Madwolf Bracers - Objets

Madwolf Bracers

Madwolf Bracers
Item Level 29
Bind on equip
40 Armor
+2 Stamina
+5 Agility
Durability 30 /30
Requires Level 24
Buy Price: 5112
Sell Price: 1022

More details

  • Can be disenchanted
  • Type: Armor
Name Level Quantity Location % Loot
Nightbane Dark Runner 28 - 29 1 Duskwood 1%
Nightbane Vile Fang 29 - 30 1 Duskwood 1%
Bone Chewer 26 - 27 1 Duskwood 1%
Splinter Fist Warrior 29 - 30 1 Duskwood 1%
Defias Night Runner 24 - 25 1 Duskwood 1%
Grave Robber 24 - 25 1 Duskwood 1%
Zzarc' Vul 30 - 30 1 Stranglethorn Vale 1%
Eliza 30 - 30 1 Duskwood 1%
Stalvan Mistmantle 32 - 32 1 Duskwood 1%
Gath'Ilzogg 26 - 26 1 Redridge Mountains 1%
Morganth 26 - 26 1 Redridge Mountains 1%
Shadowhide Darkweaver 25 - 26 1 Redridge Mountains 1%
Shadowhide Slayer 25 - 26 1 Redridge Mountains 1%
Blackrock Champion 24 - 25 1 Redridge Mountains 1%
Blackrock Champion 24 - 25 1 Burning Steppes 1%
Lord Malathrom 31 - 31 1 Duskwood 1%
Insane Ghoul 26 - 26 1 Duskwood 1%
Yowler 20 - 20 1 Redridge Mountains 1%
Skeletal Fiend 24 - 25 1 Duskwood 1%
Nightbane Shadow Weaver 27 - 28 1 Duskwood 1%
Shadowhide Warrior 24 - 25 1 Redridge Mountains 1%
Brain Eater 28 - 29 1 Duskwood 1%
Naraxis 27 - 27 1 Duskwood 1%
Kazon 27 - 27 1 Redridge Mountains 1%
Plague Spreader 27 - 28 1 Duskwood 1%
Black Ravager 24 - 25 1 Duskwood 1%
Young Stranglethorn Tiger 30 - 31 1 Stranglethorn Vale 1%
Young Panther 30 - 31 1 Stranglethorn Vale 1%
Lieutenant Fangore 26 - 26 1 Redridge Mountains 1%
Skeletal Warder 28 - 29 1 Duskwood 1%
Skeletal Healer 26 - 27 1 Duskwood 1%
Servant of Ilgalar 24 - 25 1 Redridge Mountains 1%
Young Stranglethorn Raptor 30 - 31 1 Stranglethorn Vale 1%
Splinter Fist Ogre 25 - 26 1 Duskwood 1%
Splinter Fist Fire Weaver 26 - 27 1 Duskwood 1%
Splinter Fist Taskmaster 27 - 28 1 Duskwood 1%
Nightbane Worgen 26 - 27 1 Duskwood 1%
Sharptooth Frenzy 31 - 32 1 Stranglethorn Vale 1%
Defias Night Blade 25 - 26 1 Duskwood 1%
Defias Enchanter 26 - 27 1 Duskwood 1%
Nightbane Tainted One 30 - 31 1 Duskwood 1%
Black Widow Hatchling 24 - 25 1 Duskwood 1%
Rohh the Silent 26 - 26 1 Redridge Mountains 1%
Rotted One 25 - 26 1 Duskwood 1%
Carrion Recluse 25 - 26 1 Duskwood 1%
Defias Inmate 23 - 24 1 1%
Defias Convict 23 - 24 1 1%
Defias Insurgent 24 - 24 1 1%
Bazil Thredd 25 - 25 1 The Stockade 1%
Hamhock 25 - 25 1 The Stockade 1%
Lord Gregor Lescovar 31 - 31 1 Stormwind City 1%
Marzon the Silent Blade 30 - 30 1 Stormwind City 1%
Giant Wetlands Crocolisk 25 - 26 1 Wetlands 1%
Chieftain Nek'rosh 26 - 26 1 Wetlands 1%
Garneg Charskull 29 - 29 1 Wetlands 1%
Cave Yeti 30 - 31 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Ferocious Yeti 31 - 32 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Hillsbrad Tailor 24 - 25 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Hillsbrad Apprentice Blacksmith 24 - 25 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Hillsbrad Peasant 24 - 25 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Hillsbrad Footman 25 - 26 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Hillsbrad Miner 26 - 27 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Hillsbrad Sentry 27 - 28 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Dalaran Shield Guard 31 - 32 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Dalaran Shield Guard 31 - 32 1 Alterac Mountains 1%
Foreman Bonds 30 - 30 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Magistrate Burnside 30 - 30 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Dark Strand Voidcaller 28 - 29 1 Darkshore 1%
