

Name ILVL Req. Type
Signet of Twilight 284 80 Finger
Returning Footfalls 284 80 Feet
Apocalypse's Advance 284 80 Feet
Treads of Impending Resurrection 284 80 Feet
Umbrage Armbands 284 80 Wrist
Penumbra Pendant 284 80 Neck
Bracers of Fiery Night 284 80 Wrist
Cloak of Burning Dusk 284 80 Cloak
Phaseshifter's Bracers 284 80 Wrist
Ring of Phased Regeneration 284 80 Finger
Foreshadow Steps 284 80 Feet
Split Shape Belt 284 80 Waist
Charred Twilight Scale 284 80 Trinket
Glowing Twilight Scale 284 80 Trinket
Sharpened Twilight Scale 284 80 Trinket
Petrified Twilight Scale 284 80 Trinket
Dislodged Foreign Object 277 80 Trinket
Corpse Tongue Coin 277 80 Trinket
Deathbringer's Will 277 80 Trinket
Sindragosa's Flawless Fang 277 80 Trinket
Phylactery of the Nameless Lich 277 80 Trinket
Althor's Abacus 277 80 Trinket
Ashen Band of Endless Destruction 277 80 Finger
Ashen Band of Endless Wisdom 277 80 Finger
Ashen Band of Endless Vengeance 277 80 Finger
Ashen Band of Endless Courage 277 80 Finger
Band of the Bone Colossus 277 80 Finger
Snowserpent Mail Helm 277 80 Head
Gendarme's Cuirass 277 80 Chest
Frostbitten Fur Boots 277 80 Feet
Bone Sentinel's Amulet 277 80 Neck
Marrowgar's Frigid Eye 277 80 Finger
Bracers of Dark Reckoning 277 80 Wrist
Legguards of Lost Hope 277 80 Legs
Crushing Coldwraith Belt 277 80 Waist
Loop of the Endless Labyrinth 277 80 Finger
Handguards of Winter's Respite 277 80 Hands
Bulwark of Smouldering Steel 277 80 Shield
Rusted Bonespike Pauldrons 277 80 Shoulders
Frostbrood Sapphire Ring 277 80 Finger
Anub'ar Stalker's Gloves 277 80 Hands
Coldwraith Links 277 80 Waist
Devium's Eternally Cold Ring 277 80 Finger
Leggings of Dying Candles 277 80 Legs
Scourge Reaver's Legplates 277 80 Legs
Grinning Skull Greatboots 277 80 Feet
Snowstorm Helm 277 80 Head
Noose of Malachite 277 80 Neck
Frostbinder's Shredded Cape 277 80 Cloak
Robe of the Waking Nightmare 277 80 Chest
Bracers of Eternal Dreaming 277 80 Wrist
Boots of the Funeral March 277 80 Feet
Sindragosa's Cruel Claw 277 80 Neck
Sundial of Eternal Dusk 277 80 Held In Off-hand
Memory of Malygos 277 80 Finger
Blood-Soaked Saronite Stompers 277 80 Feet
Broken Ram Skull Helm 277 80 Head
Juggernaut Band 277 80 Finger
Shoulders of Mercy Killing 277 80 Shoulders
Ring of Maddening Whispers 277 80 Finger
Leggings of Northern Lights 277 80 Legs
Cultist's Bloodsoaked Spaulders 277 80 Shoulders
Ahn'kahar Onyx Neckguard 277 80 Neck
Deathwhisper Raiment 277 80 Chest
Fallen Lord's Handguards 277 80 Hands
The Lady's Brittle Bracers 277 80 Wrist
Necrophotic Greaves 277 80 Feet
Shadowvault Slayer's Cloak 277 80 Cloak
Scourge Hunter's Vambraces 277 80 Wrist
Ikfirus's Sack of Wonder 277 80 Chest
Skeleton Lord's Circle 277 80 Finger
Amulet of the Silent Eulogy 277 80 Neck
Polar Bear Claw Bracers 277 80 Wrist
Boneguard Commander's Pauldrons 277 80 Shoulders
Corp'rethar Ceremonial Crown 277 80 Head
Gunship Captain's Mittens 277 80 Hands
Ring of Rapid Ascent 277 80 Finger
Boots of Unnatural Growth 277 80 Feet
Waistband of Righteous Fury 277 80 Waist
Greatcloak of the Turned Champion 277 80 Cloak
Toskk's Maximized Wristguards 277 80 Wrist
Belt of the Blood Nova 277 80 Waist
Dual-Bladed Pauldrons 277 80 Shoulders
Raging Behemoth's Shoulderplates 277 80 Shoulders
Aldriana's Gloves of Secrecy 277 80 Hands
Winding Sheet 277 80 Cloak
Seal of Many Mouths 277 80 Finger
Helm of the Elder Moon 277 80 Head
Rot-Resistant Breastplate 277 80 Chest
Blightborne Warplate 277 80 Chest
Bile-Encrusted Medallion 277 80 Neck
Death Surgeon's Sleeves 277 80 Wrist
Bloodsunder's Bracers 277 80 Wrist
Nerub'ar Stalker's Cord 277 80 Waist
Carapace of Forgotten Kings 277 80 Chest
Fleshrending Gauntlets 277 80 Hands
Belt of Broken Bones 277 80 Waist
Might of Blight 277 80 Finger
Plaguebringer's Stained Pants 277 80 Legs
Leather of Stitched Scourge Parts 277 80 Legs
Gangrenous Leggings 277 80 Legs
Horrific Flesh Epaulets 277 80 Shoulders
Plague Scientist's Boots 277 80 Feet
Holiday's Grace 277 80 Neck
Faceplate of the Forgotten 277 80 Head
Lingering Illness 277 80 Waist
Unclean Surgical Gloves 277 80 Hands
Professor's Bloodied Smock 277 80 Waist
Tiny Abomination in a Jar 277 80 Trinket
Astrylian's Sutured Cinch 277 80 Waist
Treads of the Wasteland 277 80 Feet
Landsoul's Horned Greathelm 277 80 Head
Geistlord's Punishment Sack 277 80 Head
Valanar's Other Signet Ring 277 80 Finger
Shoulders of Frost-Tipped Thorns 277 80 Shoulders
Taldaram's Plated Fists 277 80 Hands
Sanguine Silk Robes 277 80 Chest
Royal Crimson Cloak 277 80 Cloak
Shadow Silk Spindle 277 80 Held In Off-hand
Incarnadine Band of Mending 277 80 Finger
Crypt Keeper's Bracers 277 80 Wrist
San'layn Ritualist Gloves 277 80 Hands
Mail of Crimson Coins 277 80 Chest
Blood Queen's Crimson Choker 277 80 Neck
Bauble of True Blood 277 80 Trinket
Lana'thel's Chain of Flagellation 277 80 Neck
Icecrown Glacial Wall 277 80 Shield
Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Breastplate 277 80 Chest
Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Greathelm 277 80 Head
Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Handguards 277 80 Hands
Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Legguards 277 80 Legs
Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Pauldrons 277 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Battleplate 277 80 Chest
Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Gauntlets 277 80 Hands
Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Helmet 277 80 Head
Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Legplates 277 80 Legs
Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Shoulderplates 277 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Dark Coven Gloves 277 80 Hands
Sanctified Dark Coven Hood 277 80 Head
Sanctified Dark Coven Leggings 277 80 Legs
Sanctified Dark Coven Robe 277 80 Chest
Sanctified Dark Coven Shoulderpads 277 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Frost Witch's Shoulderpads 277 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Frost Witch's Kilt 277 80 Legs
Sanctified Frost Witch's Helm 277 80 Head
Sanctified Frost Witch's Gloves 277 80 Hands
Sanctified Frost Witch's Hauberk 277 80 Chest
Sanctified Frost Witch's Shoulderguards 277 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Frost Witch's War-Kilt 277 80 Legs
Sanctified Frost Witch's Faceguard 277 80 Head
Sanctified Frost Witch's Grips 277 80 Hands
Sanctified Frost Witch's Chestguard 277 80 Chest
Sanctified Frost Witch's Spaulders 277 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Frost Witch's Legguards 277 80 Legs
Sanctified Frost Witch's Headpiece 277 80 Head
Sanctified Frost Witch's Handguards 277 80 Hands
Sanctified Frost Witch's Tunic 277 80 Chest
Sanctified Shadowblade Breastplate 277 80 Chest
Sanctified Shadowblade Gauntlets 277 80 Hands
Sanctified Shadowblade Helmet 277 80 Head
Sanctified Shadowblade Legplates 277 80 Legs
Sanctified Shadowblade Pauldrons 277 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Cowl 277 80 Head
Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Handwraps 277 80 Hands
Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Mantle 277 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Pants 277 80 Legs
Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Raiments 277 80 Chest
Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Gloves 277 80 Hands
Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Hood 277 80 Head
Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Leggings 277 80 Legs
Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Robe 277 80 Chest
Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Shoulderpads 277 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Lightsworn Chestguard 277 80 Chest
Sanctified Lightsworn Faceguard 277 80 Head
Sanctified Lightsworn Handguards 277 80 Hands
Sanctified Lightsworn Legguards 277 80 Legs
Sanctified Lightsworn Shoulderguards 277 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Lightsworn Gloves 277 80 Hands
Sanctified Lightsworn Greaves 277 80 Legs
Sanctified Lightsworn Headpiece 277 80 Head
Sanctified Lightsworn Spaulders 277 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Lightsworn Tunic 277 80 Chest
Sanctified Lightsworn Battleplate 277 80 Chest
Sanctified Lightsworn Gauntlets 277 80 Hands
Sanctified Lightsworn Helmet 277 80 Head
Sanctified Lightsworn Legplates 277 80 Legs
Sanctified Lightsworn Shoulderplates 277 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Bloodmage Gloves 277 80 Hands
Sanctified Bloodmage Hood 277 80 Head
Sanctified Bloodmage Leggings 277 80 Legs
Sanctified Bloodmage Robe 277 80 Chest
Sanctified Bloodmage Shoulderpads 277 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Handguards 277 80 Hands
Sanctified Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Headpiece 277 80 Head
Sanctified Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Legguards 277 80 Legs
Sanctified Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Spaulders 277 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Tunic 277 80 Chest
Sanctified Lasherweave Cover 277 80 Head
Sanctified Lasherweave Gloves 277 80 Hands
Sanctified Lasherweave Mantle 277 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Lasherweave Trousers 277 80 Legs
Sanctified Lasherweave Vestment 277 80 Chest
Sanctified Lasherweave Handgrips 277 80 Hands
Sanctified Lasherweave Headguard 277 80 Head
Sanctified Lasherweave Legguards 277 80 Legs
Sanctified Lasherweave Raiment 277 80 Chest
Sanctified Lasherweave Shoulderpads 277 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Lasherweave Robes 277 80 Chest
Sanctified Lasherweave Gauntlets 277 80 Hands
Sanctified Lasherweave Helmet 277 80 Head
Sanctified Lasherweave Legplates 277 80 Legs
Sanctified Lasherweave Pauldrons 277 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Scourgelord Chestguard 277 80 Chest
Sanctified Scourgelord Faceguard 277 80 Head
Sanctified Scourgelord Handguards 277 80 Hands
Sanctified Scourgelord Legguards 277 80 Legs
Sanctified Scourgelord Pauldrons 277 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Scourgelord Battleplate 277 80 Chest
Sanctified Scourgelord Gauntlets 277 80 Hands
Sanctified Scourgelord Helmet 277 80 Head
Sanctified Scourgelord Legplates 277 80 Legs
Sanctified Scourgelord Shoulderplates 277 80 Shoulders
Ashen Band of Endless Might 277 1 Finger
Vereesa's Dexterity 272 80 Cloak
Sylvanas' Cunning 272 80 Cloak
Varian's Furor 272 80 Cloak
Garrosh's Rage 272 80 Cloak
Magni's Resolution 272 80 Cloak
Cairne's Endurance 272 80 Cloak
Aethas' Intensity 272 80 Cloak
Jaina's Radiance 272 80 Cloak
Bolvar's Devotion 272 80 Cloak
Lady Liadrin's Conviction 272 80 Cloak
Apocalypse's Advance 271 80 Feet
Umbrage Armbands 271 80 Wrist
Returning Footfalls 271 80 Feet
Treads of Impending Resurrection 271 80 Feet
Penumbra Pendant 271 80 Neck
Signet of Twilight 271 80 Finger
Phaseshifter's Bracers 271 80 Wrist
Bracers of Fiery Night 271 80 Wrist
Foreshadow Steps 271 80 Feet
Split Shape Belt 271 80 Waist
Cloak of Burning Dusk 271 80 Cloak
Ring of Phased Regeneration 271 80 Finger
Abduction's Cover 271 80 Cloak
Baltharus' Gift 271 80 Neck
Boots of Divided Being 271 80 Feet
Bracers of the Heir 271 80 Wrist
Changeling Gloves 271 80 Hands
Gloaming Sark 271 80 Chest
Misbegotten Belt 271 80 Waist
Saviana's Tribute 271 80 Finger
Scion's Treads 271 80 Feet
Surrogate Belt 271 80 Waist
Twilight Scale Shoulders 271 80 Shoulders
Zarithrian's Offering 271 80 Finger
Sharpened Twilight Scale 271 80 Trinket
Petrified Twilight Scale 271 80 Trinket
Charred Twilight Scale 271 80 Trinket
Glowing Twilight Scale 271 80 Trinket
Wrathful Gladiator's Endgame 270 80 Held In Off-hand
Wrathful Gladiator's Compendium 270 80 Held In Off-hand
Wrathful Gladiator's Grimoire 270 80 Held In Off-hand
Wrathful Gladiator's Reprieve 270 80 Held In Off-hand
Wrathful Gladiator's Dreadplate Chestpiece 270 80 Chest
Wrathful Gladiator's Dreadplate Gauntlets 270 80 Hands
Wrathful Gladiator's Dreadplate Helm 270 80 Head
Wrathful Gladiator's Dreadplate Legguards 270 80 Legs
Wrathful Gladiator's Sigil of Strife 270 80 Relic
Wrathful Gladiator's Dreadplate Shoulders 270 80 Shoulders
Wrathful Gladiator's Kodohide Robes 270 80 Chest
Wrathful Gladiator's Kodohide Gloves 270 80 Hands
Wrathful Gladiator's Kodohide Helm 270 80 Head
Wrathful Gladiator's Kodohide Legguards 270 80 Legs
Wrathful Gladiator's Idol of Tenacity 270 80 Relic
Wrathful Gladiator's Kodohide Spaulders 270 80 Shoulders
Wrathful Gladiator's Dragonhide Robes 270 80 Chest
Wrathful Gladiator's Dragonhide Gloves 270 80 Hands
Wrathful Gladiator's Dragonhide Helm 270 80 Head
Wrathful Gladiator's Dragonhide Legguards 270 80 Legs
Wrathful Gladiator's Idol of Resolve 270 80 Relic
Wrathful Gladiator's Dragonhide Spaulders 270 80 Shoulders
Wrathful Gladiator's Wyrmhide Robes 270 80 Chest
Wrathful Gladiator's Wyrmhide Gloves 270 80 Hands
Wrathful Gladiator's Wyrmhide Helm 270 80 Head
Wrathful Gladiator's Wyrmhide Legguards 270 80 Legs
Wrathful Gladiator's Idol of Steadfastness 270 80 Relic
Wrathful Gladiator's Wyrmhide Spaulders 270 80 Shoulders
Wrathful Gladiator's Barrier 270 80 Shield
Wrathful Gladiator's Redoubt 270 80 Shield
Wrathful Gladiator's Chain Armor 270 80 Chest
Wrathful Gladiator's Chain Gauntlets 270 80 Hands
Wrathful Gladiator's Chain Helm 270 80 Head
Wrathful Gladiator's Chain Leggings 270 80 Legs
Wrathful Gladiator's Chain Spaulders 270 80 Shoulders
Wrathful Gladiator's Silk Raiment 270 80 Chest
Wrathful Gladiator's Silk Handguards 270 80 Hands
Wrathful Gladiator's Silk Cowl 270 80 Head
Wrathful Gladiator's Silk Trousers 270 80 Legs
Wrathful Gladiator's Silk Amice 270 80 Shoulders
Wrathful Gladiator's Ornamented Chestguard 270 80 Chest
Wrathful Gladiator's Ornamented Gloves 270 80 Hands
Wrathful Gladiator's Ornamented Headcover 270 80 Head
Wrathful Gladiator's Ornamented Legplates 270 80 Legs
Wrathful Gladiator's Libram of Justice 270 80 Relic
Wrathful Gladiator's Ornamented Spaulders 270 80 Shoulders
Wrathful Gladiator's Scaled Chestpiece 270 80 Chest
Wrathful Gladiator's Scaled Gauntlets 270 80 Hands
Wrathful Gladiator's Scaled Helm 270 80 Head
Wrathful Gladiator's Scaled Legguards 270 80 Legs
