Bolt of Linen Cloth - Objets

Bolt of Linen Cloth

Bolt of Linen Cloth
Item Level 10
Loot from Skeletal Horror
Max Stack: 10
Buy Price: 160
Sell Price: 40

More details

  • Type: Trade Goods
Name Level Quantity Location % Loot
Wrathtail Sea Witch 19 - 20 1 - 1 Ashenvale 3.31%
Galak Windchaser 24 - 25 1 - 1 Thousand Needles 3.31%
Broken Tooth 37 - 37 1 - 1 Badlands 0.69%
Pyrewood Armorer 14 - 14 1 - 1 Silverpine Forest 0.4%
Carnivous the Breaker 16 - 16 1 - 1 Darkshore 0.26%
Pyrewood Tailor 14 - 14 1 - 1 Silverpine Forest 0.24%
Ardo Dirtpaw 24 - 24 1 - 1 Redridge Mountains 0.16%
Singe 24 - 24 1 - 1 Redridge Mountains 0.14%
Lady Vespia 22 - 22 1 - 1 Ashenvale 0.08%
Bazil Thredd 25 - 25 1 - 1 The Stockade 0.06%
Athrikus Narassin 31 - 31 1 - 1 Darkshore 0.06%
Lord Xiz 13 - 13 1 - 1 0.06%
Marisa du'Paige 18 - 18 1 - 1 Westfall 0.04%
Vile Fin Shredder 12 - 13 1 - 1 Silverpine Forest 0.04%
Vile Fin Shorecreeper 16 - 17 1 - 1 Silverpine Forest 0.04%
Farmer Getz 24 - 24 1 - 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.04%
Cannoneer Whessan 19 - 19 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.04%
Lupine Horror 20 - 20 1 - 1 0.04%
Shadow Charger 20 - 21 1 - 1 0.04%
Goblin Shipbuilder 19 - 20 1 - 1 0.04%
Pridewing Consort 22 - 23 1 - 1 Stonetalon Mountains 0.04%
Deviate Shambler 19 - 19 1 - 1 0.04%
Boss Copperplug 19 - 19 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.04%
Magistrate Burnside 30 - 30 1 - 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.03%
Lorgus Jett 24 - 24 1 - 1 Blackfathom Deeps 0.03%
Skeletal Horror 23 - 24 1 - 1 Duskwood 0.02%
Starving Dire Wolf 19 - 20 1 - 1 Duskwood 0.02%
Venom Web Spider 19 - 20 1 - 1 Duskwood 0.02%
Redridge Mongrel 15 - 16 1 - 1 Redridge Mountains 0.02%
Redridge Poacher 16 - 17 1 - 1 Redridge Mountains 0.02%
Redridge Brute 17 - 18 1 - 1 Redridge Mountains 0.02%
Shadowhide Darkweaver 25 - 26 1 - 1 Redridge Mountains 0.02%
Redridge Mystic 18 - 19 1 - 1 Redridge Mountains 0.02%
Shadowhide Slayer 25 - 26 1 - 1 Redridge Mountains 0.02%
Shadowhide Brute 23 - 24 1 - 1 Redridge Mountains 0.02%
Shadowhide Gnoll 22 - 23 1 - 1 Redridge Mountains 0.02%
Rabid Shadowhide Gnoll 21 - 22 1 - 1 Redridge Mountains 0.02%
Blackrock Champion 24 - 25 1 - 1 Redridge Mountains 0.02%
Blackrock Champion 24 - 25 1 - 1 Burning Steppes 0.02%
Redridge Alpha 19 - 20 1 - 1 Redridge Mountains 0.02%
Redridge Basher 18 - 19 1 - 1 Redridge Mountains 0.02%
Defias Knuckleduster 16 - 17 1 - 1 Westfall 0.02%
Riverpaw Bandit 16 - 17 1 - 1 Westfall 0.02%
Defias Footpad 10 - 11 1 - 1 Westfall 0.02%
Defias Trapper 12 - 13 1 - 1 Westfall 0.02%
Murloc Raider 11 - 12 1 - 1 Westfall 0.02%
Murloc Oracle 17 - 18 1 - 1 Westfall 0.02%
Yowler 20 - 20 1 - 1 Redridge Mountains 0.02%
Pygmy Venom Web Spider 18 - 19 1 - 1 Duskwood 0.02%
Great Goretusk 16 - 17 1 - 1 Redridge Mountains 0.02%
Great Goretusk 16 - 17 1 - 1 Utgarde Keep 0.02%
Murloc Minor Tidecaller 17 - 18 1 - 1 Redridge Mountains 0.02%
