Strong Flux - Objets

Strong Flux

Strong Flux
Item Level 25
Loot from Dalaran Miner
Used by blacksmiths to remove impurities.
Max Stack: 10
Buy Price: 200
Sell Price: 50

More details

  • Type: Trade Goods
Name Level Required Level Faction
War at Sea 60 40 Alliance & Horde
Name Level Quantity Location % Loot
Dalaran Miner 16 - 16 1 - 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 100%
Name Level Stock Location Sell Price:
Namdo Bizzfizzle
Engineering Supplies
24 - 24 200
Tink Sprocketwhistle
Engineering Supplies
24 - 24 200
Field Repair Bot 74A 50 - 50 200
Arathel Sunforge
Blacksmithing Trainer
15 - 15 200
Master Blacksmithing Trainer
60 - 60 200
30 - 30 200
Engineering Supplies
30 - 30 200
Mining Supplies
30 - 30 200
Blacksmithing Supplies
55 - 55 200
Blacksmithing Supplies
45 - 45 200
Mining Supplies
30 - 30 200
30 - 30 200
Engineering Supplies
30 - 30 200
Master Blacksmithing Trainer
60 - 60 200
Artificer Daelo
Engineering Trainer
18 - 18 200
Blacksmith Calypso
Blacksmithing Trainer & Supplies
8 - 8 200
Clopper Wizbang
Explorers' League
15 - 15 200
13 - 13 200
Blacksmith Frances
Blacksmithing Supplies
15 - 15 200
Master Engineering Trainer
60 - 60 200
Cecil Meyers
Blacksmithing Supplies
60 - 60 200
Captured Gnome
Item Repair
6 - 6 200
Pol Snowhoof
Trade Goods
60 - 60 200
Aaron Hollman
Blacksmithing Supplies
60 - 60 200
Siflaed Coldhammer
60 - 60 200
Dealer Najeeb
Spare Parts
60 - 60 200
68 - 68 200
Engineer Combs
The Lady Mehley
29 - 29 200
Vend-O-Tron D-Luxe 25 - 25 200
Merchant Fallel Stargazer
The Moonspray
65 - 65 200
Engineer Brightbuckle
The Bravery
29 - 29 200
Merchant Felagunne
Feathermoon Ferry
65 - 65 200
Merchant Frostwalker
Elune's Blessing
65 - 65 200
Engineer Torquespindle
The Maiden's Fancy
29 - 29 200
Everett McGill
Explorers' League Provisioner
72 - 72 200
Technician Halmaha
Engineering Supplies
65 - 65 200
Blacksmithing Supplies
65 - 67 200
Engineer Kurtis Paddock
The Assurance
30 - 30 200
Chief Engineer Boltwrench 80 - 80 200
Master Blacksmithing Trainer
62 - 62 200
Engineer Sinbei
Master Engineering Trainer
62 - 62 200
Master Mining Trainer
62 - 62 200
Demolisher Engineer Blastwrench
80 - 80 200
Master Blacksmithing Trainer
62 - 62 200
Technician Mihila
Master Engineering Trainer
62 - 62 200
Master Mining Trainer
62 - 62 200
Rizz Loosebolt
Engineering Supplies
31 - 31 Alterac Mountains 200
Zora Guthrek
Trade Goods
55 - 55 Alterac Valley 200
Blacksmithing Supplies
55 - 55 Alterac Valley 200
Lana Thunderbrew
Blacksmithing Supplies
55 - 55 Alterac Valley 200
Svalbrad Farmountain
Trade Goods
55 - 55 Alterac Valley 200
Hammon Karwn
Superior Tradesman
35 - 35 Arathi Highlands 200
Trade Goods
33 - 33 Arathi Highlands 200
Trade Goods
24 - 24 Ashenvale 200
Trade Goods
24 - 24 Ashenvale 200
Jubie Gadgetspring
Engineering Supplies
55 - 55 Azshara 200
Blimo Gadgetspring
Trade Supplies
55 - 55 Azshara 200
Blacksmithing Supplies
38 - 38 Badlands 200
Ogri'la Steelshaper
Blacksmithing Supplies
71 - 73 Blade's Edge Mountains 200
Willis Wobblewheel
70 - 70 Borean Tundra 200
Chief Engineer Galpen Rolltie
Engineering Supplies
70 - 70 Borean Tundra 200
Yuka Screwspigot 53 - 53 Burning Steppes 200
Lanudal Silverhart
Blacksmithing Supplies
80 - 80 Crystalsong Forest 200
Felindel Sunhammer
Blacksmithing Supplies
80 - 80 Crystalsong Forest 200
Durik Bronzebomb
Engineering Supplies
78 - 78 Crystalsong Forest 200
Halig Fireforge
Blacksmithing Supplies
79 - 79 Crystalsong Forest 200
"Red" Jack Findle
