Pauldrons of Arcane Rage - Objets

Pauldrons of Arcane Rage

Pauldrons of Arcane Rage
Item Level 85
Bind on pickup
88 Armor
+18 Stamina
+18 Intellect
+12 Spirit
Durability 50 /50
Requires Level 60
Loot from Blue Dragonspawn
Loot percentage: 40%
Buy Price: 97449
Sell Price: 19489

More details

  • Can be disenchanted
  • Type: Armor

Members Screenshots

Name Level Quantity Location % Loot
Blue Dragonspawn 50 - 51 1 Azshara 40%
Red Scalebane 59 - 60 1 Wetlands 40%
Scalebane Lieutenant 60 - 61 1 Wetlands 40%
Wyrmkin Firebrand 61 - 62 1 Wetlands 40%
Scalebane Royal Guard 61 - 62 1 Wetlands 40%
Red Dragonspawn 57 - 58 1 Wetlands 30%
Red Wyrmkin 58 - 59 1 Wetlands 20%
Grimtooth 60 - 70 1 5%
Stonard Hunter 50 - 51 1 Swamp of Sorrows 5%
Stonard Wayfinder 50 - 51 1 Swamp of Sorrows 5%
Stonard Shaman 53 - 53 1 Swamp of Sorrows 5%
Swamp Talker 50 - 50 1 Blasted Lands 5%
Skeletal Flayer 50 - 51 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Skeletal Sorcerer 51 - 52 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Skeletal Terror 52 - 54 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Skeletal Executioner 54 - 55 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Skeletal Warlord 56 - 57 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Skeletal Acolyte 55 - 56 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Slavering Ghoul 50 - 52 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Rotting Ghoul 54 - 55 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Soulless Ghoul 54 - 55 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Searing Ghoul 55 - 56 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Freezing Ghoul 55 - 56 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Cold Wraith 54 - 55 1 5%
Blood Wraith 55 - 56 1 5%
Hungering Wraith 56 - 58 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Wailing Death 56 - 57 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Flesh Golem 56 - 57 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Vile Slime 54 - 55 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Devouring Ooze 55 - 56 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Rotting Behemoth 55 - 56 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Decaying Horror 56 - 57 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Scarlet Mage 55 - 56 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Scarlet Sentinel 55 - 56 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Scarlet Hunter 52 - 53 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Scarlet Magus 56 - 57 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Scarlet Knight 54 - 55 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Scarlet Paladin 55 - 56 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Scarlet Invoker 53 - 54 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Scarlet Cavalier 57 - 58 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Scarlet Judge 60 - 60 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Scarlet Interrogator 61 - 61 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Scarlet High Clerist 63 - 63 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Grand Inquisitor Isillien 63 - 63 1 5%
