

Name ILVL Req. Type
Signet of Twilight 284 80 Finger
Penumbra Pendant 284 80 Neck
Ring of Phased Regeneration 284 80 Finger
Charred Twilight Scale 284 80 Trinket
Glowing Twilight Scale 284 80 Trinket
Sharpened Twilight Scale 284 80 Trinket
Petrified Twilight Scale 284 80 Trinket
Dislodged Foreign Object 277 80 Trinket
Corpse Tongue Coin 277 80 Trinket
Deathbringer's Will 277 80 Trinket
Sindragosa's Flawless Fang 277 80 Trinket
Phylactery of the Nameless Lich 277 80 Trinket
Althor's Abacus 277 80 Trinket
Ashen Band of Endless Destruction 277 80 Finger
Ashen Band of Endless Wisdom 277 80 Finger
Ashen Band of Endless Vengeance 277 80 Finger
Ashen Band of Endless Courage 277 80 Finger
Band of the Bone Colossus 277 80 Finger
Bone Sentinel's Amulet 277 80 Neck
Marrowgar's Frigid Eye 277 80 Finger
Loop of the Endless Labyrinth 277 80 Finger
Frostbrood Sapphire Ring 277 80 Finger
Devium's Eternally Cold Ring 277 80 Finger
Noose of Malachite 277 80 Neck
Sindragosa's Cruel Claw 277 80 Neck
Sundial of Eternal Dusk 277 80 Held In Off-hand
Memory of Malygos 277 80 Finger
Juggernaut Band 277 80 Finger
Ring of Maddening Whispers 277 80 Finger
Ahn'kahar Onyx Neckguard 277 80 Neck
Skeleton Lord's Circle 277 80 Finger
Amulet of the Silent Eulogy 277 80 Neck
Ring of Rapid Ascent 277 80 Finger
Seal of Many Mouths 277 80 Finger
Bile-Encrusted Medallion 277 80 Neck
Might of Blight 277 80 Finger
Holiday's Grace 277 80 Neck
Tiny Abomination in a Jar 277 80 Trinket
Valanar's Other Signet Ring 277 80 Finger
Shadow Silk Spindle 277 80 Held In Off-hand
Incarnadine Band of Mending 277 80 Finger
Blood Queen's Crimson Choker 277 80 Neck
Bauble of True Blood 277 80 Trinket
Lana'thel's Chain of Flagellation 277 80 Neck
Ashen Band of Endless Might 277 1 Finger
Penumbra Pendant 271 80 Neck
Signet of Twilight 271 80 Finger
Ring of Phased Regeneration 271 80 Finger
Baltharus' Gift 271 80 Neck
Saviana's Tribute 271 80 Finger
Zarithrian's Offering 271 80 Finger
Sharpened Twilight Scale 271 80 Trinket
Petrified Twilight Scale 271 80 Trinket
Charred Twilight Scale 271 80 Trinket
Glowing Twilight Scale 271 80 Trinket
Wrathful Gladiator's Endgame 270 80 Held In Off-hand
Wrathful Gladiator's Compendium 270 80 Held In Off-hand
Wrathful Gladiator's Grimoire 270 80 Held In Off-hand
Wrathful Gladiator's Reprieve 270 80 Held In Off-hand
Ashen Band of Unmatched Destruction 268 80 Finger
Ashen Band of Unmatched Wisdom 268 80 Finger
Ashen Band of Unmatched Vengeance 268 80 Finger
Ashen Band of Unmatched Courage 268 80 Finger
Ashen Band of Unmatched Might 268 1 Finger
Band of the Bone Colossus 264 80 Finger
Marrowgar's Frigid Eye 264 80 Finger
Bone Sentinel's Amulet 264 80 Neck
Loop of the Endless Labyrinth 264 80 Finger
Juggernaut Band 264 80 Finger
Ahn'kahar Onyx Neckguard 264 80 Neck
Ring of Maddening Whispers 264 80 Finger
Skeleton Lord's Circle 264 80 Finger
Amulet of the Silent Eulogy 264 80 Neck
Ring of Rapid Ascent 264 80 Finger
Bile-Encrusted Medallion 264 80 Neck
Seal of Many Mouths 264 80 Finger
Holiday's Grace 264 80 Neck
Valanar's Other Signet Ring 264 80 Finger
Shadow Silk Spindle 264 80 Held In Off-hand
Incarnadine Band of Mending 264 80 Finger
Lana'thel's Chain of Flagellation 264 80 Neck
Blood Queen's Crimson Choker 264 80 Neck
Devium's Eternally Cold Ring 264 80 Finger
Frostbrood Sapphire Ring 264 80 Finger
Noose of Malachite 264 80 Neck
Whispering Fanged Skull 264 80 Trinket
Unidentifiable Organ 264 80 Trinket
Muradin's Spyglass 264 80 Trinket
Sliver of Pure Ice 264 80 Trinket
Tiny Abomination in a Jar 264 80 Trinket
Corpse Tongue Coin 264 80 Trinket
Dislodged Foreign Object 264 80 Trinket
Bauble of True Blood 264 80 Trinket
Herkuml War Token 264 80 Trinket
Corroded Skeleton Key 264 80 Trinket
Maghia's Misguided Quill 264 80 Trinket
Purified Lunar Dust 264 80 Trinket
Althor's Abacus 264 80 Trinket
Phylactery of the Nameless Lich 264 80 Trinket
Sindragosa's Flawless Fang 264 80 Trinket
Deathbringer's Will 264 80 Trinket
Might of Blight 264 80 Finger
Sindragosa's Cruel Claw 264 80 Neck
Sundial of Eternal Dusk 264 80 Held In Off-hand
Memory of Malygos 264 80 Finger
Harbinger's Bone Band 264 80 Finger
Wodin's Lucky Necklace 264 80 Neck
Ring of Rotting Sinew 264 80 Finger
Wrathful Gladiator's Pendant of Dominance 264 80 Neck
Wrathful Gladiator's Pendant of Subjugation 264 80 Neck
Wrathful Gladiator's Pendant of Ascendancy 264 80 Neck
Wrathful Gladiator's Band of Dominance 264 80 Finger
Wrathful Gladiator's Pendant of Salvation 264 80 Neck
Wrathful Gladiator's Pendant of Deliverance 264 80 Neck
Wrathful Gladiator's Pendant of Sundering 264 80 Neck
Wrathful Gladiator's Pendant of Triumph 264 80 Neck
Wrathful Gladiator's Pendant of Victory 264 80 Neck
Wrathful Gladiator's Band of Triumph 264 80 Finger
Medallion of the Alliance 264 80 Trinket
Medallion of the Horde 264 80 Trinket
Rimetooth Pendant 264 80 Neck
Collar of Haughty Disdain 264 80 Neck
Seal of the Twilight Queen 264 80 Finger
Cerise Coiled Ring 264 80 Finger
Thrice Fanged Signet 264 80 Finger
Pendant of Split Veins 264 80 Neck
Infected Choker 264 80 Neck
Choker of Filthy Diamonds 264 80 Neck
Rotface's Rupturing Ring 264 80 Finger
Signet of Putrefaction 264 80 Finger
Precious's Putrid Collar 264 80 Neck
Soulcleave Pendant 264 80 Neck
Saurfang's Cold-Forged Band 264 80 Finger
Abomination's Bloody Ring 264 80 Finger
Scourgelord's Baton 264 80 Held In Off-hand
Marrowgar's Scratching Choker 264 80 Neck
Ashen Band of Greater Destruction 259 80 Finger
Ashen Band of Greater Wisdom 259 80 Finger
Ashen Band of Greater Vengeance 259 80 Finger
Ashen Band of Greater Courage 259 80 Finger