Dun Garok Mountaineer 28 - 29 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Dun Garok Rifleman 29 - 30 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Dun Garok Priest 29 - 30 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Elder Moss Creeper 26 - 27 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Giant Moss Creeper 24 - 25 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Giant Moss Creeper 24 - 25 1 Alterac Mountains 1%
Elder Gray Bear 25 - 26 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Elder Gray Bear 25 - 26 1 Alterac Mountains 1%
Elder Gray Bear 25 - 26 1 Arathi Highlands 1%
Daggerspine Shorestalker 28 - 29 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Daggerspine Shorehunter 30 - 31 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Daggerspine Screamer 29 - 30 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Daggerspine Siren 31 - 32 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Mudsnout Gnoll 26 - 27 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Mudsnout Shaman 27 - 28 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Torn Fin Muckdweller 28 - 29 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Torn Fin Coastrunner 29 - 30 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Torn Fin Oracle 30 - 31 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Torn Fin Tidehunter 31 - 32 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Feral Mountain Lion 27 - 28 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Hillsbrad Councilman 25 - 26 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Blacksmith Verringtan 26 - 26 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Snapjaw 30 - 31 1 Alterac Mountains 1%
Snapjaw 30 - 31 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Snapjaw 30 - 31 1 Silverpine Forest 1%
Snapjaw 30 - 31 1 Undercity 1%
Clerk Horrace Whitesteed 26 - 26 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Citizen Wilkes 25 - 25 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Miner Hackett 29 - 29 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Farmer Kalaba 25 - 25 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Hillsbrad Foreman 27 - 28 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Son of Arugal 20 - 20 1 Shadowfang Keep 1%
Son of Arugal 20 - 20 1 Silverpine Forest 1%
Witherbark Troll 30 - 31 1 Arathi Highlands 1%
Witherbark Shadowcaster 31 - 32 1 Arathi Highlands 1%
Highland Strider 30 - 31 1 Arathi Highlands 1%
Young Mesa Buzzard 31 - 32 1 Arathi Highlands 1%
Dabyrie Militia 31 - 32 1 Arathi Highlands 1%
Dabyrie Laborer 30 - 31 1 Arathi Highlands 1%
Syndicate Highwayman 30 - 31 1 Arathi Highlands 1%
Syndicate Mercenary 31 - 32 1 Arathi Highlands 1%
Shadowforge Commander 40 - 40 1 Badlands 1%
Broken Tooth 37 - 37 1 Badlands 1%
Greater Barrens Kodo 24 - 25 1 The Barrens 1%
Wooly Kodo 25 - 26 1 The Barrens 1%
Bael'dun Rifleman 24 - 25 1 The Barrens 1%
Bael'dun Officer 26 - 26 1 The Barrens 1%
Prospector Khazgorm 24 - 24 1 The Barrens 1%
General Twinbraid 30 - 30 1 The Barrens 1%
Lok Orcbane 25 - 25 1 The Barrens 1%
Razormane Warfrenzy 24 - 25 1 The Barrens 1%
Washte Pawne 25 - 25 1 The Barrens 1%
Isha Awak 27 - 27 1 The Barrens 1%
Ran Bloodtooth 30 - 30 1 Ashenvale 1%
Wrathtail Sea Witch 19 - 20 1 Ashenvale 1%
Foulweald Den Watcher 24 - 25 1 Ashenvale 1%
Foulweald Shaman 24 - 25 1 Ashenvale 1%
Foulweald Ursa 24 - 25 1 Ashenvale 1%
Xavian Rogue 29 - 30 1 Ashenvale 1%
Xavian Betrayer 28 - 29 1 Ashenvale 1%
Xavian Felsworn 28 - 29 1 Ashenvale 1%
Xavian Hellcaller 29 - 30 1 Ashenvale 1%
Felmusk Satyr 25 - 26 1 Ashenvale 1%
Felmusk Rogue 26 - 27 1 Ashenvale 1%
Felmusk Felsworn 26 - 26 1 Ashenvale 1%
Felmusk Shadowstalker 26 - 27 1 Ashenvale 1%