Scarlet Executioner 60 - 60 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Highlord Taelan Fordring 63 - 63 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Foreman Jerris 62 - 62 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Foreman Marcrid 58 - 58 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
High Protector Tarsen 59 - 59 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
High Protector Lorik 61 - 61 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Foulmane 52 - 52 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Lord Maldazzar 56 - 56 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Putridius 58 - 58 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
The Husk 62 - 62 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Araj the Summoner 61 - 61 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Scarlet Worker 55 - 57 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Scarlet Lumberjack 54 - 56 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Scarlet Smith 58 - 59 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Vilebranch Aman'zasi Guard 50 - 51 1 The Hinterlands 5%
Unseen 49 - 51 1 5%
Strashaz Warrior 59 - 60 1 Dustwallow Marsh 5%
Strashaz Serpent Guard 61 - 61 1 Dustwallow Marsh 5%
Strashaz Myrmidon 60 - 61 1 Dustwallow Marsh 5%
Strashaz Sorceress 60 - 61 1 Dustwallow Marsh 5%
Strashaz Siren 59 - 60 1 Dustwallow Marsh 5%
Haunting Vision 57 - 58 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Rotting Cadaver 53 - 54 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Blighted Zombie 52 - 53 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Screaming Haunt 54 - 55 1 5%
Scarlet Avenger 56 - 57 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Scarlet Spellbinder 57 - 58 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Atal'ai Deathwalker 48 - 49 1 5%
Atal'ai High Priest 48 - 49 1 5%
Nightmare Scalebane 49 - 49 1 5%
Nightmare Wyrmkin 48 - 49 1 5%
Jademir Oracle 61 - 61 1 Feralas 5%
Jademir Tree Warder 60 - 60 1 Feralas 5%
Jademir Boughguard 62 - 62 1 Feralas 5%
Dreadmaul Mauler 54 - 54 1 Blasted Lands 5%
Dreadmaul Warlock 54 - 55 1 Blasted Lands 5%
Portal Seeker 51 - 53 1 5%
Nethergarde Cleric 49 - 51 1 Blasted Lands 5%
Nethergarde Analyst 49 - 51 1 Blasted Lands 5%
Nethergarde Riftwatcher 49 - 51 1 Blasted Lands 5%
Nethergarde Officer 50 - 51 1 Blasted Lands 5%
Shadowsworn Cultist 51 - 52 1 Blasted Lands 5%
Shadowsworn Thug 52 - 52 1 Blasted Lands 5%
Shadowsworn Adept 52 - 53 1 Blasted Lands 5%
Shadowsworn Enforcer 53 - 53 1 Blasted Lands 5%
Shadowsworn Warlock 53 - 54 1 Blasted Lands 5%
Shadowsworn Dreadweaver 54 - 54 1 Blasted Lands 5%
Felguard Sentry 54 - 55 1 Blasted Lands 5%
Draconic Magelord 53 - 54 1 Azshara 5%
Blue Scalebane 52 - 53 1 Azshara 5%
Draconic Mageweaver 51 - 52 1 Azshara 5%
Arkkoran Clacker 53 - 54 1 Azshara 5%
Arkkoran Muckdweller 53 - 54 1 Azshara 5%
Arkkoran Pincer 54 - 55 1 Azshara 5%
Arkkoran Oracle 54 - 55 1 Azshara 5%
Servant of Arkkoroc 53 - 54 1 Azshara 5%
Son of Arkkoroc 54 - 55 1 Azshara 5%
Cliff Breaker 54 - 55 1 Azshara 5%
Cliff Thunderer 53 - 54 1 Azshara 5%
Cliff Walker 53 - 53 1 Azshara 5%
Timbermaw Den Watcher 49 - 50 1 Azshara 5%
Timbermaw Shaman 50 - 51 1 Azshara 5%
Timbermaw Ursa 51 - 52 1 Azshara 5%
Spitelash Siren 51 - 52 1 Azshara 5%
Spitelash Myrmidon 50 - 51 1 Azshara 5%
Blood Elf Surveyor 51 - 52 1 Azshara 5%
Blood Elf Reclaimer 52 - 53 1 Azshara 5%