Ashen Band of Greater Might 259 1 Finger
Band of the Violent Temperment 258 80 Finger
Solace of the Defeated 258 80 Trinket
Charge of the Demon Lord 258 80 Neck
Symbol of Transgression 258 80 Held In Off-hand
Ring of Callous Aggression 258 80 Finger
Satrina's Impeding Scarab 258 80 Trinket
The Executioner's Malice 258 80 Neck
Death's Verdict 258 80 Trinket
The Arbiter's Muse 258 80 Neck
Wail of the Val'kyr 258 80 Neck
Chalice of Searing Light 258 80 Held In Off-hand
Signet of the Traitor King 258 80 Finger
Reign of the Unliving 258 80 Trinket
Ring of the Darkmender 258 80 Finger
Band of Deplorable Violence 258 80 Finger
Ring of the Violent Temperament 258 80 Finger
Solace of the Fallen 258 80 Trinket
Charge of the Eredar 258 80 Neck
Talisman of Heedless Sins 258 80 Held In Off-hand
Circle of the Darkmender 258 80 Finger
Band of Callous Aggression 258 80 Finger
Juggernaut's Vitality 258 80 Trinket
The Executioner's Vice 258 80 Neck
Death's Choice 258 80 Trinket
Legionnaire's Gorget 258 80 Neck
Cry of the Val'kyr 258 80 Neck
Mystifying Charm 258 80 Held In Off-hand
Band of the Traitor King 258 80 Finger
Reign of the Dead 258 80 Trinket
Lurid Manifestation 258 80 Finger
Baltharus' Gift 258 80 Neck
Zarithrian's Offering 258 80 Finger
Saviana's Tribute 258 80 Finger
Relentless Gladiator's Endgame 251 80 Held In Off-hand
Relentless Gladiator's Reprieve 251 80 Held In Off-hand
Relentless Gladiator's Grimoire 251 80 Held In Off-hand
Relentless Gladiator's Compendium 251 80 Held In Off-hand
Sliver of Pure Ice 251 80 Trinket
Muradin's Spyglass 251 80 Trinket
Unidentifiable Organ 251 80 Trinket
Whispering Fanged Skull 251 80 Trinket
Ashen Band of Courage 251 80 Finger
Ashen Band of Vengeance 251 80 Finger
Ashen Band of Destruction 251 80 Finger
Ashen Band of Wisdom 251 80 Finger
Marrowgar's Scratching Choker 251 80 Neck
Scourgelord's Baton 251 80 Held In Off-hand
Abomination's Bloody Ring 251 80 Finger
Saurfang's Cold-Forged Band 251 80 Finger
Soulcleave Pendant 251 80 Neck
Precious's Putrid Collar 251 80 Neck
Signet of Putrefaction 251 80 Finger
Rotface's Rupturing Ring 251 80 Finger
Choker of Filthy Diamonds 251 80 Neck
Infected Choker 251 80 Neck
Pendant of Split Veins 251 80 Neck
Thrice Fanged Signet 251 80 Finger
Cerise Coiled Ring 251 80 Finger
Seal of the Twilight Queen 251 80 Finger
Collar of Haughty Disdain 251 80 Neck
Runed Signet of the Kirin Tor 251 80 Finger
Runed Loop of the Kirin Tor 251 80 Finger
Runed Ring of the Kirin Tor 251 80 Finger
Runed Band of the Kirin Tor 251 80 Finger
Rimetooth Pendant 251 80 Neck
Ashen Band of Might 251 1 Finger
Relentless Gladiator's Pendant of Triumph 245 80 Neck
Relentless Gladiator's Pendant of Victory 245 80 Neck
Relentless Gladiator's Pendant of Dominance 245 80 Neck
Relentless Gladiator's Pendant of Ascendancy 245 80 Neck
Relentless Gladiator's Pendant of Subjugation 245 80 Neck
Relentless Gladiator's Pendant of Deliverance 245 80 Neck
Relentless Gladiator's Pendant of Salvation 245 80 Neck
Relentless Gladiator's Band of Ascendancy 245 80 Finger
Relentless Gladiator's Band of Victory 245 80 Finger
Battlemaster's Fury 245 80 Trinket
Battlemaster's Precision 245 80 Trinket
Battlemaster's Vivacity 245 80 Trinket
Battlemaster's Rage 245 80 Trinket
Battlemaster's Ruination 245 80 Trinket
Relentless Gladiator's Pendant of Sundering 245 80 Neck
Band of the Violent Temperment 245 80 Finger
Solace of the Defeated 245 80 Trinket
Charge of the Demon Lord 245 80 Neck
Symbol of Transgression 245 80 Held In Off-hand
Band of Deplorable Violence 245 80 Finger
Ring of Callous Aggression 245 80 Finger
Satrina's Impeding Scarab 245 80 Trinket
The Executioner's Malice 245 80 Neck
Death's Verdict 245 80 Trinket
The Arbiter's Muse 245 80 Neck
Chalice of Searing Light 245 80 Held In Off-hand
Wail of the Val'kyr 245 80 Neck
Signet of the Traitor King 245 80 Finger
Reign of the Unliving 245 80 Trinket
Ring of the Darkmender 245 80 Finger
Ring of the Violent Temperament 245 80 Finger
Solace of the Fallen 245 80 Trinket
Charge of the Eredar 245 80 Neck
Talisman of Heedless Sins 245 80 Held In Off-hand
Circle of the Darkmender 245 80 Finger
Band of Callous Aggression 245 80 Finger
Juggernaut's Vitality 245 80 Trinket
The Executioner's Vice 245 80 Neck
Death's Choice 245 80 Trinket
Legionnaire's Gorget 245 80 Neck
Cry of the Val'kyr 245 80 Neck
Mystifying Charm 245 80 Held In Off-hand
Band of the Traitor King 245 80 Finger
Reign of the Dead 245 80 Trinket
Lurid Manifestation 245 80 Finger
Bloodshed Band 245 80 Finger
Dexterous Brightstone Ring 245 80 Finger
Clutch of Fortification 245 80 Finger
Band of the Invoker 245 80 Finger
Heartmender Circle 245 80 Finger
Mark of Supremacy 245 80 Trinket
Glyph of Indomitability 245 80 Trinket
Collar of Ceaseless Torment 245 80 Neck
Carnivorous Band 245 80 Finger
Firestorm Ring 245 80 Finger
Amulet of Binding Elements 245 80 Neck
Planestalker Signet 245 80 Finger
Endurance of the Infernal 245 80 Neck
Talisman of Volatile Power 245 80 Trinket
Binding Light 245 80 Trinket
Victor's Call 245 80 Trinket
Fervor of the Frostborn 245 80 Trinket
Loop of the Twin Val'kyr 245 80 Finger
Darkbane Pendant 245 80 Neck
Chalice of Benedictus 245 80 Held In Off-hand
Collar of Unending Torment 245 80 Neck
Gormok's Band 245 80 Finger
Firestorm Band 245 80 Finger
Pendant of Binding Elements 245 80 Neck
Planestalker Band 245 80 Finger
Fortitude of the Infernal 245 80 Neck
Fetish of Volatile Power 245 80 Trinket
Binding Stone 245 80 Trinket
Vengeance of the Forsaken 245 80 Trinket
Eitrigg's Oath 245 80 Trinket
Band of the Twin Val'kyr 245 80 Finger
Darkbane Amulet 245 80 Neck
