 %
Celestial Pauldrons 59 Cloth 1 %
Celestial Kilt 59 Cloth 1 %
Celestial Handwraps 58 Cloth 1 %
Elegant Boots 59 Cloth 1 %
Mystical Armor 58 Cloth 1 %
Councillor's Tunic 59 Cloth 1 %
Councillor's Robes 59 Cloth 1 %
Councillor's Pants 58 Cloth 1 %
High Councillor's Cloak 59 Cloth 1 %
Mighty Cloak 58 Cloth 1 %
Mystical Robe 58 Cloth 1 %
Mercurial Cloak 59 Cloth 1 %
Praetorian Gloves 54 Leather 1 %
Name ILVL Type % Loot

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