Wrathful Gladiator's Libram of Fortitude 270 80 Relic
Wrathful Gladiator's Scaled Shoulders 270 80 Shoulders
Wrathful Gladiator's Mooncloth Robe 270 80 Chest
Wrathful Gladiator's Mooncloth Gloves 270 80 Hands
Wrathful Gladiator's Mooncloth Hood 270 80 Head
Wrathful Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings 270 80 Legs
Wrathful Gladiator's Mooncloth Mantle 270 80 Shoulders
Wrathful Gladiator's Satin Robe 270 80 Chest
Wrathful Gladiator's Satin Gloves 270 80 Hands
Wrathful Gladiator's Satin Hood 270 80 Head
Wrathful Gladiator's Satin Leggings 270 80 Legs
Wrathful Gladiator's Satin Mantle 270 80 Shoulders
Wrathful Gladiator's Leather Tunic 270 80 Chest
Wrathful Gladiator's Leather Gloves 270 80 Hands
Wrathful Gladiator's Leather Helm 270 80 Head
Wrathful Gladiator's Leather Legguards 270 80 Legs
Wrathful Gladiator's Leather Spaulders 270 80 Shoulders
Wrathful Gladiator's Ringmail Armor 270 80 Chest
Wrathful Gladiator's Ringmail Gauntlets 270 80 Hands
Wrathful Gladiator's Ringmail Helm 270 80 Head
Wrathful Gladiator's Ringmail Leggings 270 80 Legs
Wrathful Gladiator's Totem of the Third Wind 270 80 Relic
Wrathful Gladiator's Ringmail Spaulders 270 80 Shoulders
Wrathful Gladiator's Linked Armor 270 80 Chest
Wrathful Gladiator's Linked Gauntlets 270 80 Hands
Wrathful Gladiator's Linked Helm 270 80 Head
Wrathful Gladiator's Linked Leggings 270 80 Legs
Wrathful Gladiator's Totem of Indomitability 270 80 Relic
Wrathful Gladiator's Linked Spaulders 270 80 Shoulders
Wrathful Gladiator's Mail Armor 270 80 Chest
Wrathful Gladiator's Mail Gauntlets 270 80 Hands
Wrathful Gladiator's Mail Helm 270 80 Head
Wrathful Gladiator's Mail Leggings 270 80 Legs
Wrathful Gladiator's Totem of Survival 270 80 Relic
Wrathful Gladiator's Mail Spaulders 270 80 Shoulders
Wrathful Gladiator's Shield Wall 270 80 Shield
Wrathful Gladiator's Felweave Raiment 270 80 Chest
Wrathful Gladiator's Felweave Handguards 270 80 Hands
Wrathful Gladiator's Felweave Cowl 270 80 Head
Wrathful Gladiator's Felweave Trousers 270 80 Legs
Wrathful Gladiator's Felweave Amice 270 80 Shoulders
Wrathful Gladiator's Plate Chestpiece 270 80 Chest
Wrathful Gladiator's Plate Gauntlets 270 80 Hands
Wrathful Gladiator's Plate Helm 270 80 Head
Wrathful Gladiator's Plate Legguards 270 80 Legs
Wrathful Gladiator's Plate Shoulders 270 80 Shoulders
Ashen Band of Unmatched Destruction 268 80 Finger
Ashen Band of Unmatched Wisdom 268 80 Finger
Ashen Band of Unmatched Vengeance 268 80 Finger
Ashen Band of Unmatched Courage 268 80 Finger
Ashen Band of Unmatched Might 268 1 Finger
Deathfrost Boots 264 80 Feet
Leggings of Woven Death 264 80 Legs
Lightweave Leggings 264 80 Legs
Sandals of Consecration 264 80 Feet
Blessed Cenarion Boots 264 80 Feet
Footpads of Impending Death 264 80 Feet
Earthsoul Boots 264 80 Feet
Rock-Steady Treads 264 80 Feet
Legwraps of Unleashed Nature 264 80 Legs
Bladeborn Leggings 264 80 Legs
Lightning-Infused Leggings 264 80 Legs
Draconic Bonesplinter Legguards 264 80 Legs
Puresteel Legplates 264 80 Legs
Legplates of Painful Death 264 80 Legs
Pillars of Might 264 80 Legs
Protectors of Life 264 80 Feet
Hellfrozen Bonegrinders 264 80 Feet
Boots of Kingly Upheaval 264 80 Feet
Band of the Bone Colossus 264 80 Finger
Frostbitten Fur Boots 264 80 Feet
Gendarme's Cuirass 264 80 Chest
Snowserpent Mail Helm 264 80 Head
Bracers of Dark Reckoning 264 80 Wrist
Legguards of Lost Hope 264 80 Legs
Marrowgar's Frigid Eye 264 80 Finger
Bone Sentinel's Amulet 264 80 Neck
Bulwark of Smouldering Steel 264 80 Shield
Loop of the Endless Labyrinth 264 80 Finger
Crushing Coldwraith Belt 264 80 Waist
Handguards of Winter's Respite 264 80 Hands
Rusted Bonespike Pauldrons 264 80 Shoulders
Blood-Soaked Saronite Stompers 264 80 Feet
Juggernaut Band 264 80 Finger
Broken Ram Skull Helm 264 80 Head
Cultist's Bloodsoaked Spaulders 264 80 Shoulders
Leggings of Northern Lights 264 80 Legs
Ahn'kahar Onyx Neckguard 264 80 Neck
Ring of Maddening Whispers 264 80 Finger
Shoulders of Mercy Killing 264 80 Shoulders
Necrophotic Greaves 264 80 Feet
The Lady's Brittle Bracers 264 80 Wrist
Fallen Lord's Handguards 264 80 Hands
Deathwhisper Raiment 264 80 Chest
Shadowvault Slayer's Cloak 264 80 Cloak
Skeleton Lord's Circle 264 80 Finger
Scourge Hunter's Vambraces 264 80 Wrist
Ikfirus's Sack of Wonder 264 80 Chest
Polar Bear Claw Bracers 264 80 Wrist
Boneguard Commander's Pauldrons 264 80 Shoulders
Amulet of the Silent Eulogy 264 80 Neck
Corp'rethar Ceremonial Crown 264 80 Head
Ring of Rapid Ascent 264 80 Finger
Boots of Unnatural Growth 264 80 Feet
Waistband of Righteous Fury 264 80 Waist
Gunship Captain's Mittens 264 80 Hands
Greatcloak of the Turned Champion 264 80 Cloak
Belt of the Blood Nova 264 80 Waist
Winding Sheet 264 80 Cloak
Raging Behemoth's Shoulderplates 264 80 Shoulders
Aldriana's Gloves of Secrecy 264 80 Hands
Dual-Bladed Pauldrons 264 80 Shoulders
Bile-Encrusted Medallion 264 80 Neck
Blightborne Warplate 264 80 Chest
Seal of Many Mouths 264 80 Finger
Helm of the Elder Moon 264 80 Head
Rot-Resistant Breastplate 264 80 Chest
Bloodsunder's Bracers 264 80 Wrist
Death Surgeon's Sleeves 264 80 Wrist
Belt of Broken Bones 264 80 Waist
Fleshrending Gauntlets 264 80 Hands
Carapace of Forgotten Kings 264 80 Chest
Leather of Stitched Scourge Parts 264 80 Legs
Gangrenous Leggings 264 80 Legs
Plaguebringer's Stained Pants 264 80 Legs
Horrific Flesh Epaulets 264 80 Shoulders
Faceplate of the Forgotten 264 80 Head
Holiday's Grace 264 80 Neck
Plague Scientist's Boots 264 80 Feet
Lingering Illness 264 80 Waist
Unclean Surgical Gloves 264 80 Hands
Icecrown Glacial Wall 264 80 Shield
Astrylian's Sutured Cinch 264 80 Waist
Professor's Bloodied Smock 264 80 Waist
Treads of the Wasteland 264 80 Feet
Landsoul's Horned Greathelm 264 80 Head
Geistlord's Punishment Sack 264 80 Head
Royal Crimson Cloak 264 80 Cloak
Taldaram's Plated Fists 264 80 Hands
Valanar's Other Signet Ring 264 80 Finger
Shoulders of Frost-Tipped Thorns 264 80 Shoulders
Sanguine Silk Robes 264 80 Chest
Shadow Silk Spindle 264 80 Held In Off-hand
Incarnadine Band of Mending 264 80 Finger
Crypt Keeper's Bracers 264 80 Wrist
San'layn Ritualist Gloves 264 80 Hands
Mail of Crimson Coins 264 80 Chest
Lana'thel's Chain of Flagellation 264 80 Neck
Blood Queen's Crimson Choker 264 80 Neck
Devium's Eternally Cold Ring 264 80 Finger
Frostbrood Sapphire Ring 264 80 Finger
Coldwraith Links 264 80 Waist
Anub'ar Stalker's Gloves 264 80 Hands
Grinning Skull Greatboots 264 80 Feet
Scourge Reaver's Legplates 264 80 Legs
Noose of Malachite 264 80 Neck
Leggings of Dying Candles 264 80 Legs
Snowstorm Helm 264 80 Head
Frostbinder's Shredded Cape 264 80 Cloak
Toskk's Maximized Wristguards 264 80 Wrist
Whispering Fanged Skull 264 80 Trinket
Unidentifiable Organ 264 80 Trinket
Muradin's Spyglass 264 80 Trinket
Sliver of Pure Ice 264 80 Trinket
Tiny Abomination in a Jar 264 80 Trinket
Corpse Tongue Coin 264 80 Trinket
Dislodged Foreign Object 264 80 Trinket
Bauble of True Blood 264 80 Trinket
Herkuml War Token 264 80 Trinket
Corroded Skeleton Key 264 80 Trinket
Maghia's Misguided Quill 264 80 Trinket
Purified Lunar Dust 264 80 Trinket
