Drysnap Pincer - NPC

Drysnap Pincer

Informations générales

  • Level 34-35
  • Faction: Monster
  • Humanoid
  • Life: 1163-1220
This NPC can be found in Desolace.

Members Screenshots

Name ILVL Type % Loot
Soft-shelled Clam Meat 1 Quest 100 %
Shiny Fish Scales 1 Junk 28.39 %
Rackmore's Silver Key 1 Quest 15 %
Brilliant Dawnstone 70 Yellow 5 %
Moss Agate 25 Trade Goods 5 %
Raw Rockscale Cod 35 Potions, Flask, Elixirs 4.79 %
Lesser Moonstone 30 Trade Goods 5 %
Jade 35 Trade Goods 5 %
Inscribed Noble Topaz 70 Green 5 %
Sweet Nectar 35 Consumable 2.33 %
Headhunter's Armor 36 Leather 1 %
Ghostwalker Pads 36 Leather 1 %
Ghostwalker Legguards 36 Leather 1 %
Ghostwalker Rags 37 Leather 1 %
Hawkeye's Shoes 37 Leather 1 %
Hawkeye's Gloves 37 Leather 1 %
Cutthroat's Hat 37 Leather 1 %
Trickster's Sash 37 Leather 1 %
Ghostwalker Gloves 36 Leather 1 %
Glyphed Epaulets 39 Leather 1 %
Sentinel Cap 38 Leather 1 %
Sentinel Shoulders 38 Leather 1 %
Tromping Miner's Boots 38 Leather 1 %
Archer's Jerkin 38 Leather 1 %
Sentinel Trousers 39 Leather 1 %
Glyphed Helm 39 Leather 1 %
Hawkeye's Cord 36 Leather 1 %
Glyphed Mitts 38 Leather 1 %
Glyphed Boots 39 Leather 1 %
Glyphed Belt 38 Leather 1 %
Cloaked Hood 38 Leather 1 %
Sentinel Girdle 36 Leather 1 %
Ghostwalker Belt 34 Leather 1 %
Pathfinder Hat 34 Leather 1 %
Headhunter's Slippers 34 Leather 1 %
Headhunter's Mitts 34 Leather 1 %
Ghostwalker Boots 35 Leather 1 %
Cutthroat's Mantle 34 Leather 1 %
Archer's Gloves 35 Leather 1 %
Dokebi Hat 35 Leather 1 %
Hawkeye's Bracers 35 Leather 1 %
Cutthroat's Vest 34 Leather 1 %
Headhunter's Spaulders 35 Leather 1 %
Headhunter's Woolies 35 Leather 1 %
Huntsman's Bands 39 Leather 1 %
Archer's Boots 36 Leather 1 %
Archer's Cap 36 Leather 1 %
Archer's Trousers 37 Leather 1 %
Sentinel Bracers 36 Leather 1 %
Sentinel Boots 37 Leather 1 %
Insignia Chestguard 36 Leather 1 %
Glyphed Bracers 37 Leather 1 %
Sentinel Gloves 37 Leather 1 %
Archer's Shoulderpads 37 Leather 1 %
Nocturnal Sash 38 Leather 1 %
Inscribed Leather Belt 17 Leather 1 %
Bard's Gloves 17 Leather 1 %
Bard's Boots 16 Leather 1 %
Prospector's Cuffs 17 Leather 1 %
Ceremonial Leather Loincloth 17 Leather 1 %
Inscribed Leather Bracers 17 Leather 1 %
Rigid Bracelets 20 Leather 1 %
Feral Leggings 20 Leather 1 %
Hunting Tunic 17 Leather 1 %
Hunting Pants 16 Leather 1 %
Lupine Slippers 16 Leather 1 %
Lupine Handwraps 16 Leather 1 %
Glimmering Mail Greaves 31 Mail 1 %
Glimmering Mail Legguards 30 Mail 1 %
Glimmering Mail Pauldrons 30 Mail 1 %
Glimmering Mail Coif 31 Mail 1 %
Glimmering Mail Gauntlets 30 Mail 1 %
Glimmering Mail Breastplate 31 Mail 1 %
Grizzly Jerkin 16 Leather 1 %
Feral Bindings 16 Leather 1 %
Feral Cord 17 Leather 1 %