Legashi Satyr 51 - 52 1 Azshara 5%
Legashi Rogue 51 - 53 1 Azshara 5%
Legashi Hellcaller 52 - 53 1 Azshara 5%
Makrinni Razorclaw 54 - 55 1 Azshara 5%
Storm Bay Oracle 54 - 55 1 Azshara 5%
Makrinni Scrabbler 52 - 53 1 Azshara 5%
Storm Bay Warrior 51 - 52 1 Azshara 5%
Makrinni Snapclaw 8 - 9 1 Azshara 5%
Makrinni Snapclaw 8 - 9 1 Winterspring 5%
Tar Beast 50 - 51 1 Un'Goro Crater 5%
Tar Lurker 52 - 54 1 Un'Goro Crater 5%
Tar Lord 53 - 54 1 Un'Goro Crater 5%
Tar Creeper 51 - 52 1 Un'Goro Crater 5%
Primal Ooze 50 - 52 1 Un'Goro Crater 5%
Glutinous Ooze 52 - 54 1 Un'Goro Crater 5%
Stone Guardian 60 - 61 1 Un'Goro Crater 5%
Monnos the Elder 54 - 54 1 Azshara 5%
Magister Hawkhelm 51 - 51 1 Azshara 5%
Lady Sesspira 51 - 51 1 Azshara 5%
General Fangferror 51 - 51 1 Azshara 5%
Master Feardred 51 - 52 1 Azshara 5%
Blackrock Soldier 55 - 56 1 Burning Steppes 5%
Blackrock Sorcerer 55 - 56 1 Burning Steppes 5%
Blackrock Slayer 56 - 57 1 Burning Steppes 5%
Blackrock Warlock 56 - 57 1 Burning Steppes 5%
Blackrock Battlemaster 57 - 58 1 Burning Steppes 5%
Firegut Ogre 50 - 51 1 Burning Steppes 5%
Firegut Ogre Mage 51 - 52 1 Burning Steppes 5%
Firegut Brute 52 - 53 1 Burning Steppes 5%
Thaurissan Spy 53 - 54 1 Burning Steppes 5%
Thaurissan Firewalker 53 - 55 1 Burning Steppes 5%
Thaurissan Agent 54 - 55 1 Burning Steppes 5%
War Reaver 53 - 55 1 Burning Steppes 5%
Black Dragonspawn 52 - 53 1 Burning Steppes 5%
Black Wyrmkin 53 - 54 1 Burning Steppes 5%
Flamescale Dragonspawn 56 - 57 1 Burning Steppes 5%
Flamescale Wyrmkin 57 - 58 1 Burning Steppes 5%
Black Drake 52 - 52 1 Burning Steppes 5%
Scalding Drake 53 - 55 1 Burning Steppes 5%
Searscale Drake 56 - 58 1 Burning Steppes 5%
Black Broodling 51 - 52 1 Burning Steppes 5%
Blackrock Worg 54 - 55 1 Burning Steppes 5%
Condemned Acolyte 57 - 58 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 5%
Condemned Monk 58 - 59 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 5%
Condemned Cleric 59 - 60 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 5%
Cursed Paladin 57 - 58 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 5%
Cursed Justicar 59 - 60 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 5%
Writhing Mage 58 - 59 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 5%
Tainted Ooze 51 - 52 1 Felwood 5%
Vile Ooze 53 - 53 1 Felwood 5%
Warpwood Moss Flayer 52 - 53 1 Felwood 5%
Warpwood Shredder 53 - 54 1 Felwood 5%
Dessecus 56 - 56 1 Felwood 5%
Jadefire Rogue 50 - 51 1 Felwood 5%
Jadefire Trickster 52 - 53 1 Felwood 5%
Jadefire Betrayer 53 - 53 1 Felwood 5%
Jadefire Felsworn 50 - 51 1 Felwood 5%
Jadefire Shadowstalker 52 - 52 1 Felwood 5%
Jadefire Hellcaller 53 - 54 1 Felwood 5%
Jaedenar Cultist 51 - 52 1 Felwood 5%
Jaedenar Guardian 50 - 51 1 Felwood 5%
Jaedenar Enforcer 52 - 53 1 Felwood 5%
Jaedenar Adept 51 - 52 1 Felwood 5%
Jaedenar Darkweaver 53 - 54 1 Felwood 5%
Jaedenar Warlock 53 - 54 1 Felwood 5%
Irontree Wanderer 52 - 53 1 Felwood 5%
Irontree Stomper 52 - 53 1 Felwood 5%
Withered Protector 56 - 56 1 Felwood 5%
Deadwood Den Watcher 53 - 54 1 Felwood 5%
Deadwood Avenger 54 - 55 1 Felwood 5%
Deadwood Shaman 53 - 54 1 Felwood 5%
Deadwind Brute 55 - 56 1 Deadwind Pass 5%
Restless Shade 68 - 69 1 Deadwind Pass 5%
Deadwind Mauler 56 - 57 1 Deadwind Pass 5%
Deadwind Mauler 56 - 57 1 Blasted Lands 5%