Althor's Abacus 264 80 Trinket
Phylactery of the Nameless Lich 264 80 Trinket
Sindragosa's Flawless Fang 264 80 Trinket
Deathbringer's Will 264 80 Trinket
Nerub'ar Stalker's Cord 264 80 Waist
Might of Blight 264 80 Finger
Boots of the Funeral March 264 80 Feet
Bracers of Eternal Dreaming 264 80 Wrist
Robe of the Waking Nightmare 264 80 Chest
Sindragosa's Cruel Claw 264 80 Neck
Sundial of Eternal Dusk 264 80 Held In Off-hand
Memory of Malygos 264 80 Finger
Harbinger's Bone Band 264 80 Finger
Stiffened Corpse Shoulderpads 264 80 Shoulders
Leggings of Dubious Charms 264 80 Legs
Belt of the Lonely Noble 264 80 Waist
Wodin's Lucky Necklace 264 80 Neck
Ring of Rotting Sinew 264 80 Finger
Idol of the Black Willow 264 80 Relic
Libram of Three Truths 264 80 Relic
Idol of the Crying Moon 264 80 Relic
Idol of the Lunar Eclipse 264 80 Relic
Bizuri's Totem of Shattered Ice 264 80 Relic
Sigil of the Hanged Man 264 80 Relic
Libram of Blinding Light 264 80 Relic
Libram of the Eternal Tower 264 80 Relic
Sigil of the Bone Gryphon 264 80 Relic
Totem of the Avalanche 264 80 Relic
Totem of the Surging Sea 264 80 Relic
Sentinel's Winter Cloak 264 80 Cloak
Might of the Ocean Serpent 264 80 Cloak
Drape of the Violet Tower 264 80 Cloak
Volde's Cloak of the Night Sky 264 80 Cloak
Recovered Scarlet Onslaught Cape 264 80 Cloak
Castle Breaker's Battleplate 264 80 Chest
Cataclysmic Chestguard 264 80 Chest
Chestplate of Unspoken Truths 264 80 Chest
Longstrider's Vest 264 80 Chest
Mail of the Geyser 264 80 Chest
Shadow Seeker's Tunic 264 80 Chest
Vestments of Spruce and Fir 264 80 Chest
Meteor Chaser's Raiment 264 80 Chest
Ermine Coronation Robes 264 80 Chest
Gauntlets of Overexposure 264 80 Hands
Gatecrasher's Gauntlets 264 80 Hands
Gauntlets of the Kraken 264 80 Hands
Logsplitters 264 80 Hands
Blizzard Keeper's Mitts 264 80 Hands
Gloves of the Great Horned Owl 264 80 Hands
Cat Burglar's Grips 264 80 Hands
Gloves of False Gestures 264 80 Hands
Gloves of Ambivalence 264 80 Hands
Malevolent Girdle 264 80 Waist
Lich Killer's Lanyard 264 80 Waist
Verdigris Chain Belt 264 80 Waist
Waistband of Despair 264 80 Waist
Band of the Night Raven 264 80 Waist
Belt of Petrified Ivy 264 80 Waist
Vengeful Noose 264 80 Waist
Belt of Omission 264 80 Waist
Circle of Ossus 264 80 Waist
Sanctified Scourgelord Shoulderplates 264 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Scourgelord Legplates 264 80 Legs
Sanctified Scourgelord Helmet 264 80 Head
Sanctified Scourgelord Gauntlets 264 80 Hands
Sanctified Scourgelord Battleplate 264 80 Chest
Sanctified Scourgelord Pauldrons 264 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Scourgelord Legguards 264 80 Legs
Sanctified Scourgelord Handguards 264 80 Hands
Sanctified Scourgelord Faceguard 264 80 Head
Sanctified Scourgelord Chestguard 264 80 Chest
Sanctified Lasherweave Pauldrons 264 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Lasherweave Legplates 264 80 Legs
Sanctified Lasherweave Helmet 264 80 Head
Sanctified Lasherweave Gauntlets 264 80 Hands
Sanctified Lasherweave Robes 264 80 Chest
Sanctified Lasherweave Shoulderpads 264 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Lasherweave Raiment 264 80 Chest
Sanctified Lasherweave Legguards 264 80 Legs
Sanctified Lasherweave Headguard 264 80 Head
Sanctified Lasherweave Handgrips 264 80 Hands
Sanctified Lasherweave Vestment 264 80 Chest
Sanctified Lasherweave Trousers 264 80 Legs
Sanctified Lasherweave Mantle 264 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Lasherweave Gloves 264 80 Hands
Sanctified Lasherweave Cover 264 80 Head
Sanctified Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Tunic 264 80 Chest
Sanctified Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Spaulders 264 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Legguards 264 80 Legs
Sanctified Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Headpiece 264 80 Head
Sanctified Ahn'Kahar Blood Hunter's Handguards 264 80 Hands
Sanctified Bloodmage Shoulderpads 264 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Bloodmage Robe 264 80 Chest
Sanctified Bloodmage Leggings 264 80 Legs
Sanctified Bloodmage Hood 264 80 Head
Sanctified Bloodmage Gloves 264 80 Hands
Sanctified Lightsworn Shoulderplates 264 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Lightsworn Legplates 264 80 Legs
Sanctified Lightsworn Helmet 264 80 Head
Sanctified Lightsworn Gauntlets 264 80 Hands
Sanctified Lightsworn Battleplate 264 80 Chest
Sanctified Lightsworn Tunic 264 80 Chest
Sanctified Lightsworn Spaulders 264 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Lightsworn Headpiece 264 80 Head
Sanctified Lightsworn Greaves 264 80 Legs
Sanctified Lightsworn Gloves 264 80 Hands
Sanctified Lightsworn Shoulderguards 264 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Lightsworn Legguards 264 80 Legs
Sanctified Lightsworn Handguards 264 80 Hands
Sanctified Lightsworn Faceguard 264 80 Head
Sanctified Lightsworn Chestguard 264 80 Chest
Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Shoulderpads 264 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Robe 264 80 Chest
Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Leggings 264 80 Legs
Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Hood 264 80 Head
Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Gloves 264 80 Hands
Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Raiments 264 80 Chest
Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Pants 264 80 Legs
Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Mantle 264 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Handwraps 264 80 Hands
Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Cowl 264 80 Head
Sanctified Shadowblade Pauldrons 264 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Shadowblade Legplates 264 80 Legs
Sanctified Shadowblade Helmet 264 80 Head
Sanctified Shadowblade Gauntlets 264 80 Hands
Sanctified Shadowblade Breastplate 264 80 Chest
Sanctified Frost Witch's Tunic 264 80 Chest
Sanctified Frost Witch's Handguards 264 80 Hands
Sanctified Frost Witch's Headpiece 264 80 Head
Sanctified Frost Witch's Legguards 264 80 Legs
Sanctified Frost Witch's Spaulders 264 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Frost Witch's Chestguard 264 80 Chest
Sanctified Frost Witch's Grips 264 80 Hands
Sanctified Frost Witch's Faceguard 264 80 Head
Sanctified Frost Witch's War-Kilt 264 80 Legs
Sanctified Frost Witch's Shoulderguards 264 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Frost Witch's Hauberk 264 80 Chest
Sanctified Frost Witch's Gloves 264 80 Hands
Sanctified Frost Witch's Helm 264 80 Head
Sanctified Frost Witch's Kilt 264 80 Legs
Sanctified Frost Witch's Shoulderpads 264 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Dark Coven Shoulderpads 264 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Dark Coven Robe 264 80 Chest
Sanctified Dark Coven Leggings 264 80 Legs
Sanctified Dark Coven Hood 264 80 Head
Sanctified Dark Coven Gloves 264 80 Hands
Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Shoulderplates 264 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Legplates 264 80 Legs
Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Helmet 264 80 Head
Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Gauntlets 264 80 Hands
Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Battleplate 264 80 Chest
Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Pauldrons 264 80 Shoulders
Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Legguards 264 80 Legs
Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Handguards 264 80 Hands
Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Greathelm 264 80 Head
Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Breastplate 264 80 Chest
Wrathful Gladiator's Cord of Dominance 264 80 Waist
Wrathful Gladiator's Treads of Dominance 264 80 Feet
Wrathful Gladiator's Cuffs of Dominance 264 80 Wrist
Wrathful Gladiator's Cloak of Dominance 264 80 Cloak
Wrathful Gladiator's Pendant of Dominance 264 80 Neck
Wrathful Gladiator's Cloak of Subjugation 264 80 Cloak
Wrathful Gladiator's Pendant of Subjugation 264 80 Neck
Wrathful Gladiator's Cloak of Ascendancy 264 80 Cloak
Wrathful Gladiator's Pendant of Ascendancy 264 80 Neck
Wrathful Gladiator's Band of Dominance 264 80 Finger
Wrathful Gladiator's Cord of Alacrity 264 80 Waist
Wrathful Gladiator's Treads of Alacrity 264 80 Feet
Wrathful Gladiator's Cuffs of Alacrity 264 80 Wrist
Wrathful Gladiator's Belt of Salvation 264 80 Waist
Wrathful Gladiator's Boots of Salvation 264 80 Feet
Wrathful Gladiator's Armwraps of Salvation 264 80 Wrist
Wrathful Gladiator's Belt of Dominance 264 80 Waist
Wrathful Gladiator's Boots of Dominance 264 80 Feet
Wrathful Gladiator's Armwraps of Dominance 264 80 Wrist
Wrathful Gladiator's Cloak of Salvation 264 80 Cloak
Wrathful Gladiator's Pendant of Salvation 264 80 Neck
Wrathful Gladiator's Cloak of Deliverance 264 80 Cloak
Wrathful Gladiator's Pendant of Deliverance 264 80 Neck
Wrathful Gladiator's Waistguard of Triumph 264 80 Waist
Wrathful Gladiator's Sabatons of Triumph 264 80 Feet
Wrathful Gladiator's Wristguards of Triumph 264 80 Wrist
Wrathful Gladiator's Pendant of Sundering 264 80 Neck
Wrathful Gladiator's Cloak of Triumph 264 80 Cloak
Wrathful Gladiator's Pendant of Triumph 264 80 Neck
Wrathful Gladiator's Cloak of Victory 264 80 Cloak
Wrathful Gladiator's Pendant of Victory 264 80 Neck
Wrathful Gladiator's Band of Triumph 264 80 Finger
Wrathful Gladiator's Girdle of Salvation 264 80 Waist
Wrathful Gladiator's Greaves of Salvation 264 80 Feet
Wrathful Gladiator's Bracers of Salvation 264 80 Wrist
Wrathful Gladiator's Girdle of Triumph 264 80 Waist
Wrathful Gladiator's Greaves of Triumph 264 80 Feet
Wrathful Gladiator's Bracers of Triumph 264 80 Wrist
Wrathful Gladiator's Cord of Salvation 264 80 Waist
Wrathful Gladiator's Treads of Salvation 264 80 Feet
Wrathful Gladiator's Cuffs of Salvation 264 80 Wrist
Wrathful Gladiator's Belt of Triumph 264 80 Waist
Wrathful Gladiator's Boots of Triumph 264 80 Feet
Wrathful Gladiator's Armwraps of Triumph 264 80 Wrist
Wrathful Gladiator's Waistguard of Salvation 264 80 Waist
Wrathful Gladiator's Sabatons of Salvation 264 80 Feet
Wrathful Gladiator's Wristguards of Salvation 264 80 Wrist
Wrathful Gladiator's Waistguard of Dominance 264 80 Waist
Wrathful Gladiator's Sabatons of Dominance 264 80 Feet
Wrathful Gladiator's Wristguards of Dominance 264 80 Wrist
Medallion of the Alliance 264 80 Trinket
Medallion of the Horde 264 80 Trinket
Shoulderguards of Crystalline Bone 264 80 Shoulders
Lost Pavise of the Blue Flight 264 80 Shield
Robes of Azure Downfall 264 80 Chest
Icicle Shapers 264 80 Hands
Scourge Fanged Stompers 264 80 Feet
Legplates of Aetheric Strife 264 80 Legs
Wyrmwing Treads 264 80 Feet
Vambraces of the Frost Wyrm Queen 264 80 Wrist
Etched Dragonbone Girdle 264 80 Waist
Rimetooth Pendant 264 80 Neck
Leggings of the Refracted Mind 264 80 Legs
Emerald Saint's Spaulders 264 80 Shoulders
Sister Svalna's Spangenhelm 264 80 Head
Lich Wrappings 264 80 Cloak
Stormbringer Gloves 264 80 Hands
Legguards of the Twisted Dream 264 80 Legs
Skinned Whelp Shoulders 264 80 Shoulders
Ironrope Belt of Ymirjar 264 80 Waist
Taiga Bindings 264 80 Wrist
Veincrusher Gauntlets 264 80 Hands
Tightening Waistband 264 80 Waist
Cowl of Malefic Repose 264 80 Head
Shoulderpads of the Searing Kiss 264 80 Shoulders
Chestguard of Siphoned Elements 264 80 Chest
Ivory-Inlaid Leggings 264 80 Legs
Collar of Haughty Disdain 264 80 Neck
Seal of the Twilight Queen 264 80 Finger
Throatrender Handguards 264 80 Hands
Spaulders of the Blood Princes 264 80 Shoulders
Heartsick Mender's Cape 264 80 Cloak
Cerise Coiled Ring 264 80 Finger
Pale Corpse Boots 264 80 Feet
Bloodsoul Raiment 264 80 Chest
Blood-Drinker's Girdle 264 80 Waist
Battle-Maiden's Legguards 264 80 Legs
Thrice Fanged Signet 264 80 Finger
Taldaram's Soft Slippers 264 80 Feet
Shoulders of Ruinous Senility 264 80 Shoulders
Rippling Flesh Kilt 264 80 Legs
Chestplate of Septic Stitches 264 80 Chest
Cauterized Cord 264 80 Waist
Pendant of Split Veins 264 80 Neck
Shoulderpads of the Morbid Ritual 264 80 Shoulders
Scalpel-Sharpening Shoulderguards 264 80 Shoulders
Discarded Bag of Entrails 264 80 Head
Infected Choker 264 80 Neck
Chestguard of the Failed Experiment 264 80 Chest
Choker of Filthy Diamonds 264 80 Neck
Ether-Soaked Bracers 264 80 Wrist
Shuffling Shoes 264 80 Feet
Gloves of Broken Fingers 264 80 Hands
Taldron's Short-Sighted Helm 264 80 Head
Rotface's Rupturing Ring 264 80 Finger
Flesh-Shaper's Gurney Strap 264 80 Waist
Kilt of Untreated Wounds 264 80 Legs
Bloodstained Surgeon's Shoulderguards 264 80 Shoulders
Signet of Putrefaction 264 80 Finger
Wrists of Septic Shock 264 80 Wrist
Festergut's Gaseous Gloves 264 80 Hands
Cloak of Many Skins 264 80 Cloak
Plague-Soaked Leather Leggings 264 80 Legs
Precious's Putrid Collar 264 80 Neck
Taldron's Long Neglected Boots 264 80 Feet
Festering Fingerguards 264 80 Hands
Soulcleave Pendant 264 80 Neck
Deathforged Legplates 264 80 Legs
Thaumaturge's Crackling Cowl 264 80 Head
Leggings of Unrelenting Blood 264 80 Legs
Icecrown Spire Sandals 264 80 Feet
Saurfang's Cold-Forged Band 264 80 Finger
Gargoyle Spit Bracers 264 80 Wrist
Blade-Scored Carapace 264 80 Chest
Hauberk of a Thousand Cuts 264 80 Chest
Scourge Stranglers 264 80 Hands
Ice-Reinforced Vrykul Helm 264 80 Head
Bracers of Pale Illumination 264 80 Wrist
Cord of Dark Suffering 264 80 Waist
Neverending Winter 264 80 Shield
Pauldrons of Lost Hope 264 80 Shoulders
Saronite Gargoyle Cloak 264 80 Cloak
Abomination's Bloody Ring 264 80 Finger
Icecrown Rampart Bracers 264 80 Wrist
Bone Drake's Enameled Boots 264 80 Feet
Ghoul Commander's Cuirass 264 80 Chest
Bracers of Dark Blessings 264 80 Wrist
Deathspeaker Disciple's Belt 264 80 Waist
Boots of the Frozen Seed 264 80 Feet
Sister's Handshrouds 264 80 Hands
Scourgelord's Baton 264 80 Held In Off-hand
Chestguard of the Frigid Noose 264 80 Chest
Deathspeaker Zealot's Helm 264 80 Head
Soulthief's Braided Belt 264 80 Waist
Handgrips of Frost and Sleet 264 80 Hands
Corrupted Silverplate Leggings 264 80 Legs
Coldwraith Bracers 264 80 Wrist
Cord of the Patronizing Practitioner 264 80 Waist