Lightbane Focus 245 80 Held In Off-hand
Shard of the Crystal Heart 245 80 Trinket
Talisman of Resurgence 245 80 Trinket
Shiny Shard of the Flame 245 80 Trinket
Shiny Shard of the Scale 245 80 Trinket
Signified Ring of Binding 245 80 Finger
Antediluvian Cornerstone Grimoire 245 80 Held In Off-hand
Eskhandar's Links 245 80 Neck
Titan-Forged Pendant of Ascendancy 245 80 Neck
Titan-Forged Pendant of Victory 245 80 Neck
Sparkling Onyxia Tooth Pendant 245 0 Neck
Polished Dragonslayer's Signet 245 0 Finger
Purified Onyxia Blood Talisman 245 0 Trinket
Pendant of Fiery Havoc 239 80 Neck
Sapphire Amulet of Renewal 239 80 Neck
Charm of Meticulous Timing 239 80 Neck
Frigid Strength of Hodir 239 80 Neck
Fate's Clutch 239 80 Finger
Bronze Pendant of the Vanir 239 80 Neck
Conductive Seal 239 80 Finger
Pendulum of Infinity 239 80 Neck
Flare of the Heavens 239 80 Trinket
Seal of the Betrayed King 239 80 Finger
Show of Faith 239 80 Trinket
Brann's Signet Ring 239 80 Finger
Comet's Trail 239 80 Trinket
Starshine Circle 239 80 Finger
Cosmos 239 80 Held In Off-hand
Furious Gladiator's Endgame 232 80 Held In Off-hand
Furious Gladiator's Reprieve 232 80 Held In Off-hand
Furious Gladiator's Grimoire 232 80 Held In Off-hand
Carnivorous Band 232 80 Finger
Collar of Ceaseless Torment 232 80 Neck
Firestorm Ring 232 80 Finger
Amulet of Binding Elements 232 80 Neck
Endurance of the Infernal 232 80 Neck
Loop of the Twin Val'kyr 232 80 Finger
Planestalker Signet 232 80 Finger
Victor's Call 232 80 Trinket
Talisman of Volatile Power 232 80 Trinket
Fervor of the Frostborn 232 80 Trinket
Binding Light 232 80 Trinket
Chalice of Benedictus 232 80 Held In Off-hand
Darkbane Pendant 232 80 Neck
Collar of Unending Torment 232 80 Neck
Gormok's Band 232 80 Finger
Firestorm Band 232 80 Finger
Pendant of Binding Elements 232 80 Neck
Planestalker Band 232 80 Finger
Fortitude of the Infernal 232 80 Neck
Fetish of Volatile Power 232 80 Trinket
Binding Stone 232 80 Trinket
Vengeance of the Forsaken 232 80 Trinket
Eitrigg's Oath 232 80 Trinket
Band of the Twin Val'kyr 232 80 Finger
Darkbane Amulet 232 80 Neck
Lightbane Focus 232 80 Held In Off-hand
Eskhandar's Choker 232 80 Neck
Antique Cornerstone Grimoire 232 80 Held In Off-hand
Runed Ring of Binding 232 80 Finger
Purified Shard of the Scale 232 80 Trinket
Purified Shard of the Flame 232 80 Trinket
Love's Prisoner 232 80 Neck
Needle-Encrusted Scorpion 232 80 Trinket
Arcane Loops of Anger 232 80 Neck
Barbed Ymirheim Choker 232 80 Neck
Ick's Rotting Thumb 232 80 Trinket
Nevermelting Ice Crystal 232 80 Trinket
Ephemeral Snowflake 232 80 Trinket
Band of Stained Souls 232 80 Finger
The Lady's Promise 232 80 Finger
Shriveled Heart 232 80 Held In Off-hand
Fossilized Ammonite Choker 232 80 Neck
Oath of Empress Zoe 232 80 Finger
Boundless Ambition 226 80 Neck
Signet of Manifested Pain 226 80 Finger
Mark of Norgannon 226 80 Trinket
Living Ice Crystals 226 80 Trinket
Furious Gladiator's Pendant of Triumph 226 80 Neck
Furious Gladiator's Pendant of Victory 226 80 Neck
Furious Gladiator's Pendant of Dominance 226 80 Neck
Furious Gladiator's Pendant of Ascendancy 226 80 Neck
Furious Gladiator's Pendant of Subjugation 226 80 Neck
Furious Gladiator's Pendant of Deliverance 226 80 Neck
Furious Gladiator's Pendant of Salvation 226 80 Neck
Furious Gladiator's Band of Dominance 226 80 Finger
Furious Gladiator's Band of Triumph 226 80 Finger
Medallion of the Alliance 226 80 Trinket
Medallion of the Horde 226 80 Trinket
Strength of the Automaton 226 80 Finger
The Leviathan's Coil 226 80 Finger
Glowing Ring of Reclamation 226 80 Finger
Leviathan Fueling Manual 226 80 Held In Off-hand
Freya's Choker of Warding 226 80 Neck
Living Flame 226 80 Trinket
Cindershard Ring 226 80 Finger
Heart of Iron 226 80 Trinket
Pyrelight Circle 226 80 Finger
Insurmountable Fervor 226 80 Neck
Radiant Seal 226 80 Finger
Unblinking Eye 226 80 Neck
Signet of the Earthshaker 226 80 Finger
Crazed Construct Ring 226 80 Finger
Necklace of Unerring Mettle 226 80 Neck
Wrathstone 226 80 Trinket
Ironmender 226 80 Held In Off-hand
Shimmering Seal 226 80 Finger
Platinum Band of the Aesir 226 80 Finger
Ring of the Faithful Servant 226 80 Finger
Watchful Eye of Fate 226 80 Neck
Frozen Loop 226 80 Finger
Loop of the Agile 226 80 Finger
Scale of Fates 226 80 Trinket
Sif's Promise 226 80 Finger
Nymph Heart Charm 226 80 Neck
Pandora's Plea 226 80 Trinket
Metallic Loop of the Sufferer 226 80 Finger
The General's Heart 226 80 Trinket
Ring of the Vacant Eye 226 80 Finger
Blood of the Old God 226 80 Trinket
Godbane Signet 226 80 Finger
Sanity's Bond 226 80 Finger
Titanstone Pendant 226 80 Neck
Pendant of Focused Energies 226 80 Neck
Bladebearer's Signet 226 80 Finger
Spiked Battleguard Choker 226 80 Neck
Broach of the Wailing Night 226 80 Neck
Shard of the Crystal Forest 226 80 Neck
Evoker's Charm 226 80 Neck
Frozen Tear of Elune 226 80 Neck
Seal of Ulduar 226 80 Finger
Sif's Remembrance 226 80 Trinket
Mjolnir Runestone 226 80 Trinket
Pendant of the Shallow Grave 226 80 Neck
Seed of Budding Carnage 226 80 Neck
Fire Orchid Signet 226 80 Finger
Dark Matter 226 80 Trinket
Strength of the Heavens 226 80 Neck
Nebula Band 226 80 Finger
Pendant of the Somber Witness 226 80 Neck
Band of Lights 226 80 Finger
Meteorite Crystal 226 80 Trinket
Signet of Soft Lament 226 80 Finger
Vanquished Clutches of Yogg-Saron 226 80 Trinket
Brann's Sealing Ring 226 80 Finger
Starshine Signet 226 80 Finger
Furious Gladiator's Pendant of Sundering 226 80 Neck
Etched Band of the Kirin Tor 226 80 Finger
Etched Loop of the Kirin Tor 226 80 Finger
Etched Ring of the Kirin Tor 226 80 Finger