Deadwind Warlock 57 - 58 1 Deadwind Pass 5%
Deadwind Warlock 57 - 58 1 Blasted Lands 5%
Deadwind Ogre Mage 55 - 57 1 Deadwind Pass 5%
Frostmaul Giant 59 - 60 1 Winterspring 5%
Frostmaul Preserver 59 - 60 1 Winterspring 5%
Cobalt Wyrmkin 55 - 56 1 Winterspring 5%
Cobalt Scalebane 56 - 56 1 Winterspring 5%
Cobalt Mageweaver 57 - 58 1 Winterspring 5%
Winterfall Ursa 57 - 58 1 Winterspring 5%
Winterfall Shaman 56 - 57 1 Winterspring 5%
Winterfall Den Watcher 55 - 56 1 Winterspring 5%
Winterfall Totemic 54 - 55 1 Winterspring 5%
Winterfall Pathfinder 53 - 54 1 Winterspring 5%
Shardtooth Bear 53 - 54 1 Winterspring 5%
Fledgling Chillwind 53 - 55 1 Winterspring 5%
Ragged Owlbeast 53 - 55 1 Winterspring 5%
Raging Owlbeast 54 - 56 1 Winterspring 5%
Crazed Owlbeast 56 - 57 1 Winterspring 5%
Moontouched Owlbeast 57 - 58 1 Winterspring 5%
Berserk Owlbeast 58 - 59 1 Winterspring 5%
Rogue Ice Thistle 53 - 55 1 Winterspring 5%
Ice Thistle Yeti 55 - 56 1 Winterspring 5%
Ice Thistle Matriarch 56 - 57 1 Winterspring 5%
Ice Thistle Patriarch 57 - 58 1 Winterspring 5%
Hederine Initiate 59 - 60 1 Winterspring 5%
Hederine Slayer 59 - 59 1 Winterspring 5%
Suffering Highborne 54 - 55 1 Winterspring 5%
Anguished Highborne 55 - 56 1 Winterspring 5%
Razelikh the Defiler 60 - 60 1 5%
Grol the Destroyer 58 - 58 1 Blasted Lands 5%
Archmage Allistarj 58 - 58 1 Blasted Lands 5%
Lady Sevine 59 - 59 1 Blasted Lands 5%
Servant of Razelikh 57 - 57 1 Blasted Lands 5%
Servant of Grol 53 - 54 1 Blasted Lands 5%
Servant of Allistarj 54 - 55 1 Blasted Lands 5%
Servant of Sevine 56 - 56 1 Blasted Lands 5%
Kirith the Damned 55 - 55 1 Blasted Lands 5%
Ilifar 60 - 60 1 5%
Felcular 60 - 60 1 5%
Nethergarde Elite 55 - 55 1 Blasted Lands 5%
Spitelash Battlemaster 53 - 54 1 Azshara 5%
Spitelash Enchantress 54 - 55 1 Azshara 5%
Vile Priestess Hexx 51 - 51 1 The Hinterlands 5%
Qiaga the Keeper 50 - 50 1 The Hinterlands 5%
Mith'rethis the Enchanter 52 - 52 1 The Hinterlands 5%
Highlord Mastrogonde 51 - 51 1 Searing Gorge 5%
Magronos the Unyielding 56 - 56 1 Blasted Lands 5%
Akubar the Seer 54 - 54 1 Blasted Lands 5%
Dreadscorn 57 - 57 1 Blasted Lands 5%
Lathoric the Black 52 - 52 1 Searing Gorge 5%
Obsidion 46 - 46 1 Searing Gorge 5%
Warlord Krellian 55 - 55 1 Azshara 5%
Caravan Master Tset 53 - 53 1 Azshara 5%
Twilight Idolater 45 - 46 1 Searing Gorge 5%
Scourge Soldier 53 - 54 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Cursed Mage 54 - 55 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Scourge Warder 55 - 56 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Dark Caster 56 - 57 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Scourge Guard 57 - 58 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Dread Weaver 58 - 59 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Scourge Champion 59 - 60 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Cannibal Ghoul 54 - 55 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Gibbering Ghoul 56 - 57 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Diseased Flayer 58 - 59 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Unseen Servant 55 - 56 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Eyeless Watcher 57 - 58 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Torn Screamer 53 - 55 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Hate