Rigid Moccasins 21 Leather 1 %
Rigid Belt 20 Leather 1 %
Headhunter's Headdress 38 Leather 1 %
Trickster's Bindings 38 Leather 1 %
Trickster's Boots 39 Leather 1 %
Trickster's Handwraps 38 Leather 1 %
Nocturnal Wristbands 39 Leather 1 %
Nocturnal Gloves 39 Leather 1 %
Hawkeye's Breeches 38 Leather 1 %
Hawkeye's Epaulets 38 Leather 1 %
Ghostwalker Crown 39 Leather 1 %
Archer's Bracers 34 Leather 1 %
Trickster's Pauldrons 39 Leather 1 %
Foreman's Gloves 20 Leather 1 %
Bandit Boots 20 Leather 1 %
Bandit Gloves 20 Leather 1 %
Prospector's Woolies 21 Leather 1 %
Lupine Vest 20 Leather 1 %
Scouting Bracers 21 Leather 1 %
Scouting Belt 21 Leather 1 %
Inscribed Leather Breastplate 21 Leather 1 %
Inscribed Leather Pants 20 Leather 1 %
Agile Boots 20 Leather 1 %
Huntsman's Belt 39 Leather 1 %
Insignia Mantle 35 Leather 1 %
Native Vest 16 Cloth 1 %
Native Robe 16 Cloth 1 %
Aboriginal Footwraps 16 Cloth 1 %
Aboriginal Gloves 16 Cloth 1 %
Mystic's Belt 17 Cloth 1 %
Raider's Cloak 16 Cloth 1 %
Seer's Cape 17 Cloth 1 %
Spellbinder Robe 17 Cloth 1 %
Willow Belt 16 Cloth 1 %
Willow Gloves 16 Cloth 1 %
Aboriginal Loincloth 17 Cloth 1 %
Ritual Cape 17 Cloth 1 %
Emblazoned Leggings 31 Leather 1 %
Emblazoned Boots 30 Leather 1 %
Humbert's Helm 30 Leather 1 %
Emblazoned Shoulders 30 Leather 1 %
Emblazoned Hat 31 Leather 1 %
Outrunner's Cloak 17 Cloth 1 %
Mystic's Bracelets 17 Cloth 1 %
Prospector's Cloak 17 Cloth 1 %
War Paint Cloak 16 Cloth 1 %
Inscribed Cloak 16 Cloth 1 %
Seer's Cuffs 17 Cloth 1 %
Greenweave Cloak 20 Cloth 1 %
Aboriginal Robe 20 Cloth 1 %
Aboriginal Vest 20 Cloth 1 %
Ritual Gloves 20 Cloth 1 %
Greenweave Bracers 21 Cloth 1 %
Scouting Cloak 20 Cloth 1 %
Shimmering Bracers 20 Cloth 1 %
Shimmering Cloak 21 Cloth 1 %
Defender Cloak 20 Cloth 1 %
Ritual Leggings 21 Cloth 1 %
Ritual Sandals 20 Cloth 1 %
Spellbinder Vest 17 Cloth 1 %
Spellbinder Pants 16 Cloth 1 %
Seer's Boots 17 Cloth 1 %
Barbaric Loincloth 16 Cloth 1 %
Hulking Cloak 20 Cloth 1 %
Bristlebark Cape 21 Cloth 1 %
Pagan Belt 21 Cloth 1 %
Buccaneer's Gloves 20 Cloth 1 %
Buccaneer's Cord 20 Cloth 1 %
Dervish Tunic 30 Leather 1 %
Dervish Leggings 30 Leather 1 %
Dokebi Mantle 32 Leather 1 %
Cutthroat's Boots 32 Leather 1 %
Cutthroat's Mitts 33 Leather 1 %
Cutthroat's Pants 33 Leather 1 %
Dokebi Leggings 32 Leather 1 %
Dokebi Gloves 32 Leather 1 %
Scaled Leather Shoulders 32 Leather 1 %
Scaled Leather Tunic 33 Leather 1 %
Scaled Leather Headband 32 Leather 1 %
Dokebi Chestguard 33 Leather 1 %
Ghostwalker Bindings 33 Leather 1 %
Pathfinder Vest 32 Leather 1 %
Insignia Gloves 34 Leather 1 %
Insignia Belt 34 Leather 1 %
Infiltrator Armor 35 Leather 1 %
Infiltrator Pants 34 Leather 1 %
Phalanx Bracers 31 Mail 1 %