Etched Signet of the Kirin Tor 226 80 Finger
Titan-Forged Band of Ascendancy 226 80 Finger
Titan-Forged Band of Victory 226 80 Finger
Winking Eye of Love 226 80 Neck
Heartbreak Charm 226 80 Neck
Shard of Pirouetting Happiness 226 80 Neck
Sweet Perfume Broach 226 80 Neck
Choker of the Pure Heart 226 80 Neck
Wyrmrest Necklace of Power 226 0 Neck
Life-Binder's Locket 226 0 Neck
Favor of the Dragon Queen 226 0 Neck
Nexus War Champion Beads 226 0 Neck
Might of the Leviathan 219 80 Neck
Pyrite Infuser 219 80 Trinket
Energy Siphon 219 80 Trinket
Band of Draconic Guile 219 80 Finger
Eye of the Broodmother 219 80 Trinket
Furnace Stone 219 80 Trinket
Igniter Rod 219 80 Held In Off-hand
Lady Maye's Sapphire Ring 219 80 Finger
Power Enhancing Loop 219 80 Finger
Mark of the Unyielding 219 80 Neck
Pendant of the Piercing Glare 219 80 Neck
Emerald Signet Ring 219 80 Finger
Spark of Hope 219 80 Trinket
Elemental Focus Stone 219 80 Trinket
Signet of Winter 219 80 Finger
Choker of the Abyss 219 80 Neck
Darkstone Ring 219 80 Finger
Pendant of Endless Despair 219 80 Neck
Royal Seal of King Llane 219 80 Trinket
Pendant of a Thousand Maws 219 80 Neck
Fervor of the Protectorate 219 80 Neck
Mark of the Relentless 219 80 Finger
Ancient Pendant of Arathor 219 80 Neck
Sinner's Confession 219 80 Finger
Symbol of Redemption 219 80 Neck
The Warlord's Depravity 219 80 Neck
Coil of Missing Gems 219 80 Neck
Spiteful Signet 219 80 Finger
Ring of Carnelian and Bone 219 80 Finger
Purloined Wedding Ring 219 80 Finger
Painfully Sharp Choker 219 80 Neck
Gem of Imprisoned Vassals 213 80 Neck
Matriarch's Spawn 213 80 Held In Off-hand
Thunderstorm Amulet 213 80 Neck
Fool's Trial 213 80 Neck
Heritage 213 80 Neck
Chains of Adoration 213 80 Neck
Strong-Handed Ring 213 80 Finger
Ruthlessness 213 80 Finger
Lost Jewel 213 80 Finger
Sand-Worn Band 213 80 Finger
Seized Beauty 213 80 Finger
Accursed Spine 213 80 Held In Off-hand
Dying Curse 213 80 Trinket
Grim Toll 213 80 Trinket
Defender's Code 213 80 Trinket
Forethought Talisman 213 80 Trinket
Surplus Limb 213 80 Held In Off-hand
Urn of Lost Memories 213 80 Held In Off-hand
Icy Blast Amulet 213 80 Neck
Gatekeeper 213 80 Finger
Bandit's Insignia 213 80 Trinket
Rune of Repulsion 213 80 Trinket
Extract of Necromantic Power 213 80 Trinket
Cosmic Lights 213 80 Neck
Ring of Decaying Beauty 213 80 Finger
Ceaseless Pity 213 80 Neck
Soul of the Dead 213 80 Trinket
Ousted Bead Necklace 213 80 Neck
Fury of the Five Flights 213 80 Trinket
Illustration of the Dragon Soul 213 80 Trinket
Wyrmrest Band 213 80 Finger
Surge Needle Ring 213 80 Finger
Necklace of the Glittering Chamber 213 80 Neck
Ring of Invincibility 213 80 Finger
Signet of the Impregnable Fortress 213 80 Finger
Band of Channeled Magic 213 80 Finger
Renewal of Life 213 80 Finger
Deadly Gladiator's Pendant of Triumph 213 80 Neck
Deadly Gladiator's Pendant of Victory 213 80 Neck
Deadly Gladiator's Pendant of Dominance 213 80 Neck
Deadly Gladiator's Pendant of Ascendancy 213 80 Neck
Deadly Gladiator's Pendant of Subjugation 213 80 Neck
Deadly Gladiator's Pendant of Deliverance 213 80 Neck
Deadly Gladiator's Pendant of Salvation 213 80 Neck
Deadly Gladiator's Band of Ascendancy 213 80 Finger
Deadly Gladiator's Band of Victory 213 80 Finger
Battlemaster's Hostility 213 80 Trinket
Battlemaster's Accuracy 213 80 Trinket
Battlemaster's Avidity 213 80 Trinket
Battlemaster's Conviction 213 80 Trinket
Battlemaster's Bravery 213 80 Trinket
Deadly Gladiator's Endgame 213 80 Held In Off-hand
Deadly Gladiator's Reprieve 213 80 Held In Off-hand
Deadly Gladiator's Grimoire 213 80 Held In Off-hand
Titanium Frostguard Ring 213 80 Finger
Greatring of Collision 213 80 Finger
Inscribed Band of the Kirin Tor 213 80 Finger
Inscribed Loop of the Kirin Tor 213 80 Finger
Inscribed Ring of the Kirin Tor 213 80 Finger
Inscribed Signet of the Kirin Tor 213 80 Finger
Titan-Forged Rune of Audacity 213 80 Trinket
Titan-Forged Rune of Determination 213 80 Trinket
Titan-Forged Rune of Accuracy 213 80 Trinket
Titan-Forged Rune of Cruelty 213 80 Trinket
Titan-Forged Rune of Alacrity 213 80 Trinket
Platinum Disks of Battle 213 80 Trinket
Platinum Disks of Sorcery 213 80 Trinket
Platinum Disks of Swiftness 213 80 Trinket
Torque of the Red Dragonflight 213 0 Neck
Chain of the Ancient Wyrm 213 0 Neck
Pendant of the Dragonsworn 213 0 Neck
Drakescale Collar 213 0 Neck
The 5 Ring 206 80 Finger
Annhylde's Ring 200 80 Finger
Super Simian Sphere 200 80 Trinket
Hemorrhaging Circle 200 80 Finger
Band of Guile 200 80 Finger
Keystone Great-Ring 200 80 Finger
Je'Tze's Bell 200 80 Trinket
Deflection Band 200 80 Finger
Collar of Dissolution 200 80 Neck
Band of Neglected Pleas 200 80 Finger
Watchful Eye 200 80 Held In Off-hand
Embrace of the Spider 200 80 Trinket
Timeworn Silken Band 200 80 Finger
Pendant of Lost Vocations 200 80 Neck
Ring of the Fated 200 80 Finger
Amulet of Autopsy 200 80 Neck
Ring of Holy Cleansing 200 80 Finger
Loatheb's Shadow 200 80 Trinket
Sealing Ring of Grobbulus 200 80 Finger
Bone-Linked Amulet 200 80 Neck
Repelling Charge 200 80 Trinket
Scepter of Murmuring Spirits 200 80 Held In Off-hand
Spirit-World Glass 200 80 Trinket
Signet of the Malevolent 200 80 Finger
Veiled Amulet of Life 200 80 Neck
Circle of Death 200 80 Finger
Circle of Life 200 80 Finger
Medallion of the Disgraced 200 80 Neck
Chain of Latent Energies 200 80 Neck
Signet of the Accord 200 80 Finger
Circle of Arcane Streams 200 80 Neck
Majestic Dragon Figurine 200 80 Trinket
Signet of the Kirin Tor 200 80 Finger
Band of the Kirin Tor 200 80 Finger
Pendant of the Outcast Hero 200 80 Neck
Chained Military Gorget 200 80 Neck
