
Potions, Flacons, Elixirs

Name ILVL Req. Type
Flask of the Frost Wyrm 85 75 Not equipable
Flask of Endless Rage 85 75 Not equipable
Flask of Pure Mojo 85 75 Not equipable
Flask of Stoneblood 85 75 Not equipable
Mixture of the Frost Wyrm 85 0 Not equipable
Mixture of Stoneblood 85 0 Not equipable
Mixture of Endless Rage 85 0 Not equipable
Mixture of Pure Mojo 85 0 Not equipable
Flask of the North 80 0 Not equipable
Lesser Flask of Toughness 80 70 Not equipable
Lesser Flask of Resistance 80 70 Not equipable
Shattrath Flask of Fortification 70 70 Not equipable
Shattrath Flask of Mighty Restoration 70 70 Not equipable
Shattrath Flask of Supreme Power 70 70 Not equipable
Shattrath Flask of Relentless Assault 70 70 Not equipable
Shattrath Flask of Pure Death 70 70 Not equipable
Shattrath Flask of Blinding Light 70 70 Not equipable
Flask of Fortification 70 65 Not equipable
Flask of Mighty Restoration 70 65 Not equipable
Flask of Relentless Assault 70 65 Not equipable
Flask of Blinding Light 70 65 Not equipable
Flask of Pure Death 70 65 Not equipable
Unstable Flask of the Elder 70 65 Not equipable
Unstable Flask of the Soldier 70 65 Not equipable
Unstable Flask of the Beast 70 65 Not equipable
Unstable Flask of the Bandit 70 65 Not equipable
Unstable Flask of the Physician 70 65 Not equipable
Unstable Flask of the Sorcerer 70 65 Not equipable
Flask of Chromatic Wonder 70 65 Not equipable
Greater Dreamless Sleep Potion 60 55 Not equipable
Flask of Petrification 60 50 Not equipable
Flask of the Titans 60 50 Not equipable
Flask of Distilled Wisdom 60 50 Not equipable
Flask of Supreme Power 60 50 Not equipable
Flask of Chromatic Resistance 60 50 Not equipable
Major Rejuvenation Potion 60 50 Not equipable
Bloodkelp Elixir of Dodging 60 0 Not equipable
Bloodkelp Elixir of Resistance 60 0 Not equipable
Major Mana Potion 59 49 Not equipable
Mana Ruby 58 58 Not equipable
Major Troll's Blood Potion 58 53 Not equipable
Greater Frost Protection Potion 58 48 Not equipable
Greater Fire Protection Potion 58 48 Not equipable
Greater Nature Protection Potion 58 48 Not equipable
Greater Shadow Protection Potion 58 48 Not equipable
Greater Arcane Protection Potion 58 48 Not equipable
Greater Arcane Elixir 57 47 Not equipable
Purification Potion 57 47 Not equipable
Living Action Potion 57 47 Not equipable
Elixir of the Mongoose 56 46 Not equipable
Greater Stoneshield Potion 56 46 Not equipable
Major Healing Potion 55 45 Not equipable
Elixir of Brute Force 55 45 Not equipable
Raw Whitescale Salmon 55 45 Not equipable
Major Healing Draught 55 45 Not equipable
Major Mana Draught 55 45 Not equipable
Elixir of Poison Resistance 55 14 Not equipable
Elixir of the Sages 54 44 Not equipable
Elixir of Superior Defense 53 43 Not equipable
Mighty Rage Potion 51 46 Not equipable
Superior Mana Potion 51 41 Not equipable
Combat Mana Potion 51 41 Not equipable
Limited Invulnerability Potion 50 45 Not equipable
Elixir of Demonslaying 50 40 Not equipable
Elixir of Detect Demon 50 40 Not equipable
Elixir of Shadow Power 50 40 Not equipable
Mageblood Potion 50 40 Not equipable
Elixir of Greater Firepower 50 40 Not equipable
Elixir of Water Walking 50 35 Not equipable
Mana Citrine 48 48 Not equipable
Elixir of Greater Agility 48 38 Not equipable
