Ol' Sooty - NPC

Ol' Sooty

Informations générales

This NPC can be found in Loch Modan.

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Name ILVL Type % Loot
Ol' Sooty's Head 1 Quest 100 %
Bear Meat 11 Trade Goods 38 %
Luminous Noble Topaz 70 Green 10 %
Heavy Adamantite Ring 83 Miscellaneous 10 %
Enduring Talasite 70 Green 10 %
Roasted Moongraze Tenderloin 8 Bandages 10 %
Lupine Mantle 21 Leather 5 %
Bandit Shoulders 22 Leather 5 %
Scouting Spaulders 23 Leather 5 %
Burnished Pauldrons 22 Mail 5 %
Raider's Shoulderpads 21 Mail 5 %
War Paint Shoulder Pads 22 Mail 5 %
Inscribed Leather Spaulders 21 Leather 5 %
Outrunner's Pauldrons 23 Mail 5 %
Bloodspattered Shoulder Pads 21 Mail 5 %
Ritual Amice 23 Cloth 5 %
Mystic's Shoulder Pads 22 Cloth 5 %
Seer's Mantle 21 Cloth 5 %
Aboriginal Shoulder Pads 21 Cloth 5 %
Buccaneer's Mantle 22 Cloth 5 %
Sharp Claw 15 Trade Goods 3 %
Dementia Armguards 93 Leather 1 %
Haal'eshi Jerkin 84 Leather 1 %
Haal'eshi Cord 84 Leather 1 %
Haal'eshi Boots 84 Leather 1 %

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