Encircling Burnished Gold Chains 200 80 Neck
Lattice Choker of Light 200 80 Neck
Sundial of the Exiled 200 80 Trinket
Valor Medal of the First War 200 80 Trinket
Mirror of Truth 200 80 Trinket
The Egg of Mortal Essence 200 80 Trinket
Ward of the Violet Citadel 200 80 Held In Off-hand
Handbook of Obscure Remedies 200 80 Held In Off-hand
Hateful Gladiator's Pendant of Triumph 200 80 Neck
Hateful Gladiator's Pendant of Victory 200 80 Neck
Hateful Gladiator's Pendant of Dominance 200 80 Neck
Hateful Gladiator's Pendant of Subjugation 200 80 Neck
Hateful Gladiator's Pendant of Ascendancy 200 80 Neck
Hateful Gladiator's Pendant of Deliverance 200 80 Neck
Hateful Gladiator's Pendant of Salvation 200 80 Neck
Hateful Gladiator's Band of Dominance 200 80 Finger
Hateful Gladiator's Band of Triumph 200 80 Finger
Medallion of the Horde 200 80 Trinket
Medallion of the Alliance 200 80 Trinket
Titanium Impact Band 200 80 Finger
Titanium Earthguard Ring 200 80 Finger
Titanium Spellshock Ring 200 80 Finger
Titanium Impact Choker 200 80 Neck
Titanium Earthguard Chain 200 80 Neck
Titanium Spellshock Necklace 200 80 Neck
Darkmoon Card: Greatness 200 80 Trinket
Darkmoon Card: Illusion 200 80 Trinket
Darkmoon Card: Berserker! 200 80 Trinket
Darkmoon Card: Death 200 80 Trinket
Tears of Bitter Anguish 200 80 Trinket
Volitant Amulet 200 80 Neck
Darkmoon Card: Greatness 200 80 Trinket
Darkmoon Card: Greatness 200 80 Trinket
Darkmoon Card: Greatness 200 80 Trinket
Signet of Hopeful Light 200 80 Finger
Signet of Edward the Odd 200 80 Finger
Flow of Knowledge 200 80 Trinket
Anvil of Titans 200 80 Trinket
Loop of the Kirin Tor 200 80 Finger
Ring of the Kirin Tor 200 80 Finger
Signet of Purity 200 80 Finger
Abyssal Rune 200 80 Trinket
Banner of Victory 200 80 Trinket
Tears of the Vanquished 200 80 Trinket
The Black Heart 200 80 Trinket
Brilliant Hailstone Amulet 200 80 Neck
Uruka's Band of Zeal 200 80 Finger
Coren's Chromium Coaster 200 80 Trinket
Mithril Pocketwatch 200 80 Trinket
Ancient Pickled Egg 200 80 Trinket
Brawler's Souvenir 200 80 Trinket
Bitter Balebrew Charm 200 80 Trinket
Bubbling Brightbrew Charm 200 80 Trinket
Ring of Ghoulish Glee 200 80 Finger
The Horseman's Seal 200 80 Finger
Wicked Witch's Band 200 80 Finger
Iron-bound Tome 200 77 Held In Off-hand
Faces of Doom 200 77 Held In Off-hand
Frenzyheart Insignia of Fury 200 70 Trinket
Oracle Talisman of Ablution 200 70 Trinket
Deputy Pa'trolla Badge 200 0 Trinket
Telestra's Journal 200 80 Held In Off-hand
Amulet of Dazzling Light 200 80 Neck
Band of Frosted Thorns 200 80 Finger
Sphere of Red Dragon's Blood 200 80 Trinket
Unsmashable Heavy Band 200 80 Finger
Band of Enchanted Growth 200 80 Finger
Essence of Gossamer 200 80 Trinket
Ring of the Traitor King 200 80 Finger
Band of Torture 200 80 Finger
Pendulum of Telluric Currents 200 80 Trinket
Dragon Prow Amulet 200 80 Neck
Frostbridge Orb 200 80 Held In Off-hand
Ring of the Frenzied Wolvar 200 80 Finger
Meteorite Whetstone 200 80 Trinket
Gold Amulet of Kings 200 80 Neck
Nerubian Shield Ring 200 80 Finger
Necklace of Taldaram 200 80 Neck
Stained-Glass Shard Ring 200 80 Finger
Offering of Sacrifice 200 80 Trinket
Burning Skull Pendant 200 80 Neck
The Prospector's Prize 200 80 Finger
Spark of Life 200 80 Trinket
Forge Ember 200 80 Trinket
Necromancer's Amulet 200 80 Neck
Mobius Band 200 80 Finger
Pendant of the Nathrezim 200 80 Neck
Temple Crystal Fragment 200 80 Held In Off-hand
Incisor Fragment 200 80 Trinket
Spectral Seal of the Prophet 200 80 Finger
Talisman of Troll Divinity 200 80 Trinket
Winged Talisman 200 80 Trinket
Necklace of Arcane Spheres 200 80 Neck
Globule Signet 200 80 Finger
Lavanthor's Talisman 200 80 Trinket
Mark of the War Prisoner 200 80 Trinket
Prison Manifest 200 80 Held In Off-hand
Woeful Band 200 80 Finger
Shadowseeker's Pendant 200 80 Neck
Amulet of the Spell Flinger 200 80 Neck
Zuramat's Necklace 200 80 Neck
Solitaire of Reflecting Beams 200 80 Finger
Jouster's Fury 200 80 Trinket
Pendant of Azure Dreams 200 80 Neck
Susurrating Shell Necklace 200 80 Neck
Necklace of Valiant Blood 200 80 Neck
Choker of Spiral Focus 200 80 Neck
Choker of Feral Fury 200 80 Neck
Necklace of Stolen Skulls 200 80 Neck
Pendant of Emerald Crusader 200 80 Neck
Jouster's Fury 200 80 Trinket
Razor's Edge Pendant 200 80 Neck
Runed Mana Band 200 80 Finger
Scarlet Signet 200 80 Finger
Emerald Choker 200 80 Neck
Sky Sapphire Amulet 200 80 Neck
Lost Ring 200 78 Finger
Forgotten Necklace 200 78 Neck
Figurine - Ruby Hare 200 75 Trinket
Figurine - Twilight Serpent 200 75 Trinket
Figurine - Sapphire Owl 200 75 Trinket
Figurine - Emerald Boar 200 75 Trinket
Figurine - Monarch Crab 200 75 Trinket
Gnomish Lightning Generator 200 0 Trinket
Timeless Beads of Eternos 187 78 Neck
Dragonflight Great-Ring 187 78 Finger
Tome of Arcane Phenomena 187 78 Trinket
Bjarngrim Family Signet 187 78 Finger
Chaotic Spiral Amulet 187 78 Neck
Seal of the Pantheon 187 78 Trinket
Seal of Valgarde 187 78 Held In Off-hand
Amulet of Deflected Blows 187 78 Neck
Signet of Ranulf 187 78 Finger
Vestige of Haldor 187 78 Trinket
Enchanted Wire Stitching 187 78 Finger
Tome of Salramm 187 78 Held In Off-hand
Necklace of the Chrono-Lord 187 78 Neck
Soul Preserver 187 78 Trinket
Ring of Earthen Might 187 78 Finger
Ring of Scarlet Shadows 187 78 Finger
Windfire Band 187 78 Finger
Ring of Northern Tears 187 78 Finger
Savage Titanium Ring 187 78 Finger
Savage Titanium Band 187 78 Finger
Amulet of Wills 183 77 Neck
Palladium Ring 183 77 Finger
Ringlet of Repose 183 77 Finger
Chain of Fiery Orbs 183 77 Neck
Titanium Brain-Gear 183 76 Finger
Time-Forward Talisman 183 76 Neck