Shrieker 55 - 57 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Death Singer 57 - 59 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Stitched Horror 57 - 58 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Gangled Golem 58 - 59 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Stitched Golem 59 - 60 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Dark Adept 58 - 59 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Death Cultist 54 - 54 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Vile Tutor 56 - 57 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Shadowmage 59 - 60 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Dark Summoner 55 - 56 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Necromancer 54 - 55 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Crypt Stalker 53 - 54 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Crypt Walker 55 - 56 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Crypt Slayer 58 - 59 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Mossflayer Scout 57 - 58 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Mossflayer Shadowhunter 58 - 59 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Mossflayer Cannibal 57 - 59 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Woodsman 58 - 59 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Ranger 59 - 60 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Pathstrider 57 - 58 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Magus Rimtori 55 - 55 1 5%
Living Decay 55 - 56 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Rotting Sludge 54 - 55 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Dreadlord 62 - 62 1 Blasted Lands 5%
Dreadlord 62 - 62 1 Stranglethorn Vale 5%
Felguard Elite 61 - 61 1 Blasted Lands 5%
Felguard Elite 61 - 61 1 Stranglethorn Vale 5%
Forest Ooze 52 - 53 1 Azshara 5%
Anvilrage Overseer 48 - 49 1 5%
Anvilrage Warden 49 - 50 1 5%
Anvilrage Guardsman 50 - 51 1 5%
Anvilrage Footman 50 - 51 1 5%
Anvilrage Soldier 50 - 50 1 5%
Anvilrage Medic 50 - 51 1 5%
Anvilrage Officer 51 - 51 1 5%
Shadowforge Peasant 50 - 51 1 5%
Doomforge Craftsman 51 - 51 1 5%
Anvilrage Marshal 53 - 54 1 5%
Doomforge Dragoon 53 - 54 1 5%
Doomforge Arcanasmith 54 - 54 1 5%
Shadowforge Citizen 51 - 52 1 5%
Anvilrage Captain 55 - 55 1 5%
Shadowforge Senator 55 - 55 1 5%
Warbringer Construct 53 - 54 1 5%
Ragereaver Golem 54 - 54 1 5%
Wrath Hammer Construct 54 - 54 1 5%
Molten War Golem 55 - 55 1 5%
Twilight's Hammer Torturer 50 - 51 1 5%
Twilight Emissary 51 - 52 1 5%
Twilight Bodyguard 52 - 52 1 5%
Twilight's Hammer Ambassador 54 - 55 1 5%
Arena Spectator 50 - 51 1 5%
Weapon Technician 53 - 54 1 5%
Krom'Grul 54 - 54 1 Burning Steppes 5%
Thauris Balgarr 57 - 57 1 5%
Gruklash 59 - 59 1 5%
Malfunctioning Reaver 56 - 56 1 5%
Scarshield Grunt 53 - 54 1 Searing Gorge 5%
Scarshield Grunt 53 - 54 1 Burning Steppes 5%
Scarshield Sentry 53 - 54 1 Burning Steppes 5%
Scarshield Sentry 53 - 54 1 Searing Gorge 5%
Scarshield Acolyte 54 - 55 1 5%
Scarshield Quartermaster 55 - 55 1 Burning Steppes 5%
Rage Talon Dragonspawn 58 - 59 1 5%
Scarshield Legionnaire 54 - 55 1 5%
Scarshield Spellbinder 54 - 55 1 5%
Gor'tesh 54 - 54 1 Burning Steppes 5%
Spirestone Battle Mage 57 - 58 1 5%
Spirestone Mystic 55 - 56 1 5%