Ancient Skeletal Boots 264 80 Feet
Shawl of Nerubian Silk 264 80 Cloak
Marrowgar's Scratching Choker 264 80 Neck
Linked Scourge Vertebrae 264 80 Waist
Ashen Band of Greater Destruction 259 80 Finger
Ashen Band of Greater Wisdom 259 80 Finger
Ashen Band of Greater Vengeance 259 80 Finger
Ashen Band of Greater Courage 259 80 Finger
Ashen Band of Greater Might 259 1 Finger
Crystal Plated Vanguard 258 80 Shield
Breastplate of Cruel Intent 258 80 Chest
Band of the Violent Temperment 258 80 Finger
Boneshatter Armplates 258 80 Wrist
Chestplate of the Towering Monstrosity 258 80 Chest
Drape of the Untamed Predator 258 80 Cloak
Cord of the Tenebrous Mist 258 80 Waist
Leggings of the Broken Beast 258 80 Legs
Shawl of the Refreshing Winds 258 80 Cloak
Boots of the Courageous 258 80 Feet
Boots of the Unrelenting Storm 258 80 Feet
Belt of the Ice Burrower 258 80 Waist
Flowing Vestments of Ascent 258 80 Chest
Bloodbath Belt 258 80 Waist
Dawnbreaker Greaves 258 80 Feet
Cuirass of Calamitous Fate 258 80 Chest
Solace of the Defeated 258 80 Trinket
Charge of the Demon Lord 258 80 Neck
Legguards of Feverish Dedication 258 80 Legs
Leggings of the Soothing Touch 258 80 Legs
Pride of the Eredar 258 80 Cloak
Symbol of Transgression 258 80 Held In Off-hand
Bracers of the Autumn Willow 258 80 Wrist
Legplates of Failing Light 258 80 Legs
Bracers of Cloudy Omen 258 80 Wrist
Bracers of the Untold Massacre 258 80 Wrist
Ring of Callous Aggression 258 80 Finger
Girdle of Bloodied Scars 258 80 Waist
Treads of the Icewalker 258 80 Feet
Cord of Biting Cold 258 80 Waist
Bastion of Purity 258 80 Shield
Chestplate of the Frostborn Hero 258 80 Chest
Legguards of Concealed Hatred 258 80 Legs
Satrina's Impeding Scarab 258 80 Trinket
Cloak of Displacement 258 80 Cloak
Vestments of the Shattered Fellowship 258 80 Chest
Boots of the Mourning Widow 258 80 Feet
Vambraces of the Broken Bond 258 80 Wrist
Boots of Tremoring Earth 258 80 Feet
Sabatons of Ruthless Judgment 258 80 Feet
The Executioner's Malice 258 80 Neck
Bracers of the Shieldmaiden 258 80 Wrist
Belt of the Merciless Killer 258 80 Waist
Skyweaver Robes 258 80 Chest
Death's Verdict 258 80 Trinket
Legguards of Ascension 258 80 Legs
The Arbiter's Muse 258 80 Neck
Bindings of Dark Essence 258 80 Wrist
Wail of the Val'kyr 258 80 Neck
Cord of Pale Thorns 258 80 Waist
Chalice of Searing Light 258 80 Held In Off-hand
Breastplate of the Frozen Lake 258 80 Chest
Belt of Deathly Dominion 258 80 Waist
Greaves of the 7th Legion 258 80 Feet
Bracers of Dark Determination 258 80 Wrist
Signet of the Traitor King 258 80 Finger
Reign of the Unliving 258 80 Trinket
Leggings of the Deepening Void 258 80 Legs
Legwraps of the Awakening 258 80 Legs
Legguards of the Lurking Threat 258 80 Legs
Strength of the Nerub 258 80 Cloak
Footpads of the Icy Floe 258 80 Feet
Belt of the Forgotten Martyr 258 80 Waist
Armbands of the Ashen Saint 258 80 Wrist
Chestguard of Flowing Elements 258 80 Chest
Ring of the Darkmender 258 80 Finger
Gloves of the Lifeless Touch 258 80 Hands
Band of Deplorable Violence 258 80 Finger
Maiden's Favor 258 80 Cloak
Gloves of Bitter Reprisal 258 80 Hands
Cuirass of Cruel Intent 258 80 Chest
Ring of the Violent Temperament 258 80 Finger
Boneshatter Vambraces 258 80 Wrist
Hauberk of the Towering Monstrosity 258 80 Chest
Drape of the Refreshing Winds 258 80 Cloak
Cloak of the Untamed Predator 258 80 Cloak
Belt of the Tenebrous Mist 258 80 Waist
Legwraps of the Broken Beast 258 80 Legs
Forlorn Barrier 258 80 Shield
Boots of the Harsh Winter 258 80 Feet
Sabatons of the Courageous 258 80 Feet
Flowing Robes of Ascent 258 80 Chest
Binding of the Ice Burrower 258 80 Waist
Bloodbath Girdle 258 80 Waist
Dawnbreaker Sabatons 258 80 Feet
Vest of Calamitous Fate 258 80 Chest
Solace of the Fallen 258 80 Trinket
Charge of the Eredar 258 80 Neck
Legplates of Feverish Dedication 258 80 Legs
Pants of the Soothing Touch 258 80 Legs
Pride of the Demon Lord 258 80 Cloak
Talisman of Heedless Sins 258 80 Held In Off-hand
Bindings of the Autumn Willow 258 80 Wrist
Circle of the Darkmender 258 80 Finger
Leggings of Failing Light 258 80 Legs
Wristwraps of Cloudy Omen 258 80 Wrist
Bracers of the Silent Massacre 258 80 Wrist
Band of Callous Aggression 258 80 Finger
Belt of Bloodied Scars 258 80 Waist
Icewalker Treads 258 80 Feet
Belt of Biting Cold 258 80 Waist
Bastion of Resolve 258 80 Shield
Chestplate of the Frostwolf Hero 258 80 Chest
Leggings of Concealed Hatred 258 80 Legs
Juggernaut's Vitality 258 80 Trinket
Shroud of Displacement 258 80 Cloak
Robes of the Shattered Fellowship 258 80 Chest
Sandals of the Mourning Widow 258 80 Feet
Bracers of the Broken Bond 258 80 Wrist
Sabatons of Tremoring Earth 258 80 Feet
Greaves of Ruthless Judgment 258 80 Feet
The Executioner's Vice 258 80 Neck
Armguards of the Shieldmaiden 258 80 Wrist
Belt of the Pitiless Killer 258 80 Waist
Skyweaver Vestments 258 80 Chest
Death's Choice 258 80 Trinket
Legplates of Ascension 258 80 Legs
Legionnaire's Gorget 258 80 Neck
Dark Essence Bindings 258 80 Wrist
Cry of the Val'kyr 258 80 Neck
Belt of Pale Thorns 258 80 Waist
Mystifying Charm 258 80 Held In Off-hand
Chestplate of the Frozen Lake 258 80 Chest
Waistguard of Deathly Dominion 258 80 Waist
Greaves of the Saronite Citadel 258 80 Feet
Armbands of Dark Determination 258 80 Wrist
Band of the Traitor King 258 80 Finger
Reign of the Dead 258 80 Trinket
Breeches of the Deepening Void 258 80 Legs
Leggings of the Awakening 258 80 Legs
Leggings of the Lurking Threat 258 80 Legs
Might of the Nerub 258 80 Cloak
Boots of the Icy Floe 258 80 Feet
Girdle of the Forgotten Martyr 258 80 Waist
Bindings of the Ashen Saint 258 80 Wrist
Cuirass of Flowing Elements 258 80 Chest
Handwraps of the Lifeless Touch 258 80 Hands
Lurid Manifestation 258 80 Finger
Maiden's Adoration 258 80 Cloak
Gauntlets of Bitter Reprisal 258 80 Hands
Khadgar's Shoulderpads of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Khadgar's Robe of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Khadgar's Leggings of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Khadgar's Hood of Triumph 258 80 Head
Khadgar's Gauntlets of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Sunstrider's Gauntlets of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Sunstrider's Hood of Triumph 258 80 Head
Sunstrider's Leggings of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Sunstrider's Robe of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Sunstrider's Shoulderpads of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Kel'Thuzad's Gloves of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Kel'Thuzad's Hood of Triumph 258 80 Head
Kel'Thuzad's Leggings of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Kel'Thuzad's Robe of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Kel'Thuzad's Shoulderpads of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Gul'dan's Shoulderpads of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Gul'dan's Robe of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Gul'dan's Leggings of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Gul'dan's Hood of Triumph 258 80 Head