Trade Supplies
75 - 75 Dalaran 200
Palja Amboss
Blacksmithing Supplies
75 - 75 Dalaran 200
Bryan Landers
Engineering Supplies
75 - 75 Dalaran 200
Dorian Fines
Mining Supplies
75 - 75 Dalaran 200
Thelgrum Stonehammer
Mining Supplies
30 - 30 Darkshore 200
Elisa Steelhand
Blacksmithing Supplies
30 - 30 Darkshore 200
Gorbold Steelhand
Trade Supplies
30 - 30 Darkshore 200
Trade Goods
41 - 41 Desolace 200
Trade Supplies
30 - 30 Desolace 200
Vendor-Tron 1000 38 - 38 Desolace 200
Troz 75 - 75 Dragonblight 200
Siegesmith Gulda
Blacksmithing Supplies
71 - 71 Dragonblight 200
Tradesman Kontor
Trade Supplies
70 - 70 Dragonblight 200
Rohesia Werner
Trade Supplies
70 - 70 Dragonblight 200
Trixy Trixerton
Trade Supplies
70 - 70 Dragonblight 200
Master Smith Devin Brevig
Blacksmithing Supplies
71 - 71 Dragonblight 200
Saramer Whitewillow
Trade Supplies
70 - 70 Dragonblight 200
Quartermaster Bartlett
Blacksmithing Supplies
72 - 72 Dragonblight 200
Thrawn Boltar
Blacksmithing Supplies
29 - 29 Dun Morogh 200
Loslor Rudge
Engineering Supplies
10 - 10 Dun Morogh 200
Armorer & Shieldcrafter
16 - 16 Durotar 200
Gunder Thornbush
30 - 30 Duskwood 200
Herble Baubbletump
Engineering & Mining Supplies
30 - 30 Duskwood 200
Helenia Olden
Trade Supplies
34 - 34 Dustwallow Marsh 200
Jase Farlane
Trade Supplies
56 - 56 Eastern Plaguelands 200
Craftsman Wilhelm
Brotherhood of the Light
57 - 57 Eastern Plaguelands 200
Trade Supplies
52 - 52 Feralas 200
Sheendra Tallgrass
Trade Supplies
50 - 50 Feralas 200
Zorbin Fandazzle 40 - 40 Feralas 200
Samir 70 - 70 Ghostlands 200
Brom Armstrong
Blacksmithing Supplies
70 - 70 Grizzly Hills 200
Smith Prigka
71 - 71 Grizzly Hills 200
Jason Riggins
Blacksmithing Supplies
74 - 74 Grizzly Hills 200
Blacksmithing Supplies
74 - 74 Grizzly Hills 200
Master Engineering Trainer
60 - 60 Hellfire Peninsula 200
Micha Yance
Trade Goods
40 - 40 Hillsbrad Foothills 200
Christoph Jeffcoat
32 - 32 Hillsbrad Foothills 200
Dalaran Miner 16 - 16 Hillsbrad Foothills 200
Zan Shivsproket
Speciality Engineer
60 - 60 Hillsbrad Foothills 200
Jhet Ironbeard
Blacksmithing Supplies
70 - 70 Howling Fjord 200
Eldrim Mounder
70 - 70 Howling Fjord 200
Trade Supplies
80 - 80 Icecrown 200
Runesmith Balehammer
Blacksmithing Supplies
80 - 80 Icecrown 200
Chief Engineer Copperclaw 80 - 80 Icecrown 200
Frazzle Geargrinder
Engineering Supplies
80 - 80 Icecrown 200
Blast Thunderbomb
Engineering Supplies
80 - 80 Icecrown 200
Fizzix Blastbolt
Engineering Supplies
75 - 75 Icecrown 200
Brollen Wheatbeard
Blacksmithing Supplies
75 - 75 Icecrown 200
Golnir Bouldertoe
Mining Supplies
30 - 30 Ironforge 200
Thurgrum Deepforge
Blacksmithing Supplies
30 - 30 Ironforge 200
Fillius Fizzlespinner
Trade Supplies
30 - 30 Ironforge 200
Burbik Gearspanner
Trade Supplies
30 - 30 Ironforge 200
Gearcutter Cogspinner
Engineering Supplies
30 - 30 Ironforge 200
Karm Ironquill
Mining Supplies
16 - 16 Loch Modan 200
Lorelae Wintersong
Trade Supplies
51 - 51 Moonglade 200
Taur Stonehoof
Blacksmithing Supplies
30 - 30 Mulgore 200
Kurm Stonehoof
Mining Supplies
40 - 40 Mulgore 200
Shadi Mistrunner
Trade Supplies
30 - 30 Mulgore 200
Pilot Marsha
Engineering Supplies
68 - 68 Nagrand 200
Osrok the Immovable
Armorsmith & Blacksmithing Supplies
64 - 64 Nagrand 200
Armorsmith & Blacksmithing Supplies
60 - 66 Nagrand 200
Apprentice Andrethan 68 - 68 Netherstorm 200
Blacksmithing Supplies
30 - 30 Orgrimmar 200
Mining Supplies
30 - 30 Orgrimmar 200
Trade Supplies
30 - 30 Orgrimmar 200