Bleakheart Satyr 26 - 27 1 Ashenvale 1%
Bleakheart Trickster 27 - 28 1 Ashenvale 1%
Bleakheart Shadowstalker 27 - 28 1 Ashenvale 1%
Bleakheart Hellcaller 26 - 27 1 Ashenvale 1%
Akkrilus 26 - 26 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Shadethicket Stone Mover 25 - 26 1 Ashenvale 1%
Shadethicket Bark Ripper 26 - 27 1 Ashenvale 1%
Terrowulf Fleshripper 28 - 29 1 Ashenvale 1%
Terrowulf Fleshripper 28 - 29 1 Felwood 1%
Terrowulf Shadow Weaver 29 - 30 1 Ashenvale 1%
Cenarion Protector 25 - 26 1 Ashenvale 1%
Severed Druid 28 - 29 1 Ashenvale 1%
Severed Sleeper 28 - 29 1 Ashenvale 1%
Severed Dreamer 29 - 30 1 Ashenvale 1%
Severed Keeper 29 - 30 1 Ashenvale 1%
Forsaken Intruder 28 - 29 1 Ashenvale 1%
Forsaken Infiltrator 29 - 30 1 Ashenvale 1%
Forsaken Assassin 29 - 30 1 Ashenvale 1%
Forsaken Dark Stalker 28 - 29 1 Ashenvale 1%
Elder Ashenvale Bear 25 - 26 1 Ashenvale 1%
Giant Ashenvale Bear 29 - 30 1 Ashenvale 1%
Blink Dragon 26 - 26 1 Ashenvale 1%
Elder Shadowhorn Stag 26 - 27 1 Ashenvale 1%
Elder Shadowhorn Stag 26 - 27 1 Felwood 1%
Wildthorn Venomspitter 24 - 25 1 Ashenvale 1%
Wildthorn Lurker 28 - 29 1 Ashenvale 1%
Ghostpaw Alpha 27 - 28 1 Ashenvale 1%
Ghostpaw Alpha 27 - 28 1 Felwood 1%
Cenarion Vindicator 26 - 27 1 Ashenvale 1%
Crazed Ancient 27 - 28 1 Ashenvale 1%
Crazed Ancient 27 - 28 1 Felwood 1%
Lupine Horror 20 - 20 1 1%
Befouled Water Elemental 23 - 25 1 Ashenvale 1%
Withered Ancient 26 - 27 1 Felwood 1%
Withered Ancient 26 - 27 1 Ashenvale 1%
Shadethicket Oracle 30 - 30 1 Ashenvale 1%
Bloodtooth Guard 27 - 28 1 Ashenvale 1%
Uthil Mooncall 32 - 32 1 Ashenvale 1%
Mavoris Cloudsbreak 32 - 32 1 Ashenvale 1%
Sarilus Foulborne 25 - 25 1 The Barrens 1%
Dal Bloodclaw 25 - 25 1 Ashenvale 1%
Pridewing Patriarch 25 - 25 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Fey Dragon 24 - 25 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Wily Fey Dragon 26 - 27 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Great Courser 24 - 25 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Corrosive Sap Beast 24 - 25 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Bloodfury Roguefeather 25 - 26 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Bloodfury Slayer 25 - 26 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Bloodfury Windcaller 24 - 25 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Bloodfury Storm Witch 26 - 27 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Charred Ancient 25 - 26 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Blackened Ancient 27 - 28 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Vengeful Ancient 29 - 30 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Fledgling Chimaera 25 - 27 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Young Chimaera 23 - 25 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Enraged Stone Spirit 24 - 25 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Furious Stone Spirit 26 - 27 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Burning Ravager 24 - 25 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Burning Destroyer 26 - 27 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Scorched Basilisk 27 - 28 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Singed Basilisk 25 - 26 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Cenarion Caretaker 25 - 25 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Cenarion Druid 26 - 27 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Daughter of Cenarius 23 - 25 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Laughing Sister 24 - 25 1 Ashenvale 1%