Gul'dan's Gloves of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Velen's Shoulderpads of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Velen's Robe of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Velen's Leggings of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Velen's Cowl of Triumph 258 80 Head
Velen's Gloves of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Zabra's Gloves of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Zabra's Cowl of Triumph 258 80 Head
Zabra's Leggings of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Zabra's Robe of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Zabra's Shoulderpads of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Velen's Mantle of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Velen's Raiments of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Velen's Pants of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Velen's Circlet of Triumph 258 80 Head
Velen's Handwraps of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Zabra's Handwraps of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Zabra's Circlet of Triumph 258 80 Head
Zabra's Pants of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Zabra's Raiments of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Zabra's Mantle of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Malfurion's Spaulders of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Malfurion's Robe of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Malfurion's Leggings of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Malfurion's Headpiece of Triumph 258 80 Head
Malfurion's Handguards of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Runetotem's Handguards of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Runetotem's Headpiece of Triumph 258 80 Head
Runetotem's Leggings of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Runetotem's Robe of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Runetotem's Spaulders of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Malfurion's Mantle of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Malfurion's Vestments of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Malfurion's Trousers of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Malfurion's Cover of Triumph 258 80 Head
Malfurion's Gloves of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Runetotem's Gloves of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Runetotem's Cover of Triumph 258 80 Head
Runetotem's Trousers of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Runetotem's Vestments of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Runetotem's Mantle of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Runetotem's Shoulderpads of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Runetotem's Raiments of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Runetotem's Legguards of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Runetotem's Headguard of Triumph 258 80 Head
Runetotem's Handgrips of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Malfurion's Handgrips of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Malfurion's Headguard of Triumph 258 80 Head
Malfurion's Legguards of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Malfurion's Raiments of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Malfurion's Shoulderpads of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
VanCleef's Pauldrons of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
VanCleef's Legplates of Triumph 258 80 Legs
VanCleef's Helmet of Triumph 258 80 Head
VanCleef's Gauntlets of Triumph 258 80 Hands
VanCleef's Breastplate of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Garona's Breastplate of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Garona's Gauntlets of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Garona's Helmet of Triumph 258 80 Head
Garona's Legplates of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Garona's Pauldrons of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Windrunner's Spaulders of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Windrunner's Legguards of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Windrunner's Headpiece of Triumph 258 80 Head
Windrunner's Handguards of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Windrunner's Tunic of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Windrunner's Tunic of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Windrunner's Handguards of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Windrunner's Headpiece of Triumph 258 80 Head
Windrunner's Legguards of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Windrunner's Spaulders of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Nobundo's Spaulders of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Nobundo's Legguards of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Nobundo's Headpiece of Triumph 258 80 Head
Nobundo's Handguards of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Nobundo's Tunic of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Thrall's Tunic of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Thrall's Handguards of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Thrall's Headpiece of Triumph 258 80 Head
Thrall's Legguards of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Thrall's Spaulders of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Nobundo's Shoulderpads of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Nobundo's Kilt of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Nobundo's Helm of Triumph 258 80 Head
Nobundo's Gloves of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Nobundo's Hauberk of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Thrall's Hauberk of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Thrall's Gloves of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Thrall's Helm of Triumph 258 80 Head
Thrall's Kilt of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Thrall's Shoulderpads of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Nobundo's Shoulderguards of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Nobundo's War-Kilt of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Nobundo's Faceguard of Triumph 258 80 Head
Nobundo's Grips of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Nobundo's Chestguard of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Thrall's Chestguard of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Thrall's Grips of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Thrall's Faceguard of Triumph 258 80 Head
Thrall's War-Kilt of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Thrall's Shoulderguards of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Wrynn's Shoulderplates of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Wrynn's Legplates of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Wrynn's Helmet of Triumph 258 80 Head