Insignia Boots 34 Leather 1 %
Headhunter's Belt 33 Leather 1 %
Insignia Cap 35 Leather 1 %
Insignia Leggings 35 Leather 1 %
Scaled Leather Leggings 33 Leather 1 %
Infiltrator Cap 33 Leather 1 %
Robust Shoulders 30 Leather 1 %
Robust Tunic 31 Leather 1 %
Robust Helm 31 Leather 1 %
Cutthroat's Belt 31 Leather 1 %
Dokebi Boots 31 Leather 1 %
Scaled Leather Gloves 31 Leather 1 %
Infiltrator Bracers 31 Leather 1 %
Scaled Leather Belt 30 Leather 1 %
Scaled Leather Boots 31 Leather 1 %
Pathfinder Footpads 30 Leather 1 %
Pathfinder Gloves 30 Leather 1 %
Infiltrator Cord 32 Leather 1 %
Infiltrator Shoulders 33 Leather 1 %
Infiltrator Boots 33 Leather 1 %
Infiltrator Gloves 32 Leather 1 %
Insignia Bracers 33 Leather 1 %
Emblazoned Chestpiece 32 Leather 1 %
Pathfinder Pants 31 Leather 1 %
Pathfinder Shoulder Pads 31 Leather 1 %
Headhunter's Bands 30 Leather 1 %
Archer's Belt 35 Leather 1 %
Sentry's Surcoat 31 Mail 1 %
Soldier's Girdle 16 Mail 1 %
Soldier's Boots 17 Mail 1 %
Raider's Bracers 17 Mail 1 %
War Paint Anklewraps 17 Mail 1 %
Soldier's Gauntlets 17 Mail 1 %
Soldier's Leggings 17 Mail 1 %
Grunt's Belt 20 Mail 1 %
Veteran Armor 16 Mail 1 %
Brackwater Leggings 16 Mail 1 %
Skeletal Gauntlets 17 Mail 1 %
War Paint Bindings 17 Mail 1 %
War Paint Waistband 17 Mail 1 %
Pathfinder Guard 30 Shields 1 %
Sentry's Shield 31 Shields 1 %
Infiltrator Buckler 33 Shields 1 %
Scaled Shield 32 Shields 1 %
Dokebi Buckler 31 Shields 1 %
Glimmering Shield 31 Shields 1 %
War Torn Tunic 16 Mail 1 %
Bloodspattered Sabatons 16 Mail 1 %
Emblazoned Buckler 30 Shields 1 %
Grunt's Handwraps 21 Mail 1 %
Grunt's AnkleWraps 21 Mail 1 %
Sparkleshell Sabatons 39 Mail 1 %
Sparkleshell Gauntlets 38 Mail 1 %
Steadfast Gloves 39 Mail 1 %
Steadfast Girdle 38 Mail 1 %
Marauder's Leggings 38 Mail 1 %
Marauder's Circlet 39 Mail 1 %
Enduring Circlet 38 Mail 1 %
Enduring Pauldrons 38 Mail 1 %
Ravager's Cord 39 Mail 1 %
Marauder's Boots 38 Mail 1 %
Blackrock Gauntlets 20 Mail 1 %
Foreman's Leggings 20 Mail 1 %
Raider's Chestpiece 20 Mail 1 %
Bloodspattered Surcoat 21 Mail 1 %
Outrunner's Slippers 20 Mail 1 %
Outrunner's Gloves 20 Mail 1 %
Burnished Girdle 20 Mail 1 %
Burnished Gloves 20 Mail 1 %
Burnished Tunic 21 Mail 1 %
Burnished Leggings 21 Mail 1 %
Burnished Boots 21 Mail 1 %
Banded Shield 33 Shields 1 %
Cutthroat's Buckler 33 Shields 1 %
Wand of Eventide 32 Wands 1 %
Scorching Wand 35 Wands 1 %
Summoner's Wand 34 Wands 1 %
Opaque Wand 20 Wands 1 %
Tigerseye 15 Trade Goods 1 %
Lesser Moonstone 30 Trade Goods 1 %
Bard's Buckler 16 Shields 1 %
Soldier's Shield 17 Shields 1 %
Lupine Buckler 17 Shields 1 %
Moss Agate 25 Trade Goods 1 %
Blazing Wand 17 Wands 1 %
Large Knapsack 35 Bag 1 %