Mirkfallon Keeper 26 - 27 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Son of Cenarius 24 - 25 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Mirkfallon Dryad 25 - 26 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Dark Iron Bombardier 30 - 31 1 Arathi Highlands 1%
Nal'taszar 30 - 30 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Galak Wrangler 25 - 26 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Galak Scout 24 - 25 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Galak Mauler 27 - 28 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Galak Windchaser 24 - 25 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Galak Stormer 26 - 27 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Galak Marauder 26 - 27 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Screeching Harpy 28 - 29 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Screeching Roguefeather 29 - 30 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Screeching Windcaller 30 - 30 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Highperch Wyvern 28 - 29 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Highperch Consort 28 - 29 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Highperch Patriarch 30 - 31 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Gravelsnout Kobold 26 - 27 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Gravelsnout Vermin 25 - 26 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Gravelsnout Digger 28 - 29 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Gravelsnout Forager 27 - 28 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Gravelsnout Surveyor 29 - 30 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Cloud Serpent 25 - 26 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Venomous Cloud Serpent 26 - 28 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Elder Cloud Serpent 27 - 29 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Thundering Boulderkin 28 - 29 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Needles Cougar 27 - 28 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Crag Stalker 26 - 26 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Scorpid Reaver 31 - 32 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Sparkleshell Tortoise 30 - 31 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Saltstone Basilisk 30 - 31 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Saltstone Crystalhide 32 - 33 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Salt Flats Scavenger 30 - 32 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Gerenzo Wrenchwhistle 27 - 27 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Pesterhide Hyena 26 - 27 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Pesterhide Snarler 28 - 29 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Keeper Ordanus 29 - 29 1 Ashenvale 1%
Scarlet Preserver 29 - 30 1 Tirisfal Glades 1%
Scarlet Scout 29 - 30 1 Tirisfal Glades 1%
Scarlet Magician 29 - 30 1 Tirisfal Glades 1%
Scarlet Sentry 30 - 31 1 Tirisfal Glades 1%
Scarlet Sentry 30 - 31 1 Scarlet Monastery 1%
Scarlet Augur 30 - 31 1 Tirisfal Glades 1%
Scarlet Disciple 30 - 31 1 Tirisfal Glades 1%
Scarlet Scryer 30 - 31 1 1%
Scarlet Chaplain 34 - 34 1 1%
Scarlet Torturer 30 - 31 1 1%
Unfettered Spirit 30 - 31 1 1%
Gatekeeper Kordurus 25 - 25 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Ward Guardian 26 - 26 1 1%
Razorfen Warrior 24 - 25 1 1%
Razorfen Quilguard 25 - 25 1 1%
Razorfen Warden 25 - 25 1 1%
Razorfen Spearhide 25 - 26 1 1%
Razorfen Totemic 25 - 26 1 1%
Razorfen Defender 25 - 26 1 1%
Blackrock Gladiator 24 - 25 1 Redridge Mountains 1%