Puzzle Ring 182 80 Finger
Ice Encrusted Amulet 182 80 Neck
Carved Rod 182 80 Held In Off-hand
Arcane Focal Signet 179 76 Finger
Gal'darah's Signet 179 76 Finger
Amulet of the Stampede 179 76 Neck
Spur Ring 178 79 Finger
Platinum Medallion 178 79 Neck
Ice Crystal 178 79 Held In Off-hand
Gondria's Spectral Claw 175 77 Finger
Blood Sun Necklace 175 75 Neck
Pendant of Shadow Beams 175 75 Neck
Band of Eyes 175 75 Finger
King's Eyesocket 175 74 Finger
Loque'Nahak's Severed Fang 175 74 Neck
Voodoo Signet 175 0 Finger
Ring of Foul Mojo 175 0 Finger
Solid Platinum Band 175 0 Finger
Lion's Head Ring 175 0 Finger
Ring of Temerity 175 0 Finger
Band of Motivation 175 0 Finger
Flourishing Band 175 0 Finger
Staunch Signet 175 0 Finger
Torta's Oversized Choker 174 78 Neck
Dream Signet 174 78 Finger
Amberglow Signet 174 0 Finger
Iceforged Battle Ring 174 0 Finger
Jagged Ice Band 174 0 Finger
Ring of the Northern Winds 174 0 Finger
Cannoneer's Fuselighter 174 0 Trinket
Fezzik's Pocketwatch 174 0 Trinket
Cannoneer's Morale 174 0 Trinket
Emeline's Locket 174 0 Neck
The Witching Grimoire 174 0 Held In Off-hand
Bonecaster's Endgame 174 0 Held In Off-hand
The Severed Noose of Westwind 174 0 Neck
Amulet of the Crusade 174 0 Neck
Reinforced Titanium Neckguard 174 0 Neck
Signet of Bridenbrad 174 0 Finger
Newt-Eye Ring 174 0 Finger
Bat-Wool Signet 174 0 Finger
Frog-Toe Band 174 0 Finger
Bouquet Ring 174 78 Finger
Silken Cord Amulet 174 78 Neck
Gilded Scepter 174 78 Held In Off-hand
Futuresight Rune 174 0 Trinket
Rune of Finite Variation 174 0 Trinket
Rune of Infinite Power 174 0 Trinket
Ring of Order 174 0 Finger
Locket of Snowcrest 174 0 Neck
Lantern of Enchanted Flame 174 0 Held In Off-hand
Bouldercrag's Pendant 174 0 Neck
The "D" Ring 174 0 Finger
Brunnhildar Runed Ring 174 0 Finger
Frozen Mood Ring 174 0 Finger
Crusader's Locket 174 0 Trinket
Thorny Rose Brooch 174 0 Trinket
Softly Glowing Orb 174 0 Trinket
Chuchu's Tiny Box of Horrors 174 0 Trinket
Chain of the Sovereign 174 0 Neck
Lady Nightswood's Engagement Ring 174 0 Finger
Blood-forged Circle 174 0 Finger
Amulet of the Malefic Necromancer 174 0 Neck
Ring of the Fallen Shadow Adept 174 0 Finger
Signet of Baron Sliver 174 0 Finger
Crystal Pendant of Warding 171 74 Neck
Kurzel's Rage 171 0 Finger
Kurzel's Angst 171 0 Finger
Kurzel's Warband 171 0 Finger
Choker of the Betrayer 171 0 Neck
Choker of Betrayal 171 0 Neck
Betrayer's Choker 171 0 Neck
Twisted Puzzle-Ring 170 77 Finger
Engraved Ring 170 77 Finger
Pearl Woven Choker 170 77 Neck
Lidless Orb 170 77 Held In Off-hand
Jade Dagger Pendant 167 75 Neck
Talisman of Scourge Command 167 73 Held In Off-hand
Slasher's Amulet 167 73 Neck
Jedoga's Greatring 167 73 Finger
Sonic Booster 167 0 Trinket
Noise Machine 167 0 Trinket
Darkspear Orb 166 78 Held In Off-hand
Orb of the Eastern Kingdoms 166 78 Held In Off-hand
Draconic Choker of Ferocity 166 77 Neck
Stirrup Ring 166 76 Finger
Gold Clasped Chain 166 76 Neck
Glistening Star 166 76 Held In Off-hand
Signet of Arachnathid Command 163 72 Finger
Mark of the Spider 163 72 Neck
Artruis's Focus Stone 162 0 Neck
Choker of Binding 162 0 Neck
Spiked Collar of Servitude 162 0 Neck
Blood-Infused Pendant 162 0 Neck
Stoneguard Band 162 77 Finger
Shadowmight Ring 162 77 Finger
Gold Twisted Ring 162 75 Finger
Serpentine Chain 162 75 Neck
Reflecting Sphere 162 75 Held In Off-hand
Ring of Devoted Promises 162 0 Finger
Bent Crocolisk Tooth 162 0 Finger
Signet of the Avenging Heart 162 0 Finger
Ring of Misinterpreted Gestures 162 0 Finger
Hard Khorium Choker 159 70 Neck
Pendant of Sunfire 159 70 Neck
Amulet of Flowing Life 159 70 Neck
Hard Khorium Band 159 70 Finger
Loop of Forged Power 159 70 Finger
Ring of Flowing Life 159 70 Finger
Brutal Gladiator's Endgame 159 70 Held In Off-hand
Brutal Gladiator's Grimoire 159 70 Held In Off-hand
Brutal Gladiator's Reprieve 159 70 Held In Off-hand
Jade Ring of Slaying 159 73 Finger
Band of Glittering Permafrost 159 71 Finger
Tome of the Lore Keepers 159 71 Held In Off-hand
Twilight Tome 159 70 Held In Off-hand
Rituals of the New Moon 159 70 Held In Off-hand
Rituals of the New Moon 159 70 Held In Off-hand
Rituals of the New Moon 159 70 Held In Off-hand
Rituals of the New Moon 159 70 Held In Off-hand
Rituals of the New Moon 159 70 Held In Off-hand
Raine's Choker of Combustion 158 76 Neck
Cameo Ring 158 74 Finger
Shark-Toothed Necklace 158 74 Neck
Facetted Orb 158 74 Held In Off-hand
Band of Misty Mojo 158 0 Finger
Band of the Bloodletter 158 0 Finger
Ritualistic Band of Light 158 0 Finger
Neckcharm of Mighty Mojo 158 0 Neck
Ring of Ancestral Protectors 158 0 Finger
Badge of the Infiltrator 158 0 Trinket
Spiritist's Focus 158 0 Trinket
Vile Tome of Tenets 158 0 Held In Off-hand
Petrified Ghoul Finger 158 0 Finger
Rescuer's Ripcord 158 0 Neck
Neckcharm of the Bloodletter 158 0 Neck
Horn of Argent Fury 158 0 Trinket
Battlemaster's Celerity 156 70 Trinket
Battlemaster's Aggression 156 70 Trinket
Battlemaster's Resolve 156 70 Trinket
Battlemaster's Courage 156 70 Trinket
Executioner's Band 155 0 Finger
Ring of Decimation 155 0 Finger
Signet of Swift Judgment 155 0 Finger
Band of Lucent Beams 154 70 Finger
Clutch of Demise 154 70 Neck
Collar of the Pit Lord 154 70 Neck
Heart of the Pit 154 70 Held In Off-hand
Brooch of the Highborne 154 70 Neck
Band of Ruinous Delight 154 70 Finger
Amulet of Unfettered Magics 154 70 Neck
Book of Highborne Hymns 154 70 Held In Off-hand
Ring of Hardened Resolve 154 70 Finger
Ring of Omnipotence 154 70 Finger
Blackened Naaru Sliver 154 70 Trinket
Steely Naaru Sliver 154 70 Trinket
Shifting Naaru Sliver 154 70 Trinket
Glimmering Naaru Sliver 154 70 Trinket