Scroll of Stamina II 20 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 1 %
Scroll of Spirit II 25 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 1 %
Scroll of Strength II 25 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 1 %
Scroll of Intellect II 25 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 1 %
Scroll of Protection II 25 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 1 %
Scroll of Agility II 25 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 1 %
Large Knapsack 35 Bag 1 %
Large Knapsack 35 Bag 1 %
Large Knapsack 35 Bag 1 %
Prospector's Buckler 21 Shields 1 %
War Paint Shield 20 Shields 1 %
Combat Shield 36 Shields 1 %
Archer's Buckler 36 Shields 1 %
Renegade Shield 37 Shields 1 %
Hawkeye's Buckler 37 Shields 1 %
Wicked Chain Shield 34 Shields 1 %
Headhunter's Buckler 34 Shields 1 %
Slayer's Shield 32 Shields 1 %
Insignia Buckler 35 Shields 1 %
Phalanx Shield 34 Shields 1 %
Ghostwalker Buckler 36 Shields 1 %
Thick Scale Shield 36 Shields 1 %
Enduring Shield 39 Shields 1 %
Green Carapace Shield 21 Shields 1 %
Burnished Shield 21 Shields 1 %
Bandit Buckler 20 Shields 1 %
Trickster's Protector 39 Shields 1 %
Knight's Crest 39 Shields 1 %
Pillager's Shield 37 Shields 1 %
Glyphed Buckler 39 Shields 1 %
Sentinel Buckler 38 Shields 1 %
Enduring Breastplate 39 Mail 1 %
Scarlet Gauntlets 38 Mail 1 %
Thick Scale Gauntlets 32 Mail 1 %
Pillager's Girdle 33 Mail 1 %
Pillager's Boots 33 Mail 1 %
Pillager's Bracers 32 Mail 1 %
Thick Scale Sabatons 32 Mail 1 %
Wicked Chain Shoulder Pads 32 Mail 1 %
Slayer's Surcoat 33 Mail 1 %
Slayer's Skullcap 33 Mail 1 %
Slayer's Pants 32 Mail 1 %
Wicked Chain Legguards 33 Mail 1 %
Mail Combat Gauntlets 34 Mail 1 %
Mail Combat Boots 35 Mail 1 %
Phalanx Breastplate 35 Mail 1 %
Phalanx Leggings 34 Mail 1 %
Renegade Bracers 34 Mail 1 %
Renegade Gauntlets 35 Mail 1 %
Phalanx Boots 34 Mail 1 %
Mail Combat Spaulders 35 Mail 1 %
Mail Combat Headguard 35 Mail 1 %
Mail Combat Belt 34 Mail 1 %
Onyx Shredder Plate 35 Mail 1 %
Banded Boots 32 Mail 1 %
Banded Helm 32 Mail 1 %
Sentry's Headdress 31 Mail 1 %
Wicked Chain Boots 31 Mail 1 %
Wicked Chain Gauntlets 30 Mail 1 %
Wicked Chain Waistband 30 Mail 1 %
Sentry's Shoulderguards 30 Mail 1 %
Shimmering Boots 21 Cloth 1 %
Banded Gauntlets 31 Mail 1 %
Banded Girdle 31 Mail 1 %
Slayer's Shoulder Pads 31 Mail 1 %
Spiked Chain Breastplate 30 Mail 1 %
Thick Scale Bracelets 30 Mail 1 %
Thick Scale Belt 31 Mail 1 %
Phalanx Spaulders 33 Mail 1 %
Banded Armor 33 Mail 1 %
Banded Leggings 32 Mail 1 %
Banded Pauldrons 32 Mail 1 %
Phalanx Girdle 32 Mail 1 %
Phalanx Gauntlets 33 Mail 1 %
Gauntlets of Ogre Strength 32 Mail 1 %
Mail Combat Armguards 33 Mail 1 %
Phalanx Headguard 33 Mail 1 %
