Highland Razormaw - NPC

Highland Razormaw

Informations générales

This NPC can be found in Wetlands.

Members Screenshots

Name ILVL Type % Loot
Raptor Egg 22 Trade Goods 70 %
Radiant Talasite 70 Green 20 %
Ironsole Clompers 85 Plate 20 %
Ravager Hide Leggings 10 Leather 20 %
Sharp Claw 15 Trade Goods 10 %
Sword of Corruption 27 One-Handed Swords 5 %
Black Velvet Robes 26 Cloth 5 %
Guardian Blade 26 Two-Handed Swords 5 %
Silver-lined Belt 27 Leather 5 %
Thunderwood 27 Wands 5 %
Yorgen Bracers 27 Mail 5 %
Dreamsinger Legguards 26 Mail 5 %
Double-barreled Shotgun 27 Guns 5 %
Twisted Sabre 26 One-Handed Swords 5 %
Killmaim 26 Two-Handed Axes 5 %
Jagged Talasite 70 Green 5 %
Large Fang 30 Trade Goods 2 %
Large Blue Sack 25 Bag 1 %
Large Brown Sack 25 Bag
Large Red Sack 25 Bag 1 %
Large Brown Sack 25 Bag 1 %
Large Green Sack 25 Bag 1 %
Large Green Sack 25 Bag
Large Blue Sack 25 Bag
Pustulant Spinal Fluid 0 Quest
Haal'eshi Jerkin 84 Leather 1 %
Sunroc Waistband 96 Leather 1 %
Haal'eshi Gloves 84 Leather 1 %
Haal'eshi Boots 84 Leather 1 %
Large Red Sack 25 Bag

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