Onyxia - NPC


Informations générales

This NPC can be found in Onyxia's Lair.

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Name ILVL Type % Loot
Enlarged Onyxia Hide Backpack 55 Bag 100 %
Draconic for Dummies 1 Junk 100 %
Head of Onyxia 80 Quest 100 %
Ashen Sack of Gems 1 Junk 100 %
Head of Onyxia 80 Quest 100 %
Emblem of Triumph 80 Money 100 %
Halo of Transcendence 245 Cloth 5.26 %
Frostforged Helm 245 Plate 5.26 %
Helmet of Wrath 245 Plate 5.26 %
Frostforged Greathelm 245 Plate 5.26 %
Netherwind Crown 245 Cloth 5.26 %
Nemesis Skullcap 245 Cloth 5.26 %
Helm of Wrath 245 Plate 5.26 %
Dragonstalker's Helm 245 Mail 5.26 %
Aurora of Transcendence 245 Cloth 5.26 %
Helm of Ten Storms 245 Mail 5.26 %
Judgement Hood 245 Plate 5.26 %
Judgement Heaume 245 Plate 5.26 %
Judgement Crown 245 Plate 5.26 %
Helmet of Ten Storms 245 Mail 5.26 %
Crown of Ten Storms 245 Mail 5.26 %
Stormrage Crown 245 Leather 5.26 %
Stormrage Coverlet 245 Leather 5.26 %
Stormrage Cover 245 Leather 5.26 %
Bloodfang Hood 245 Leather 5.26 %
Reins of the Onyxian Drake 70 Mount 1 %
Antediluvian Cornerstone Grimoire 245 Miscellaneous
Reinforced Thunderstrike 245 Polearms
Burnished Quel'Serrar 245 One-Handed Swords
Polished Azuresong Mageblade 245 One-Handed Swords
Reinforced Shadowstrike 245 Polearms
Rifled Blastershot Launcher 245 Guns
Mature Black Dragon Sinew 71 Quest
Raging Deathbringer 245 One-Handed Axes
Tempered Vis'kag the Bloodletter 245 One-Handed Swords
Sharpened Obsidian Edged Blade 245 Two-Handed Swords
Signified Ring of Binding 245 Miscellaneous
Eskhandar's Links 245 Miscellaneous
Shiny Shard of the Scale 245 Miscellaneous
Shiny Shard of the Flame 245 Miscellaneous
Tarnished Gutgore Ripper 245 Daggers
Honed Fang of the Mystics 245 Daggers
Flowing Sapphiron Drape 245 Cloth

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