Renegade Belt 35 Mail 1 %
Enduring Bracers 34 Mail 1 %
Pillager's Pauldrons 36 Mail 1 %
Marauder's Gauntlets 36 Mail 1 %
Sparkleshell Belt 36 Mail 1 %
Sparkleshell Bracers 36 Mail 1 %
Pillager's Leggings 36 Mail 1 %
Pillager's Crown 37 Mail 1 %
Enduring Boots 37 Mail 1 %
Enduring Breeches 37 Mail 1 %
Thick Scale Breastplate 36 Mail 1 %
Pillager's Chestguard 37 Mail 1 %
Steadfast Bracelets 37 Mail 1 %
Chief Brigadier Gauntlets 38 Mail 1 %
Knight's Headguard 38 Mail 1 %
Knight's Pauldrons 38 Mail 1 %
Renegade Chestguard 38 Mail 1 %
Jazeraint Bracers 39 Mail 1 %
Knight's Legguards 39 Mail 1 %
Knight's Breastplate 39 Mail 1 %
Chief Brigadier Coif 39 Mail 1 %
Chief Brigadier Girdle 38 Mail 1 %
Chief Brigadier Boots 39 Mail 1 %
Scarlet Wristguards 36 Mail 1 %
Renegade Pauldrons 37 Mail 1 %
Thick Scale Legguards 35 Mail 1 %
Thick Scale Shoulder Pads 34 Mail 1 %
Pillager's Gloves 34 Mail 1 %
Marauder's Bracers 35 Mail 1 %
Thick Scale Crown 35 Mail 1 %
Wicked Chain Helmet 34 Mail 1 %
Enduring Belt 34 Mail 1 %
Enduring Gauntlets 35 Mail 1 %
Wicked Chain Chestpiece 34 Mail 1 %
Marauder's Belt 35 Mail 1 %
Mail Combat Armor 36 Mail 1 %
Knight's Girdle 37 Mail 1 %
Renegade Boots 36 Mail 1 %
Renegade Circlet 36 Mail 1 %
Renegade Leggings 37 Mail 1 %
Knight's Bracers 36 Mail 1 %
Knight's Boots 37 Mail 1 %
Mail Combat Leggings 36 Mail 1 %
Chief Brigadier Bracers 37 Mail 1 %
Knight's Gauntlets 37 Mail 1 %
Banded Bracers 30 Mail 1 %
Ravager's Cloak 39 Cloth 1 %
Leaden Mace 31 One-Handed Maces 1 %
Sequoia Hammer 33 One-Handed Maces 1 %
Giant Club 37 One-Handed Maces 1 %
Murphstar 39 One-Handed Maces 1 %
Smoothbore Gun 39 Guns 1 %
Explosive Shotgun 37 Guns 1 %
Long Redwood Bow 35 Bows 1 %
Light Bow 21 Bows 1 %
"Mage-Eye" Blunderbuss 31 Guns 1 %
BKP "Sparrow" Smallbore 33 Guns 1 %
Blackrock Mace 21 One-Handed Maces 1 %
Wicked Blackjack 17 One-Handed Maces 1 %
Stone Hammer 38 Two-Handed Maces 1 %
Heavy Gnoll War Club 21 Two-Handed Maces 1 %
Oak Mallet 21 Two-Handed Maces 1 %
Headhunting Spear 36 Polearms 1 %
Ballast Maul 36 Two-Handed Maces 1 %
Huge Stone Club 36 Two-Handed Maces 1 %
Gnoll Punisher 17 One-Handed Maces 1 %
Petrified Shinbone 17 One-Handed Maces 1 %
Sergeant's Warhammer 17 One-Handed Maces 1 %
Whipwood Recurve Bow 34 Bows 1 %
Archer's Longbow 32 Bows 1 %
Firemane Leggings 39 Mail
Skullance Shield 38 Shields
Crystalpine Stinger 32 Crossbows
Starfaller 34 Wands
Reticulated Bone Gauntlets 36 Mail
Ravasaur Scale Boots 35 Mail
Wolffear Harness 36 Leather
Enchanted Kodo Bracers 39 Leather
Girdle of Golem Strength 33 Mail
Frostreaver Crown 32 Mail
Splitting Hatchet 31 One-Handed Axes 1 %
Hacking Cleaver 33 One-Handed Axes 1 %
Brutal War Axe 30 Two-Handed Axes 1 %