Spirestone Enforcer 54 - 55 1 5%
Spirestone Reaver 55 - 56 1 5%
Spirestone Ogre Magus 54 - 55 1 5%
Spirestone Warlord 57 - 58 1 5%
Smolderthorn Mystic 55 - 56 1 5%
Smolderthorn Shadow Priest 55 - 56 1 5%
Smolderthorn Headhunter 56 - 57 1 5%
Scarshield Warlock 54 - 55 1 5%
Scarshield Raider 55 - 56 1 5%
Firebrand Grunt 56 - 57 1 5%
Firebrand Legionnaire 57 - 58 1 5%
Firebrand Darkweaver 56 - 57 1 5%
Firebrand Invoker 56 - 57 1 5%
Firebrand Dreadweaver 57 - 58 1 5%
Firebrand Pyromancer 57 - 57 1 5%
Smolderthorn Shadow Hunter 56 - 57 1 5%
Smolderthorn Witch Doctor 56 - 57 1 5%
Smolderthorn Axe Thrower 55 - 56 1 5%
Smolderthorn Berserker 57 - 58 1 5%
Smolderthorn Seer 56 - 57 1 5%
Twilight's Hammer Executioner 52 - 52 1 5%
Dark Keeper Vorfalk 53 - 53 1 5%
Dark Keeper Bethek 53 - 53 1 5%
Dark Keeper Uggel 53 - 53 1 5%
Dark Keeper Zimrel 53 - 53 1 5%
Dark Keeper Ofgut 53 - 53 1 5%
Dark Keeper Pelver 53 - 53 1 5%
Dark Guard 52 - 52 1 5%
Scarlet Warder 53 - 54 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Scarlet Praetorian 56 - 57 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Scarlet Cleric 54 - 55 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Scarlet Curate 55 - 56 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Scarlet Archmage 55 - 57 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Scarlet Enchanter 53 - 55 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Xavathras 54 - 54 1 Felwood 5%
Chieftain Bloodmaw 56 - 56 1 Felwood 5%
Overlord Ror 51 - 51 1 Felwood 5%
Watchman Doomgrip 54 - 54 1 5%
Cloned Ooze 50 - 50 1 5%
Lord Banehollow 59 - 59 1 Felwood 5%
Shadow Lord Fel'dan 57 - 57 1 Felwood 5%
Rakaiah 56 - 56 1 Felwood 5%
Grark Lorkrub 56 - 56 1 Burning Steppes 5%
Blackrock Ambusher 54 - 55 1 5%
Blackbreath Crony 53 - 53 1 5%
Grim Patron 48 - 52 1 5%
Guzzling Patron 48 - 52 1 5%
Hammered Patron 48 - 52 1 5%
Bloodaxe Veteran 58 - 59 1 5%
Treant Spirit 52 - 53 1 5%
Hahk'Zor 54 - 54 1 5%
Gorgon'och 54 - 54 1 5%
Blackrock Raider 59 - 59 1 5%
Gargantuan Ooze 50 - 52 1 5%
Ograbisi 53 - 53 1 5%
Shill Dinger 53 - 53 1 5%
Crest Killer 52 - 52 1 5%
Jaz 52 - 52 1 5%
Bloodaxe Raider 57 - 58 1 5%
Bloodaxe Evoker 58 - 59 1 5%
Spire Scorpid 58 - 58 1 5%
Bloodaxe Warmonger 57 - 58 1 5%
Bloodaxe Summoner 57 - 58 1 5%
Flamekin Spitter 51 - 53 1 Burning Steppes 5%
Flamekin Sprite 51 - 53 1 Burning Steppes 5%
Flamekin Torcher 54 - 56 1 Burning Steppes 5%
Flamekin Rager 54 - 56 1 Burning Steppes 5%
Blackhand Dreadweaver 59 - 60 1 5%
Blackhand Summoner 59 - 60 1 5%
Blackhand Veteran 59 - 60 1 5%
Salia 54 - 54 1 Felwood 5%
Moora 52 - 52 1 Felwood 5%
Jaedenar Legionnaire 55 - 55 1 Felwood 5%
Prince Xavalis 55 - 55 1 Felwood 5%
Shadowforge Flame Keeper 54 - 55 1 5%
Ribbly's Crony 48 - 52 1 5%
Terrorspark 55 - 55 1 5%
Rage Talon Flamescale 58 - 59 1 5%
Volchan 60 - 60 1 Burning Steppes 5%
General Colbatann 57 - 57 1 Winterspring 5%
Mezzir the Howler 55 - 55 1 Winterspring 5%
Kashoch the Reaver 60 - 60 1 Winterspring 5%
Grizzle Snowpaw 59 - 59 1 Winterspring 5%
Lady Hederine 61 - 61 1 Winterspring 5%
Rookery Guardian 58 - 59 1 5%
Blackhand Incarcerator 59 - 60 1 5%
Blackhand Elite 60 - 61 1 5%
Blackhand Assassin 60 - 61 1 5%
Blackhand Iron Guard 60 - 61 1 5%
Rage Talon Dragon Guard 60 - 61 1 5%
Rage Talon Captain 62 - 62 1 5%
Rage Talon Fire Tongue 60 - 61 1 5%