Rok'Alim the Pounder 30 - 30 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Agam'ar 24 - 25 1 1%
Rotting Agam'ar 26 - 26 1 1%
Raging Agam'ar 25 - 25 1 1%
Death's Head Acolyte 25 - 26 1 1%
Death's Head Adept 25 - 26 1 1%
Death's Head Priest 25 - 25 1 1%
Death's Head Sage 25 - 26 1 1%
Death's Head Seer 25 - 26 1 1%
Razorfen Geomancer 25 - 25 1 1%
Razorfen Dustweaver 25 - 26 1 1%
Razorfen Groundshaker 25 - 26 1 1%
Razorfen Earthbreaker 30 - 31 1 1%
Razorfen Handler 25 - 25 1 1%
Razorfen Beast Trainer 28 - 29 1 1%
Razorfen Beastmaster 26 - 26 1 1%
Kraul Bat 26 - 26 1 1%
Greater Kraul Bat 26 - 26 1 1%
Blood of Agamaggan 26 - 26 1 1%
Steelsnap 30 - 30 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Quilguard Champion 26 - 26 1 1%
Arugal's Voidwalker 20 - 20 1 1%
Kolkar Centaur 30 - 31 1 Desolace 1%
Kolkar Scout 30 - 31 1 Desolace 1%
Kolkar Mauler 31 - 32 1 Desolace 1%
Kolkar Windchaser 31 - 32 1 Desolace 1%
Burning Blade Augur 30 - 31 1 Desolace 1%
Burning Blade Reaver 30 - 31 1 Desolace 1%
Burning Blade Adept 31 - 32 1 Desolace 1%
Burning Blade Felsworn 31 - 32 1 Desolace 1%
Hatefury Rogue 31 - 32 1 Desolace 1%
Hatefury Rogue 31 - 32 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Hatefury Trickster 31 - 32 1 Desolace 1%
Hatefury Trickster 31 - 32 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Hatefury Felsworn 31 - 32 1 Desolace 1%
Hatefury Felsworn 31 - 32 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Starving Bonepaw 30 - 32 1 Desolace 1%
Dread Swoop 32 - 33 1 Desolace 1%
Dread Swoop 32 - 33 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Scorpashi Snapper 30 - 31 1 Desolace 1%
Scorpashi Snapper 30 - 31 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Gritjaw Basilisk 31 - 32 1 Desolace 1%
Gritjaw Basilisk 31 - 32 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Fallenroot Hellcaller 22 - 23 1 1%
Blackfathom Myrmidon 22 - 22 1 1%
Twilight Acolyte 22 - 23 1 1%
Twilight Reaver 23 - 23 1 1%
Twilight Aquamancer 23 - 23 1 1%
Twilight Loreseeker 22 - 23 1 1%
Twilight Shadowmage 23 - 23 1 1%
Twilight Elementalist 23 - 23 1 1%
Murkshallow Snapclaw 22 - 22 1 1%
Blindlight Muckdweller 23 - 23 1 1%
Blindlight Oracle 23 - 23 1 1%
Barbed Crustacean 23 - 23 1 1%
Aku'mai Snapjaw 23 - 23 1 1%
Deep Pool Threshfin 22 - 23 1 1%
Old Town Thug 25 - 25 1 Stormwind City 1%
Aku'mai Servant 23 - 23 1 1%
Surf Glider 48 - 50 1 Tanaris 1%
Aean Swiftriver 22 - 22 1 The Barrens 1%
Thora Feathermoon 25 - 25 1 The Barrens 1%
Brontus 27 - 27 1 The Barrens 1%
Azzere the Skyblade 25 - 25 1 The Barrens 1%
Malgin Barleybrew 25 - 25 1 The Barrens 1%
Captain Gerogg Hammertoe 27 - 27 1 The Barrens 1%
Hagg Taurenbane 26 - 26 1 The Barrens 1%
Brother Ravenoak 29 - 29 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Sentinel Amarassan 27 - 27 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Sister Riven 28 - 28 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Razorfen Stalker 25 - 26 1 1%
Legion Hound 29 - 30 1 1%
Searing Infernal 29 - 30 1 Ashenvale 1%
Roaming Felguard 29 - 30 1 Ashenvale 1%
Chimaera Matriarch 28 - 28 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Roogug 26 - 26 1 Razorfen Kraul 1%
Caverndeep Burrower 25 - 27 1 1%
Caverndeep Ambusher 25 - 27 1 1%
Caverndeep Invader 25 - 26 1 Dun Morogh 1%
Caverndeep Looter 26 - 26 1 Dun Morogh 1%
Caverndeep Pillager 24 - 25 1 Dun Morogh 1%
Caverndeep Reaver 27 - 28 1 1%
Irradiated Invader 24 - 26 1 Dun Morogh 1%
Chomper 26 - 26 1 1%
Irradiated Slime 26 - 26 1 1%
Corrosive Lurker 26 - 27 1 1%
Irradiated Horror 28 - 29 1 1%
Addled Leper 24 - 25 1 Dun Morogh 1%
Leprous Technician 26 - 27 1 1%
Leprous Defender 26 - 27 1 1%
Leprous Machinesmith 26 - 27 1 1%