Lupine Axe 20 Two-Handed Axes 1 %
Cold Iron Pick 17 Two-Handed Axes 1 %
Twin-bladed Axe 16 Two-Handed Axes 1 %
Orcish Cleaver 21 One-Handed Axes 1 %
Grunt Axe 21 One-Handed Axes 1 %
Hillborne Axe 34 One-Handed Axes 1 %
Gloom Reaper 37 One-Handed Axes 1 %
Savage Axe 39 One-Handed Axes 1 %
Viking Sword 30 One-Handed Swords 1 %
Mercenary Blade 36 One-Handed Swords 1 %
Basalt Necklace 32 Miscellaneous 1 %
Tundra Necklace 33 Miscellaneous 1 %
Sage's Stave 32 Miscellaneous 1 %
Satyr's Rod 33 Miscellaneous 1 %
Cerulean Talisman 32 Miscellaneous 1 %
Tundra Ring 33 Miscellaneous 1 %
Spectral Necklace 30 Miscellaneous 1 %
Silver-thread Rod 31 Miscellaneous 1 %
Watcher's Star 30 Miscellaneous 1 %
Raincaller Scepter 31 Miscellaneous 1 %
Elder's Amber Stave 35 Miscellaneous 1 %
Spinel Ring 34 Miscellaneous 1 %
Voodoo Band 37 Miscellaneous 1 %
Mindbender Loop 36 Miscellaneous 1 %
Amethyst Band 37 Miscellaneous 1 %
Fen Ring 37 Miscellaneous 1 %
Ogremind Ring 36 Miscellaneous 1 %
Durable Rod 34 Miscellaneous 1 %
Cerulean Ring 35 Miscellaneous 1 %
Basalt Ring 34 Miscellaneous 1 %
Greenstone Talisman 35 Miscellaneous 1 %
Band of Thorns 31 Miscellaneous 1 %
Crystal Starfire Medallion 31 Miscellaneous 1 %
Shadowhide Two-handed Sword 20 Two-Handed Swords 1 %
Shiver Blade 20 Two-Handed Swords 1 %
Gleaming Claymore 20 Two-Handed Swords 1 %
Merc Sword 16 Two-Handed Swords 1 %
Stonecutter Claymore 35 Two-Handed Swords 1 %
Glimmering Flamberge 32 Two-Handed Swords 1 %
Knightly Longsword 38 One-Handed Swords 1 %
Redridge Machete 16 One-Handed Swords 1 %
Defias Rapier 16 One-Handed Swords 1 %
Raider Shortsword 16 One-Handed Swords 1 %
Bloodscalp Channeling Staff 33 Staves 1 %
Acrobatic Staff 34 Staves 1 %
Tigerbane 38 Daggers 1 %
Hook Dagger 20 Daggers 1 %
War Knife 17 Daggers 1 %
Glowing Green Talisman 30 Miscellaneous 1 %
Deadly Kris 36 Daggers 1 %
Honed Stiletto 30 Daggers 1 %
Lesser Staff of the Spire 20 Staves 1 %
Foamspittle Staff 17 Staves 1 %
Defias Mage Staff 16 Staves 1 %
Swampwalker Boots 37 Leather
Enduring Cap 33 Leather
Shellfish 1 Junk 1.46 %
Greater Healing Potion 31 Potions, Flask, Elixirs 1.49 %
Pattern: Spider Belt 36 Tailoring
Pattern: Green Silk Pack 35 Tailoring
Pattern: Earthen Silk Belt 39 Tailoring
Pattern: Boots of the Enchanter 35 Tailoring
Pattern: Crimson Silk Shoulders 38 Tailoring
Pattern: Green Whelp Armor 35 Leatherworking
Pattern: Heavy Earthen Gloves 29 Leatherworking
Pattern: Dusky Leather Leggings 33 Leatherworking
Pattern: Green Silk Armor 33 Tailoring
Pattern: Shadow Hood 34 Tailoring
Pattern: Hands of Darkness 29 Tailoring
Plans: Mighty Iron Hammer 29 Blacksmithing
Plans: Green Iron Boots 29 Blacksmithing
Plans: Jade Serpentblade 35 Blacksmithing