Rabid Dire Wolf 20 - 21 1 - 1 Duskwood 0.02%
Shadowhide Warrior 24 - 25 1 - 1 Redridge Mountains 0.02%
Redridge Drudger 20 - 21 1 - 1 Redridge Mountains 0.02%
Defias Pillager 14 - 15 1 - 1 Westfall 0.02%
Defias Looter 13 - 14 1 - 1 Westfall 0.02%
Defias Miner 17 - 18 1 - 1 0.02%
Blackrock Tracker 24 - 24 1 - 1 Redridge Mountains 0.02%
Blackrock Tracker 24 - 24 1 - 1 Burning Steppes 0.02%
Goblin Engineer 18 - 19 1 - 1 0.02%
Undead Excavator 17 - 18 1 - 1 Westfall 0.02%
Undead Dynamiter 17 - 18 1 - 1 Westfall 0.02%
Black Ravager 24 - 25 1 - 1 Duskwood 0.02%
Defias Overseer 17 - 18 1 - 1 0.02%
Goblin Woodcarver 18 - 19 1 - 1 0.02%
Defias Pirate 19 - 20 1 - 1 0.02%
Servant of Ilgalar 24 - 25 1 - 1 Redridge Mountains 0.02%
Defias Digger 15 - 16 1 - 1 Westfall 0.02%
Coyote 10 - 11 1 - 1 Westfall 0.02%
Young Black Ravager 23 - 24 1 - 1 Duskwood 0.02%
Black Widow Hatchling 24 - 25 1 - 1 Duskwood 0.02%
Defias Prisoner 23 - 23 1 - 1 0.02%
Defias Captive 23 - 23 1 - 1 0.02%
Defias Inmate 23 - 24 1 - 1 0.02%
Defias Convict 23 - 24 1 - 1 0.02%
Defias Insurgent 24 - 24 1 - 1 0.02%
Defias Watchman 16 - 17 1 - 1 Utgarde Keep 0.02%
Defias Watchman 16 - 17 1 - 1 Ironclad Cove 0.02%
Defias Worker 16 - 17 1 - 1 Westfall 0.02%
Defias Evoker 17 - 18 1 - 1 0.02%
Goblin Craftsman 18 - 19 1 - 1 0.02%
Worg 10 - 11 1 - 1 Silverpine Forest 0.02%
Worg 10 - 11 1 - 1 Undercity 0.02%
Worg 10 - 11 1 - 1 Tirisfal Glades 0.02%
Vile Fin Tidehunter 13 - 14 1 - 1 Silverpine Forest 0.02%
Moonrage Whitescalp 10 - 11 1 - 1 Silverpine Forest 0.02%
Moonrage Darkrunner 11 - 12 1 - 1 Silverpine Forest 0.02%
Rot Hide Gladerunner 11 - 12 1 - 1 Silverpine Forest 0.02%
Rot Hide Mystic 12 - 13 1 - 1 Silverpine Forest 0.02%
Ferocious Grizzled Bear 11 - 12 1 - 1 Silverpine Forest 0.02%
Moonrage Darksoul 13 - 14 1 - 1 Silverpine Forest 0.02%
Dalaran Watcher 18 - 19 1 - 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.02%
Dalaran Watcher 18 - 19 1 - 1 Silverpine Forest 0.02%
Pyrewood Watcher 13 - 14 1 - 1 Silverpine Forest 0.02%
Moonrage Elder 14 - 15 1 - 1 Silverpine Forest 0.02%
Dalaran Conjuror 17 - 18 1 - 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.02%
Rot Hide Plague Weaver 17 - 18 1 - 1 Silverpine Forest 0.02%
Dragonmaw Scout 19 - 20 1 - 1 Wetlands 0.02%
Cracked Golem 18 - 19 1 - 1 Darkshore 0.02%
Stone Behemoth 19 - 20 1 - 1 Darkshore 0.02%
Rabid Thistle Bear 13 - 14 1 - 1 Darkshore 0.02%
Blackwood Shaman 19 - 20 1 - 1 Darkshore 0.02%
Cursed Highborne 10 - 11 1 - 1 Darkshore 0.02%
Writhing Highborne 11 - 12 1 - 1 Darkshore 0.02%
Stormscale Siren 16 - 17 1 - 1 Darkshore 0.02%
Stormscale Siren 16 - 17 1 - 1 Felwood 0.02%
Stormscale Myrmidon 18 - 19 1 - 1 Darkshore 0.02%
Stormscale Warrior 20 - 21 1 - 1 Darkshore 0.02%
Vile Sprite 10 - 11 1 - 1 Darkshore 0.02%
Greymist Netter 14 - 15 1 - 1 Darkshore 0.02%
Greymist Warrior 15 - 16 1 - 1 Darkshore 0.02%
Tide Crawler 12 - 14 1 - 1 Darkshore 0.02%