Guardian's Band of Dominance 154 70 Finger
Guardian's Band of Salvation 154 70 Finger
Guardian's Band of Triumph 154 70 Finger
Guardian's Pendant of Conquest 154 70 Neck
Guardian's Pendant of Dominance 154 70 Neck
Guardian's Pendant of Salvation 154 70 Neck
Guardian's Pendant of Triumph 154 70 Neck
Ring of Harmonic Beauty 154 70 Finger
Guardian's Band of Subjugation 154 70 Finger
Guardian's Pendant of Subjugation 154 70 Neck
Guardian's Pendant of Reprieve 154 70 Neck
Posy Ring 154 73 Finger
Figaro Chain 154 73 Neck
Evergreen Branch 154 73 Held In Off-hand
Band of the Tender 154 0 Finger
Solstice Signet 154 0 Finger
Fetid Loop 154 0 Finger
Rancid Signet 154 0 Finger
Mildly Tarnished Ring 154 0 Finger
Seal of the Slumbering Wolf 154 0 Finger
Thane-Reaper's Signet 154 0 Finger
Worgslayer's Ring 154 0 Finger
Vengeful Spirit Beads 154 0 Neck
Tatjana's Pendant 154 0 Neck
Hoarder's Necklace 154 0 Neck
Pruning Pendant 154 0 Neck
Scepter of Passionate Reprisal 154 0 Held In Off-hand
Mendicant's Charm 154 0 Trinket
Talon of Hatred 154 0 Trinket
Insignia of Bloody Fire 154 0 Trinket
Glowing Voodoo Orb 154 0 Held In Off-hand
Branch of Insightful Dreams 154 0 Held In Off-hand
Band of the Eternal Defender 152 0 Finger
Band of the Eternal Champion 152 0 Finger
Band of the Eternal Sage 152 0 Finger
Band of the Eternal Restorer 152 0 Finger
Scepter of Purification 151 70 Held In Off-hand
The Skull of Gul'dan 151 70 Trinket
Memento of Tyrande 151 70 Trinket
Stormrage Signet Ring 151 70 Finger
Band of Devastation 151 70 Finger
Ring of Ancient Knowledge 151 70 Finger
Blessed Band of Karabor 151 70 Finger
Amulet of the Tranquil Mind 151 0 Neck
Razor-Blade Pendant 151 0 Neck
Necklace of Fragmented Light 151 0 Neck
Woven Steel Necklace 151 0 Neck
Raine's Signet of Blasting 150 74 Finger
Arcane Revitalizer 150 74 Trinket
Goblin Repetition Reducer 150 74 Trinket
Earthshadow Ring 150 73 Finger
Filigree Ring 150 72 Finger
Jasper Bead Necklace 150 72 Neck
Darkened Scepter 150 72 Held In Off-hand
Vengeful Gladiator's Endgame 146 70 Held In Off-hand
Vengeful Gladiator's Reprieve 146 70 Held In Off-hand
Vengeful Gladiator's Grimoire 146 70 Held In Off-hand
Branch of Sinful Reprieve 146 73 Held In Off-hand
Necklace of Calm Skies 146 0 Neck
Hundred Tooth Necklace 146 0 Neck
Tiled-Stone Pendant 146 0 Neck
Amulet of Constrained Power 146 0 Neck
Medallion of Heroism 146 0 Trinket
Medallion of Heroism 146 0 Trinket
Devotional Band 146 71 Finger
Embroidered Pendant 146 71 Neck
Polished Orb 146 71 Held In Off-hand
Baleen Braided Collar 146 0 Neck
Oath Signet 146 0 Finger
Gleaming Tuskring 146 0 Finger
Ritual Neckguard 146 0 Neck
Ring of the Afterlife 146 0 Finger
Wyrm-slave Collar 146 0 Neck
Circlet of the Forgotten Mercenary 146 0 Finger
Scourge Ghoul Collar 146 0 Neck
Sinner's Repentance 146 0 Finger
Foresight's Anticipation 146 0 Trinket
Valonforth's Remembrance 146 0 Trinket
Thunder Capacitor 146 0 Trinket
Will of the Red Dragonflight 146 0 Trinket
Automated Weapon Coater 146 0 Trinket
Scarab of Isanoth 146 0 Trinket
Tome of the Violet Tower 146 0 Held In Off-hand
Life Binder Talisman 146 0 Held In Off-hand
Siegemaster's Torch Ring 146 0 Finger
Suntouched Flowers 146 0 Held In Off-hand
Band of Eternity 144 0 Finger
Band of Eternity 144 0 Finger
The 2 Ring 143 70 Finger
Worgen's Ring of Revitalization 142 72 Finger
Gemstone Ring 142 70 Finger
Gold Mesh Collar 142 70 Neck
Coldarra Crystal 142 70 Held In Off-hand
Chronicle of Dark Secrets 141 70 Held In Off-hand
Ring of Calming Waves 141 70 Finger
Ring of Captured Storms 141 70 Finger
Choker of Endless Nightmares 141 70 Neck
Band of the Abyssal Lord 141 70 Finger
Ring of Deceitful Intent 141 70 Finger
Unstoppable Aggressor's Ring 141 70 Finger
Translucent Spellthread Necklace 141 70 Neck
Touch of Inspiration 141 70 Held In Off-hand
Blind-Seers Icon 141 70 Held In Off-hand
Pendant of Titans 141 70 Neck
Nadina's Pendant of Purity 141 70 Neck
Shadowmoon Insignia 141 70 Trinket
Madness of the Betrayer 141 70 Trinket
Hellfire-Encased Pendant 141 70 Neck
Choker of Serrated Blades 141 70 Neck
Signet of Primal Wrath 141 70 Finger
Mana Attuned Band 141 70 Finger
Signet of the Quiet Forest 141 70 Finger
Signet of the Last Defender 141 70 Finger
Signet of Eternal Life 141 70 Finger
Vindicator's Band of Dominance 141 70 Finger
Vindicator's Band of Salvation 141 70 Finger
Vindicator's Band of Triumph 141 70 Finger
Vindicator's Pendant of Conquest 141 70 Neck
Vindicator's Pendant of Dominance 141 70 Neck
Vindicator's Pendant of Salvation 141 70 Neck
Vindicator's Pendant of Triumph 141 70 Neck
Angelista's Revenge 141 70 Finger
Ring of the Stalwart Protector 141 70 Finger
Fused Nethergon Band 141 70 Finger
Anveena's Touch 141 70 Finger
Sin'dorei Band of Dominance 141 70 Finger
Sin'dorei Band of Salvation 141 70 Finger
Sin'dorei Band of Triumph 141 70 Finger
Sin'dorei Pendant of Conquest 141 70 Neck
Sin'dorei Pendant of Salvation 141 70 Neck
Sin'dorei Pendant of Triumph 141 70 Neck
Vindicator's Pendant of Reprieve 141 70 Neck
Vindicator's Pendant of Subjugation 141 70 Neck
Vindicator's Band of Subjugation 141 70 Finger
Ashtongue Talisman of Valor 141 0 Trinket
Ashtongue Talisman of Equilibrium 141 0 Trinket
Ashtongue Talisman of Swiftness 141 0 Trinket
Ashtongue Talisman of Insight 141 0 Trinket
Ashtongue Talisman of Zeal 141 0 Trinket
Ashtongue Talisman of Acumen 141 0 Trinket
Ashtongue Talisman of Vision 141 0 Trinket
Ashtongue Talisman of Lethality 141 0 Trinket
Ashtongue Talisman of Shadows 141 0 Trinket
Band of the Ranger-General 138 70 Finger
Ring of Endless Coils 138 70 Finger