Plans: Golden Iron Destroyer 34 Blacksmithing
Schematic: Bright-Eye Goggles 35 Engineering
Schematic: Large Seaforium Charge 40 Engineering
Pattern: Guardian Cloak 37 Leatherworking
Schematic: Moonsight Rifle 29 Engineering
Schematic: Portable Bronze Mortar 33 Engineering
Pattern: Truefaith Gloves 30 Tailoring
Pattern: Guardian Armor 35 Leatherworking
Luminous Noble Topaz 70 Green 1 %
Thick Adamantite Necklace 83 Miscellaneous 1 %
Mana Potion 32 Potions, Flask, Elixirs
Rigid Dawnstone 70 Yellow
Glowing Nightseye 70 Purple 1 %
Sovereign Nightseye 70 Purple 1 %
Smooth Dawnstone 70 Yellow 1 %
Gleaming Dawnstone 70 Yellow 1 %
Thick Dawnstone 70 Yellow 1 %
Mystic Dawnstone 70 Yellow
Shifting Nightseye 70 Purple
Plans: Golden Scale Shoulders 35 Blacksmithing
Pattern: Dark Leather Shoulders 28 Leatherworking
Pattern: Barbaric Gloves 30 Leatherworking
Plans: Shadow Crescent Axe 40 Blacksmithing
Lesser Moonstone 30 Trade Goods
Stranglekelp 20 Herb
Royal Nightseye 70 Purple
Jade 35 Trade Goods
Iron Lockbox 30 Junk
Pattern: Guardian Leather Bracers 39 Leatherworking
Plans: Green Iron Shoulders 32 Blacksmithing
Black Duskwood Staff 38 Staves
Claw of the Shadowmancer 32 Daggers
The Ziggler 39 Daggers
River Pride Choker 33 Miscellaneous
Archaic Defender 36 Two-Handed Swords
Combatant Claymore 33 Two-Handed Swords
Viscous Hammer 35 Two-Handed Maces
Poison-tipped Bone Spear 36 Polearms
Zealot Blade 34 One-Handed Swords
Scorpion Sting 39 One-Handed Swords
Rod of Molten Fire 35 Miscellaneous
Kaleidoscope Chain 35 Miscellaneous
Tigerstrike Mantle 34 Cloth
Sutarn's Ring 37 Cloth
Pads of the Venom Spider 38 Cloth
Wing of the Whelpling 38 Cloth
Gloves of Old 34 Cloth
Necromancer Leggings 35 Cloth
Ring of the Underwood 36 Miscellaneous
Blush Ember Ring 37 Miscellaneous
Holy Shroud 32 Cloth
Midnight Mace 38 One-Handed Maces
Deadwood Sledge 37 One-Handed Maces
Manual: Strong Anti-Venom 26 First Aid
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Lesser Beastslayer 35 Enchanting
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Lesser Elemental Slayer 35 Enchanting
Coarse Stone 15 Trade Goods
Recipe: Elixir of Detect Lesser Invisibility 39 Alchemy
Plans: Iron Counterweight 33 Blacksmithing
Plans: Golden Scale Leggings 34 Blacksmithing
Plans: Golden Scale Cuirass 39 Blacksmithing
Plans: Polished Steel Boots 37 Blacksmithing
Solid Stone 35 Trade Goods
Recipe: Elixir of Lesser Agility 28 Alchemy
Burning War Axe 33 Two-Handed Axes
Harpyclaw Short Bow 32 Bows
Skystriker Bow 39 Bows
Ironweaver 34 Guns
Stalvan's Reaper 37 One-Handed Axes
Cuirboulli Boots 27 Leather
Recipe: Elixir of Fortitude 35 Alchemy
Pendant of Myzrael 35 Miscellaneous
Citrine 40 Trade Goods
Thallium Choker 36 Miscellaneous 1 %