Mechano-Tank 29 - 30 1 1%
Mechano-Flamewalker 30 - 31 1 1%
Mechano-Frostwalker 31 - 32 1 1%
Dark Iron Ambassador 28 - 28 1 2%
Crowd Pummeler 9-60 28 - 28 1 Gnomeregan 3%
Peacekeeper Security Suit 27 - 27 1 1%
Techbot 26 - 26 1 Dun Morogh 1%
Mechanized Sentry 28 - 29 1 1%
Mechanized Guardian 31 - 32 1 1%
Irradiated Pillager 25 - 26 1 1%
Holdout Warrior 26 - 27 1 Gnomeregan 1%
Holdout Medic 29 - 30 1 1%
Holdout Technician 29 - 30 1 1%
Anguished Dead 31 - 31 1 1%
Dark Iron Rifleman 27 - 28 1 Wetlands 1%
Suffering Victim 25 - 25 1 Eastern Plaguelands 1%
Suffering Victim 25 - 25 1 Scarlet Monastery 1%
Scarlet Trainee 30 - 30 1 1%
Klaven Mortwake 23 - 23 1 Westfall 1%
Condemned Acolyte 57 - 58 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Cursed Paladin 57 - 58 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Writhing Mage 58 - 59 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Death's Head Necromancer 35 - 35 1 1%
Grubbis 28 - 28 1 Gnomeregan 90%
Galak Flame Guard 30 - 30 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Leprous Assistant 26 - 27 1 1%
Mekgineer Thermaplugg 28 - 28 1 Gnomeregan 100%
Mobile Alert System 25 - 25 1 1%
Rynthariel the Keymaster 29 - 29 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Rage Talon Dragon Guard 60 - 61 1 1%
Galak Messenger 26 - 26 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Rorgish Jowl 25 - 25 1 Ashenvale 1%
Oakpaw 27 - 27 1 Ashenvale 1%
Branch Snapper 25 - 25 1 Ashenvale 1%
Eck'alom 27 - 27 1 Ashenvale 1%
Galak Assassin 27 - 28 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Scalding Elemental 28 - 29 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Boiling Elemental 27 - 28 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Grimtotem Bandit 25 - 26 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Grimtotem Stomper 26 - 27 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Grimtotem Geomancer 25 - 27 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Grimtotem Reaver 28 - 28 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Arikara 28 - 28 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Arnak Grimtotem 29 - 29 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Enraged Panther 30 - 30 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Warsong Peon 26 - 27 1 Ashenvale 1%
Horde Scout 26 - 28 1 Ashenvale 1%
Horde Deforester 27 - 28 1 Ashenvale 1%
Warsong Grunt 29 - 30 1 Ashenvale 1%
Warsong Shaman 28 - 29 1 Ashenvale 1%
Warsong Shredder 28 - 28 1 Ashenvale 1%
Mannoroc Lasher 30 - 30 1 Ashenvale 1%
Enraged Reef Crawler 30 - 32 1 Desolace 1%
Bloodfury Ripper 26 - 26 1 Stonetalon Mountains 1%
Shadumbra 28 - 28 1 Ashenvale 1%
Ursangous 25 - 25 1 Ashenvale 1%
Tideress 27 - 27 1 Ashenvale 1%
Baron Aquanis 24 - 24 1 1%
Lorgus Jett 24 - 24 1 Blackfathom Deeps 1%
Chief Murgut 26 - 26 1 Ashenvale 1%
Boulderheart 25 - 25 1 Redridge Mountains 1%
Tamra Stormpike 28 - 28 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Scargil 30 - 30 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Ro'Bark 28 - 28 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Big Samras 27 - 27 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1%
Lake Thresher 25 - 25 1 Redridge Mountains 1%
Mirelow 25 - 25 1 Wetlands 1%
Harb Foulmountain 27 - 27 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Gibblesnik 28 - 28 1 Thousand Needles 1%
Sludginn 30 - 30 1 Wetlands 1%
Lesser Silithid Flayer 30 - 31 1 1%
Qiraji Lieutenant 28 - 28 1 1%
Minor Anubisath Warbringer 25 - 25 1 1%
Qiraji Lieutenant Jo-rel 28 - 28 1 1%
Crusty 30 - 32 1 1%

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