The Ravenian - NPC

The Ravenian

Informations générales

This NPC can be found in Scholomance.

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Name ILVL Type % Loot
Corruptor's Scourgestone 1 Quest 100 %
Dark Rune 55 Trade Goods 44 %
Bloodmail Legguards 61 Mail 30 %
Bloodmail Belt 61 Mail 30 %
Bloodmail Hauberk 61 Mail 30 %
Cadaverous Walkers 61 Leather 30 %
Cadaverous Gloves 61 Leather 30 %
Bloodmail Gauntlets 61 Mail 30 %
Ghoul Skin Leggings 61 Leather 30 %
Deathbone Girdle 61 Plate 30 %
Deathbone Chestplate 61 Plate 30 %
Libram of Divinity 65 Librams 30 %
Totem of Sustaining 65 Totems 30 %
Deathbone Legguards 61 Plate 30 %
Deathbone Gauntlets 61 Plate 30 %
Cadaverous Leggings 61 Leather 30 %
Deathbone Sabatons 61 Plate 30 %
Bloodmail Boots 61 Mail 30 %
Cadaverous Belt 61 Leather 30 %
Cadaverous Armor 61 Leather 30 %
Hammer of the Vesper 61 One-Handed Maces 30 %
Ancient Bone Bow 61 Bows 30 %
Brutal Gladiator's Lamellar Shoulders 159 Plate 30 %
Necropile Robe 61 Cloth 30 %
Dimly Opalescent Ring 61 Miscellaneous 30 %
Necropile Cuffs 61 Cloth 30 %
Burial Shawl 61 Cloth 30 %
Necropile Mantle 61 Cloth 30 %
Necropile Leggings 61 Cloth 30 %
Necropile Boots 61 Cloth 30 %
Skin of Shadow 1 Quest 17 %
Runecloth 50 Trade Goods 16 %
Nightcrawlers 20 Consumable 11 %
Wildheart Belt 58 Leather 4 %

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