Nerrist - NPC

Nerrist <Trade Goods>

Informations générales

  • Level 40
  • Faction: Orgrimmar
  • Humanoid
  • Reaction: Horde
  • Life: 1753
This NPC can be found in Stranglethorn Vale.

Members Screenshots

Name Level Stock Sell Price:
Coarse Thread 5 2
Fine Thread 20 25
Black Dye 40 250
Red Dye 10 12
Mild Spices 5 0
Weak Flux 5 25
Mining Pick 4 16
Empty Vial 1 1
Leaded Vial 25 10
Strong Flux 25 50
Recipe: Curiously Tasty Omelet 25 40
Coal 30 125
Salt 10 12
Silken Thread 30 125
Gray Dye 25 87
Yellow Dye 25 125
Purple Dye 50 625
Wooden Stock 10 50
Heavy Stock 25 50
Blacksmith Hammer 1 3
Copper Rod 5 24
Fishing Pole 1 4
Nightcrawlers 20 25
Bright Baubles 30 62
Skinning Knife 4 16
Heavy Silken Thread 40 50
Crystal Vial 35 125
Recipe: Roast Raptor 35 1250
Recipe: Jungle Stew 35 750
Rune Thread 50 1250
Imbued Vial 55 150
Design: Truesilver Crab 45 150

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