Pattern: Red Woolen Bag - Objets

Pattern: Red Woolen Bag

Pattern: Red Woolen Bag
Item Level 23
Buy Price: 50
Sell Price: 125

More details

  • Type: Recipe
  • Consumable
Name Level Quantity Location % Loot
Crimson Ooze 24 - 25 1 Wetlands 1%
Black Ooze 23 - 24 1 Wetlands 1%
Monstrous Ooze 25 - 26 1 Wetlands 1%
Defias Renegade Mage 18 - 19 1 - 1 Westfall 2.56%
Hillsbrad Tailor 24 - 25 1 - 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 1.8%
Name Level Stock Location Sell Price:
Tailoring Supplies
14 - 14 2 Darkshore 50
Merchant Supreme
32 - 32 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 50
Rann Flamespinner
Tailoring Supplies
15 - 15 1 Loch Modan 50
Leatherworking & Tailoring Supplies
30 - 30 1 Mulgore 50
Tailoring Supplies
30 - 30 1 Orgrimmar 50
Amy Davenport
20 - 20 1 Redridge Mountains 50
Tailoring Supplies
18 - 18 1 The Barrens 50
Stylish Clothier
32 - 32 1 The Barrens 50
Tailoring & Leatherworking Supplies
25 - 25 1 The Barrens 50
Millie Gregorian
Tailoring Supplies
30 - 30 1 Undercity 50
Jennabink Powerseam
Tailoring Supplies & Specialty Goods
25 - 25 1 Wetlands 50

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