Wrynn's Gauntlets of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Wrynn's Battleplate of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Hellscream's Battleplate of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Hellscream's Gauntlets of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Hellscream's Helmet of Triumph 258 80 Head
Hellscream's Legplates of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Hellscream's Shoulderplates of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Wrynn's Greathelm of Triumph 258 80 Head
Wrynn's Legguards of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Wrynn's Breastplate of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Wrynn's Handguards of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Wrynn's Pauldrons of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Hellscream's Breastplate of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Hellscream's Handguards of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Hellscream's Greathelm of Triumph 258 80 Head
Hellscream's Legguards of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Hellscream's Pauldrons of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Thassarian's Shoulderplates of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Thassarian's Legplates of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Thassarian's Helmet of Triumph 258 80 Head
Thassarian's Gauntlets of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Thassarian's Battleplate of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Koltira's Battleplate of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Koltira's Gauntlets of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Koltira's Helmet of Triumph 258 80 Head
Koltira's Legplates of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Koltira's Shoulderplates of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Thassarian's Pauldrons of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Thassarian's Legguards of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Thassarian's Faceguard of Triumph 258 80 Head
Thassarian's Handguards of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Thassarian's Chestguard of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Koltira's Chestguard of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Koltira's Handguards of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Koltira's Faceguard of Triumph 258 80 Head
Koltira's Legguards of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Koltira's Pauldrons of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Turalyon's Spaulders of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Turalyon's Greaves of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Turalyon's Headpiece of Triumph 258 80 Head
Turalyon's Gloves of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Turalyon's Tunic of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Liadrin's Spaulders of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Liadrin's Greaves of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Liadrin's Headpiece of Triumph 258 80 Head
Liadrin's Gloves of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Liadrin's Tunic of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Turalyon's Shoulderplates of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Turalyon's Legplates of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Turalyon's Helm of Triumph 258 80 Head
Turalyon's Gauntlets of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Turalyon's Battleplate of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Liadrin's Battleplate of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Liadrin's Gauntlets of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Liadrin's Helm of Triumph 258 80 Head
Liadrin's Legplates of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Liadrin's Shoulderplates of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Turalyon's Breastplate of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Turalyon's Handguards of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Turalyon's Faceguard of Triumph 258 80 Head
Turalyon's Legguards of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Turalyon's Shoulderguards of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Liadrin's Shoulderguards of Triumph 258 80 Shoulders
Liadrin's Legguards of Triumph 258 80 Legs
Liadrin's Faceguard of Triumph 258 80 Head
Liadrin's Handguards of Triumph 258 80 Hands
Liadrin's Breastplate of Triumph 258 80 Chest
Drape of the Sunreavers 258 80 Cloak
Shawl of the Devout Crusader 258 80 Cloak
Cloak of Serrated Blades 258 80 Cloak
Cloak of the Triumphant Combatant 258 80 Cloak
Cloak of the Unflinching Guardian 258 80 Cloak
Drape of Bitter Incantation 258 80 Cloak
Shawl of Fervent Crusader 258 80 Cloak
Cloak of the Silver Covenant 258 80 Cloak
Cloak of the Victorious Combatant 258 80 Cloak
Cloak of the Unmoving Guardian 258 80 Cloak
Baltharus' Gift 258 80 Neck
Zarithrian's Offering 258 80 Finger
Scion's Treads 258 80 Feet
Bracers of the Heir 258 80 Wrist
Twilight Scale Shoulders 258 80 Shoulders
Gloaming Sark 258 80 Chest
Abduction's Cover 258 80 Cloak
Saviana's Tribute 258 80 Finger
Changeling Gloves 258 80 Hands
Misbegotten Belt 258 80 Waist
Boots of Divided Being 258 80 Feet
Surrogate Belt 258 80 Waist
Relentless Gladiator's Plate Chestpiece 251 80 Chest
Relentless Gladiator's Dreadplate Chestpiece 251 80 Chest
Relentless Gladiator's Scaled Chestpiece 251 80 Chest
Relentless Gladiator's Plate Gauntlets 251 80 Hands
Relentless Gladiator's Dreadplate Gauntlets 251 80 Hands
Relentless Gladiator's Scaled Gauntlets 251 80 Hands
Relentless Gladiator's Plate Helm 251 80 Head
Relentless Gladiator's Dreadplate Helm 251 80 Head
Relentless Gladiator's Scaled Helm 251 80 Head
Relentless Gladiator's Plate Legguards 251 80 Legs
Relentless Gladiator's Dreadplate Legguards 251 80 Legs
Relentless Gladiator's Scaled Legguards 251 80 Legs
Relentless Gladiator's Plate Shoulders 251 80 Shoulders
Relentless Gladiator's Dreadplate Shoulders 251 80 Shoulders
Relentless Gladiator's Scaled Shoulders 251 80 Shoulders
Relentless Gladiator's Ornamented Chestguard 251 80 Chest
Relentless Gladiator's Ornamented Gloves 251 80 Hands
Relentless Gladiator's Ornamented Headcover 251 80 Head
Relentless Gladiator's Ornamented Legplates 251 80 Legs
Relentless Gladiator's Ornamented Spaulders 251 80 Shoulders
Relentless Gladiator's Ringmail Armor 251 80 Chest
Relentless Gladiator's Mail Armor 251 80 Chest
Relentless Gladiator's Ringmail Gauntlets 251 80 Hands
Relentless Gladiator's Mail Gauntlets 251 80 Hands
Relentless Gladiator's Ringmail Helm 251 80 Head
Relentless Gladiator's Mail Helm 251 80 Head
Relentless Gladiator's Ringmail Leggings 251 80 Legs
Relentless Gladiator's Mail Leggings 251 80 Legs
Relentless Gladiator's Ringmail Spaulders 251 80 Shoulders
Relentless Gladiator's Mail Spaulders 251 80 Shoulders
Relentless Gladiator's Linked Armor 251 80 Chest
Relentless Gladiator's Chain Armor 251 80 Chest
Relentless Gladiator's Linked Gauntlets 251 80 Hands