Elixir of Dream Vision 48 38 Not equipable
Elixir of Giants 48 38 Not equipable
Arcane Elixir 47 37 Not equipable
Invisibility Potion 47 37 Not equipable
Elixir of Greater Intellect 47 37 Not equipable
Elixir of Detect Undead 46 36 Not equipable
Superior Healing Potion 45 35 Not equipable
Noggenfogger Elixir 45 35 Not equipable
Wildvine Potion 45 35 Not equipable
Dreamless Sleep Potion 45 35 Not equipable
Raw Sunscale Salmon 45 35 Not equipable
Poached Sunscale Salmon 45 35 Not equipable
Superior Healing Draught 45 35 Not equipable
Superior Mana Draught 45 35 Not equipable
Elixir of Greater Water Breathing 45 35 Not equipable
Combat Healing Potion 45 35 Not equipable
Lesser Stoneshield Potion 43 33 Not equipable
Restorative Potion 42 32 Not equipable
Magic Resistance Potion 42 32 Not equipable
Greater Mana Potion 41 31 Not equipable
Catseye Elixir 40 30 Not equipable
Elixir of Detect Lesser Invisibility 39 29 Not equipable
Elixir of Greater Defense 39 29 Not equipable
Mana Jade 38 38 Not equipable
Frost Protection Potion 38 28 Not equipable
Nature Protection Potion 38 28 Not equipable
Elixir of Frost Power 38 28 Not equipable
Elixir of Agility 37 27 Not equipable
Mighty Troll's Blood Potion 36 26 Not equipable
Elixir of Fortitude 35 25 Not equipable
Rockscale Cod 35 25 Not equipable
Great Rage Potion 35 25 Not equipable
Raw Rockscale Cod 35 25 Not equipable
Bloated Rockscale Cod 35 25 Not equipable
Greatfather's Winter Ale 35 0 Not equipable
Lesser Invisibility Potion 33 23 Not equipable
Fire Protection Potion 33 23 Not equipable
Mana Potion 32 22 Not equipable
Greater Healing Potion 31 21 Not equipable
Elixir of Ogre's Strength 30 20 Not equipable
Free Action Potion 30 20 Not equipable
Mana Agate 28 28 Not equipable
Elixir of Lesser Agility 28 18 Not equipable
Elixir of Firepower 28 18 Not equipable
Shadow Protection Potion 27 17 Not equipable
Elixir of Defense 26 16 Not equipable
Strong Troll's Blood Potion 25 15 Not equipable
Lesser Mana Potion 24 14 Not equipable
Healing Potion 22 12 Not equipable
Minor Magic Resistance Potion 22 12 Not equipable
Elixir of Wisdom 20 10 Not equipable
Holy Protection Potion 20 10 Not equipable
Swim Speed Potion 20 10 Not equipable
Elixir of Water Breathing 18 8 Not equipable
Elixir of Giant Growth 18 8 Not equipable
Trogg Ale 17 0 Not equipable
Minor Mana Potion 15 5 Not equipable
Minor Rejuvenation Potion 15 5 Not equipable
Swiftness Potion 15 5 Not equipable
Discolored Healing Potion 15 5 Not equipable
Thistle Tea 15 5 Not equipable
Flask of Port 15 0 Not equipable
Rage Potion 14 4 Not equipable
Lesser Healing Potion 13 3 Not equipable
Elixir of Minor Agility 12 2 Not equipable
Elixir of Minor Fortitude 12 2 Not equipable
Weak Troll's Blood Potion 8 1 Not equipable
Minor Healing Potion 5 1 Not equipable
Elixir of Lion's Strength 5 1 Not equipable
Elixir of Minor Defense 5 1 Not equipable
Thunder Ale 1 1 Not equipable
Singed Scale 1 0 Not equipable
Volatile Rum 1 0 Not equipable
Dark Iron Ale Mug 1 0 Not equipable
Rumsey Rum 1 0 Not equipable
Rumsey Rum Light 1 0 Not equipable
Rumsey Rum Dark 1 0 Not equipable
Rumsey Rum Black Label 1 0 Not equipable
Valentine's Day Stationery 0 0 Not equipable
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