Woodpaw Gnoll Mane - Objets

Woodpaw Gnoll Mane

Woodpaw Gnoll Mane
Item Level 1
Quest item
Loot from Woodpaw Mongrel
Max Stack: 20

More details

  • Type: Quest
Name Level Required Level Faction
War on the Woodpaw 42 39 Horde
Name Level Quantity Location % Loot
Woodpaw Mongrel 40 - 41 1 - 1 Feralas -80%
Woodpaw Trapper 41 - 42 1 - 1 Feralas -80%
Woodpaw Brute 41 - 42 1 - 1 Feralas -80%
Woodpaw Mystic 42 - 43 1 - 1 Feralas -80%
Woodpaw Reaver 42 - 43 1 - 1 Feralas -80%
Woodpaw Alpha 43 - 44 1 - 1 Feralas -80%

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