Coral Band of the Revived 138 70 Finger
Prism of Inner Calm 138 70 Trinket
The Darkener's Grasp 138 0 Neck
The Sun King's Talisman 138 0 Neck
Telonicus's Pendant of Mayhem 138 0 Neck
Lord Sanguinar's Claim 138 0 Neck
Milan's Mastercraft Band 138 71 Finger
Fury of the Encroaching Storm 138 0 Trinket
Mender of the Oncoming Dawn 138 0 Trinket
Horn of the Herald 138 0 Trinket
Chain of the Tolling Bell 138 0 Neck
Indomitable Choker of Light 138 0 Neck
Pendant of Revolutionary Thought 138 0 Neck
Clutch of Undying Will 138 0 Neck
Choker of Forceful Redemption 138 0 Neck
Chain of Vigilant Thought 138 0 Neck
Activist's Signet of Blasting 138 0 Finger
Ring of Indignant Rage 138 0 Finger
Band of Wholesome Preservation 138 0 Finger
Strike of the Seas 138 0 Trinket
Sailor's Knotted Charm 138 0 Trinket
First Mate's Pocketwatch 138 0 Trinket
Bloodstone Band 138 70 Finger
Sun Rock Ring 138 70 Finger
Crystal Citrine Necklace 138 70 Neck
Crystal Chalcedony Amulet 138 70 Neck
Glass Ring 138 69 Finger
Snake Entwined Necklace 138 69 Neck
Demon-Skull Orb 138 69 Held In Off-hand
Runed Clamshell Choker 138 0 Neck
Tome of Alacrity 138 0 Held In Off-hand
Nimblefinger Band 138 0 Finger
Lost Vrykul Signet 138 0 Finger
Worgtooth Pendant 138 0 Neck
Puissance-Infused Pendant 138 0 Neck
Unsparing Band 138 0 Finger
Dark Iron Signet 138 0 Finger
Shimmering Cold-Iron Band 138 0 Finger
Earthbinder's Regenerating Band 138 0 Finger
Infused Coldstone Rune 138 0 Trinket
Worg-Fang Talisman 138 0 Neck
Braxley's Backyard Moonshine 138 0 Trinket
Medicine Stick 138 0 Held In Off-hand
Manual of the Tides 138 0 Held In Off-hand
Greatmother's Talisman of Cleansing 138 0 Held In Off-hand
Frostspeaker Collar 138 0 Neck
Rigid Tuskring 138 0 Finger
Scout's Signet Ring 138 0 Finger
Deep Sea Tuskring 138 0 Finger
Thin Dexterity Enhancing Tube 138 0 Finger
Shimmering Band 138 0 Finger
Dry Earth Circle 138 0 Finger
Shivering Healer's Ring 138 0 Finger
Icy Ripper Ring 138 0 Finger
Giant Turtle Collar 138 0 Neck
Pugnacious Collar 138 0 Neck
Graven Shoveltusk Pendant 138 0 Neck
Choker of the Northern Wind 138 0 Neck
Iceflow Collar 138 0 Neck
Warsong's Wrath 138 0 Trinket
Talisman of the Tundra 138 0 Trinket
Warsong's Fervor 138 0 Trinket
Tidal Boon 138 0 Trinket
Serrah's Star 138 0 Trinket
Vial of Renewal 138 0 Trinket
Fury of the Crimson Drake 138 0 Trinket
Death Knight's Anguish 138 0 Trinket
Harbinger's Wrath 138 0 Trinket
Hypergizmatic Energy Booster 138 0 Held In Off-hand
Merciless Gladiator's Endgame 136 70 Held In Off-hand
Merciless Gladiator's Reprieve 136 70 Held In Off-hand
Band of Eternity 136 0 Finger
Band of Eternity 136 0 Finger
Band of Eternity 136 0 Finger
Band of Eternity 136 0 Finger
Band of Eternity 135 0 Finger
Band of Eternity 135 0 Finger
Tooga's Lost Toenail 134 70 Finger
Floral Loop 134 68 Finger
Silver Rope Chain 134 68 Neck
Northern Star 134 68 Held In Off-hand
Loop of Cursed Bones 133 70 Neck
Tome of Diabolic Remedy 133 70 Trinket
Hex Shrunken Head 133 70 Trinket
Ancient Aqir Artifact 133 70 Trinket
Berserker's Call 133 70 Trinket
Battlemaster's Determination 133 70 Trinket
Battlemaster's Audacity 133 70 Trinket
Battlemaster's Perseverance 133 70 Trinket
Battlemaster's Depravity 133 70 Trinket
Battlemaster's Cruelty 133 70 Trinket
Battlemaster's Cruelty 133 70 Trinket
Battlemaster's Depravity 133 70 Trinket
Battlemaster's Determination 133 70 Trinket
Battlemaster's Audacity 133 70 Trinket
Battlemaster's Perseverance 133 70 Trinket
Battlemaster's Alacrity 133 70 Trinket
Battlemaster's Alacrity 133 70 Trinket
Violet Signet of the Great Protector 130 0 Finger
Violet Signet of the Master Assassin 130 0 Finger
Violet Signet of the Archmage 130 0 Finger
Violet Signet of the Grand Restorer 130 0 Finger
Winterfall's Frozen Necklace 130 69 Neck
Oval Ring 130 67 Finger
Painted Wooden Beads 130 67 Neck
Icy Orb 130 67 Held In Off-hand
Phoenix-Ring of Rebirth 128 70 Finger
Band of Al'ar 128 70 Finger
Talisman of the Sun King 128 70 Held In Off-hand
Pendant of the Lost Ages 128 70 Neck
Pendant of the Perilous 128 70 Neck
Seventh Ring of the Tirisfalen 128 70 Finger
Fathomstone 128 70 Held In Off-hand
Ring of Lethality 128 70 Finger
Choker of Animalistic Fury 128 70 Neck
Ancestral Ring of Conquest 128 70 Finger
Ring of Sundered Souls 128 70 Finger
Frayed Tether of the Drowned 128 70 Neck
Solarian's Sapphire 128 70 Trinket
Tome of Fiery Redemption 128 70 Trinket
Talon of Al'ar 128 70 Trinket
Void Star Talisman 128 70 Trinket
Warp-Spring Coil 128 70 Trinket
Fel Reaver's Piston 128 70 Trinket
Spyglass of the Hidden Fleet 128 70 Trinket
Sextant of Unstable Currents 128 70 Trinket
Tsunami Talisman 128 70 Trinket
Scarab of Displacement 128 70 Trinket
Fathom-Brooch of the Tidewalker 128 70 Trinket
Living Root of the Wildheart 128 70 Trinket
Earring of Soulful Meditation 128 70 Trinket
Serpent-Coil Braid 128 70 Trinket
The Seal of Danzalar 128 70 Finger
Band of Vile Aggression 128 70 Finger
Veteran's Band of Dominance 128 70 Finger
Veteran's Band of Triumph 128 70 Finger
Band of the Vigilant 128 70 Finger
Veteran's Band of Salvation 128 70 Finger
Veteran's Pendant of Dominance 128 70 Neck
Veteran's Pendant of Triumph 128 70 Neck
Veteran's Pendant of Conquest 128 70 Neck
Veteran's Pendant of Salvation 128 70 Neck
Brooch of Nature's Mercy 128 70 Neck
Signet of Ancient Magics 128 70 Finger
Brooch of Deftness 128 70 Neck
The Savage's Choker 128 70 Neck
Voodoo Shaker 128 70 Held In Off-hand
Fetish of the Primal Gods 128 70 Held In Off-hand
Tiny Voodoo Mask 128 70 Trinket
Brightbrew Charm 128 70 Trinket
Balebrew Charm 128 70 Trinket
Medallion of the Alliance 128 70 Trinket