Hillsbrad Farmer 23 - 24 1 - 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.02%
Twilight Thug 17 - 18 1 - 1 Darkshore 0.02%
Twilight Thug 17 - 18 1 - 1 Felwood 0.02%
Hillsbrad Farmhand 22 - 23 1 - 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.02%
Hillsbrad Councilman 25 - 26 1 - 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.02%
Son of Arugal 20 - 20 1 - 1 Shadowfang Keep 0.02%
Son of Arugal 20 - 20 1 - 1 Silverpine Forest 0.02%
Bloodtalon Taillasher 6 - 8 1 - 1 Durotar 0.02%
Bloodtalon Taillasher 6 - 8 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.02%
Bristleback Hunter 17 - 18 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.02%
Bristleback Water Seeker 16 - 17 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.02%
Bristleback Thornweaver 18 - 19 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.02%
Bristleback Geomancer 19 - 20 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.02%
Razormane Hunter 11 - 12 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.02%
Razormane Defender 12 - 13 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.02%
Razormane Water Seeker 10 - 11 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.02%
Razormane Thornweaver 10 - 11 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.02%
Razormane Geomancer 12 - 13 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.02%
Razormane Mystic 13 - 14 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.02%
Kolkar Wrangler 12 - 13 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.02%
Kolkar Stormer 13 - 14 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.02%
Kolkar Pack Runner 14 - 15 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.02%
Kolkar Marauder 15 - 16 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.02%
Witchwing Windcaller 17 - 18 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.02%
Venture Co. Enforcer 16 - 17 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.02%
Venture Co. Enforcer 16 - 17 1 - 1 Ashenvale 0.02%
Venture Co. Drudger 14 - 15 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.02%
Venture Co. Overseer 17 - 18 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.02%
Venture Co. Overseer 17 - 18 1 - 1 Ashenvale 0.02%
Bael'dun Rifleman 24 - 25 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.02%
Burning Blade Bruiser 10 - 11 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.02%
Burning Blade Acolyte 11 - 12 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.02%
Theramore Marine 15 - 16 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.02%
Theramore Preserver 16 - 16 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.02%
Kolkar Bloodcharger 14 - 15 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.02%
Kreenig Snarlsnout 15 - 15 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.02%
Razormane Seer 23 - 24 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.02%
Oasis Snapjaw 15 - 16 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.02%