Engineering Supplies
30 - 30 Orgrimmar 200
Trade Supplies
30 - 30 Orgrimmar 200
Karen Taylor
Blacksmithing & Mining Supplies
22 - 22 Redridge Mountains 200
Master Smith Burninate
The Thorium Brotherhood
52 - 52 Searing Gorge 200
Krek Cragcrush
Blacksmithing Supplies
65 - 65 Shadowmoon Valley 200
Oran Blusterbrew
Trade Goods
65 - 65 Shadowmoon Valley 200
Blacksmithing Supplies
70 - 70 Shadowmoon Valley 200
Blacksmithing Supplies
70 - 70 Shadowmoon Valley 200
Wind Trader Lathrai 65 - 65 Shattrath City 200
57 - 57 Silithus 200
Trade Supplies
58 - 58 Silithus 200
Edna Mullby
Trade Supplies
30 - 30 Stormwind City 200
Kaita Deepforge
Blacksmithing Supplies
30 - 30 Stormwind City 200
Brooke Stonebraid
Mining Supplies
30 - 30 Stormwind City 200
Billibub Cogspinner
Engineering Supplies
30 - 30 Stormwind City 200
Trade Goods
40 - 40 Stranglethorn Vale 200
Mazk Snipeshot
Engineering Supplies
36 - 36 Stranglethorn Vale 200
Gnaz Blunderflame
Engineering Supplies
42 - 42 Stranglethorn Vale 200
Blacksmithing Supplies
46 - 46 Stranglethorn Vale 200
Jansen Underwood
Blacksmithing Supplies
49 - 49 Stranglethorn Vale 200
Knaz Blunderflame
Engineering Supplies
42 - 42 Stranglethorn Vale 200
Trade Supplies
50 - 50 Swamp of Sorrows 200
Blacksmithing Supplies
45 - 45 Swamp of Sorrows 200
Krinkle Goodsteel
Blacksmithing Supplies
40 - 40 Tanaris 200
65 - 65 Tanaris 200
Trade Supplies
30 - 30 Teldrassil 200
Trader Endernor
Trade Goods
60 - 60 Terokkar Forest 200
Horvon the Armorer
62 - 62 Terokkar Forest 200
Blacksmithing Supplies
64 - 65 Terokkar Forest 200
Prospector Khazgorm
Explorers' League
24 - 24 The Barrens 200
Blacksmithing Supplies
18 - 18 The Barrens 200
Engineering Supplies
20 - 20 The Barrens 200
Brock Thriss
70 - 70 The Culling of Stratholme 200
Ruppo Zipcoil
Engineering Supplies
52 - 52 The Hinterlands 200
Blacksmithing Supplies
49 - 49 The Hinterlands 200
Gigget Zipcoil
Trade Supplies
52 - 52 The Hinterlands 200
Smith Slagtree
Blacksmithing Supplies
47 - 47 The Hinterlands 200
Xark Bolthammer
Blacksmithing & Engineering Supplies
78 - 78 The Storm Peaks 200
Dagni Oregleam
Blacksmithing Supplies
79 - 79 The Storm Peaks 200
Dargum Hammerdeep
Blacksmithing Supplies
79 - 79 The Storm Peaks 200
Blacksmithing Supplies
79 - 79 The Storm Peaks 200
Blacksmithing Supplies
79 - 80 The Storm Peaks 200
Wizzle Brassbolts 31 - 31 Thousand Needles 200
Trade Supplies
37 - 37 Thousand Needles 200
Jinky Twizzlefixxit
Engineering Supplies
30 - 30 Thousand Needles 200
Daniel Bartlett
Trade Supplies
30 - 30 Undercity 200
Elizabeth Van Talen
Engineering Supplies
30 - 30 Undercity 200
Samuel Van Brunt
Blacksmithing Supplies
30 - 30 Undercity 200
Sarah Killian
Mining Supplies
30 - 30 Undercity 200
Felicia Doan
Trade Supplies
30 - 30 Undercity 200
Christopher Hewen
Trade Supplies
30 - 30 Westfall 200
Neal Allen
Engineering Supplies & General Goods
20 - 20 Wetlands 200
Kersok Prond
25 - 25 Wetlands 200
Fradd Swiftgear
Engineering Supplies
24 - 24 Wetlands 200
Trade Supplies
55 - 55 Winterspring 200
Xizzer Fizzbolt
Engineering Supplies
57 - 57 Winterspring 200
Lunnix Sprocketslip
Mining Supplies
54 - 54 Winterspring 200
Trade Supplies
51 - 51 Winterspring 200
Puluu 64 - 64 Zangarmarsh 200
Arlen Brighthammer
70 - 70 Zul'Drak 200
Haley Copperturn
Engineering Supplies
70 - 70 Zul'Drak 200
Trade Supplies
75 - 75 Zul'Drak 200
Trade Supplies
75 - 75 Zul'Drak 200
Engineer Reed 72 - 72 Zul'Drak 200

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