Baron Longshore 16 - 16 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.02%
Isha Awak 27 - 27 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.02%
Evolving Ectoplasm 17 - 18 1 - 1 0.02%
Wrathtail Sorceress 18 - 19 1 - 1 Ashenvale 0.02%
Forsaken Seeker 18 - 19 1 - 1 Ashenvale 0.02%
Foulweald Pathfinder 23 - 24 1 - 1 Ashenvale 0.02%
Foulweald Den Watcher 24 - 25 1 - 1 Ashenvale 0.02%
Foulweald Shaman 24 - 25 1 - 1 Ashenvale 0.02%
Druid of the Fang 19 - 19 1 - 1 0.02%
Shadowfang Moonwalker 19 - 19 1 - 1 0.02%
Shadowfang Darksoul 19 - 19 1 - 1 0.02%
Shadowfang Ragetooth 20 - 20 1 - 1 0.02%
Slavering Worg 18 - 19 1 - 1 0.02%
Tormented Officer 23 - 24 1 - 1 0.02%
Haunted Servitor 18 - 19 1 - 1 0.02%
Wailing Guardsman 21 - 22 1 - 1 0.02%
Thistlefur Totemic 23 - 24 1 - 1 Felwood 0.02%
Thistlefur Totemic 23 - 24 1 - 1 Ashenvale 0.02%
Thistlefur Avenger 23 - 24 1 - 1 Ashenvale 0.02%
Venture Co. Operator 19 - 20 1 - 1 Stonetalon Mountains 0.02%
Venture Co. Logger 18 - 19 1 - 1 Stonetalon Mountains 0.02%
Windshear Digger 21 - 22 1 - 1 Stonetalon Mountains 0.02%
Windshear Overlord 21 - 22 1 - 1 Stonetalon Mountains 0.02%
Bloodfury Harpy 23 - 24 1 - 1 Stonetalon Mountains 0.02%
Bloodfury Roguefeather 25 - 26 1 - 1 Stonetalon Mountains 0.02%
Bloodfury Slayer 25 - 26 1 - 1 Stonetalon Mountains 0.02%
Bloodfury Ambusher 23 - 24 1 - 1 Stonetalon Mountains 0.02%
Bloodfury Storm Witch 26 - 27 1 - 1 Stonetalon Mountains 0.02%
Cave Stalker 22 - 22 1 - 1 Wetlands 0.02%
Cenarion Druid 26 - 27 1 - 1 Stonetalon Mountains 0.02%
Blackrock Hunter 23 - 24 1 - 1 Redridge Mountains 0.02%
Fallenroot Shadowstalker 22 - 23 1 - 1 0.02%
Fallenroot Hellcaller 22 - 23 1 - 1 0.02%
Blackfathom Sea Witch 22 - 23 1 - 1 0.02%
Blackfathom Myrmidon 22 - 22 1 - 1 0.02%
Twilight Loreseeker 22 - 23 1 - 1 0.02%
Deviate Adder 18 - 19 1 - 1 0.02%
Deviate Lasher 19 - 19 1 - 1 0.02%
Deviate Dreadfang 19 - 19 1 - 1 0.02%
Slimeshell Makrura 18 - 19 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.02%
Mangled Cadaver 55 - 56 1 - 1 0.02%
Risen Bonewarder 58 - 59 1 - 1 0.02%
Grimtotem Ruffian 14 - 15 1 - 1 Stonetalon Mountains 0.02%
Grimtotem Mercenary 14 - 15 1 - 1 Stonetalon Mountains 0.02%
Wrathscale Shorestalker 12 - 13 1 - 1 0.02%
Venture Co. Machine Smith 21 - 22 1 - 1 Stonetalon Mountains 0.01%
Wailing Highborne 12 - 13 1 - 1 Darkshore 0.01%
Bristlelimb Shaman 10 - 11 1 - 1 0.01%
Riverpaw Scout 12 - 13 1 - 1 Westfall 0.01%
Redridge Thrasher 14 - 15 1 - 1 Redridge Mountains 0.01%
Nazzivus Felsworn 12 - 14 1 - 1 0.01%
Blackrock Summoner 23 - 23 1 - 1 Redridge Mountains 0.01%
Blackrock Summoner 23 - 23 1 - 1 Burning Steppes 0.01%
Deviate Viper 19 - 19 2 - 2 0.01%
Befouled Water Elemental 23 - 25 1 - 1 Ashenvale 0.01%
Wailer 18 - 19 1 - 1 0.01%
Southsea Cannoneer 13 - 14 1 - 1 The Barrens 0%
Southsea Brigand 12 - 13 1 - 1 The Barrens 0%
Name Level Stock Location Sell Price:
30 - 30 2 160

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