Ravaged Cadaver 56 - 57 1 5%
Mangled Cadaver 55 - 56 1 5%
Spectral Citizen 55 - 56 1 5%
Ghostly Citizen 56 - 57 1 5%
Vengeful Phantom 56 - 57 1 5%
Skeletal Guardian 55 - 56 1 5%
Skeletal Berserker 56 - 57 1 5%
Black Guard Sentry 58 - 59 1 5%
Thuzadin Shadowcaster 58 - 59 1 5%
Thuzadin Acolyte 59 - 60 1 5%
Thuzadin Necromancer 60 - 61 1 5%
Plague Ghoul 57 - 58 1 5%
Ghoul Ravener 58 - 59 1 5%
Fleshflayer Ghoul 59 - 60 1 5%
Rockwing Gargoyle 56 - 58 1 5%
Rockwing Screecher 58 - 59 1 5%
Eye of Naxxramas 55 - 57 1 5%
Crypt Crawler 58 - 59 1 5%
Crypt Beast 59 - 60 1 5%
Patchwork Horror 57 - 58 1 5%
Bile Spewer 59 - 60 1 5%
Venom Belcher 60 - 61 1 5%
Crimson Guardsman 57 - 58 1 5%
Crimson Conjuror 57 - 58 1 5%
Crimson Initiate 57 - 58 1 5%
Crimson Defender 58 - 59 1 5%
Crimson Sorcerer 58 - 59 1 5%
Crimson Priest 58 - 59 1 5%
Crimson Gallant 59 - 60 1 5%
Crimson Battle Mage 59 - 60 1 5%
Crimson Inquisitor 59 - 60 1 5%
Chromatic Dragonspawn 59 - 60 1 5%
Shrieking Banshee 57 - 58 1 5%
Wailing Banshee 58 - 59 1 5%
Scholomance Adept 58 - 59 1 5%
Scholomance Neophyte 57 - 58 1 5%
Scholomance Acolyte 57 - 58 1 5%
Scholomance Occultist 58 - 59 1 5%
Scholomance Necrolyte 57 - 58 1 5%
Scholomance Necromancer 58 - 59 1 5%
Splintered Skeleton 59 - 60 1 5%
Skulking Corpse 58 - 59 1 5%
Unstable Corpse 58 - 59 1 5%
Reanimated Corpse 58 - 59 1 5%
Risen Aberration 57 - 58 1 5%
Risen Warrior 59 - 61 1 5%
Risen Protector 58 - 60 1 5%
Risen Construct 58 - 61 1 5%
Risen Guard 57 - 59 1 5%
Risen Bonewarder 58 - 59 1 5%
Diseased Ghoul 58 - 59 1 5%
Ragged Ghoul 58 - 59 1 5%
Spectral Tutor 58 - 60 1 5%
Spectral Researcher 58 - 60 1 5%
Spectral Teacher 58 - 61 1 5%
Fetid Zombie 54 - 56 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Scarlet Medic 52 - 54 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Scarlet Priest 55 - 57 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Xavaric 55 - 55 1 Felwood 5%
Summoned Blackhand Dreadweaver 59 - 60 1 5%
Summoned Blackhand Veteran 59 - 60 1 5%
Rookery Hatcher 58 - 59 1 5%
High Chief Winterfall 59 - 59 1 Winterspring 5%
Blackhand Dragon Handler 59 - 60 1 5%
Blackhand Thug 60 - 60 1 5%
Jabbering Ghoul 54 - 54 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Hitah'ya the Keeper 51 - 51 1 The Hinterlands 5%
Chromatic Elite Guard 59 - 60 1 5%
Wandering Skeleton 55 - 55 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Duggan Wildhammer 55 - 55 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Hed'mush the Rotting 57 - 57 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Warlord Thresh'jin 58 - 58 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Zul'Brin Warpbranch 59 - 59 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Ranger Lord Hawkspear 60 - 60 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Lord Darkscythe 57 - 57 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Deathspeaker Selendre 56 - 56 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
High General Abbendis 59 - 59 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Winterfall Runner 57 - 57 1 Winterspring 5%
Winterfall Runner 57 - 57 1 Felwood 5%
Shatterspear Troll 52 - 58 1 Darkshore 5%
Shatterspear Troll 52 - 58 1 Winterspring 5%
Horgus the Ravager 60 - 60 1 5%
Whitewhisker Vermin 52 - 53 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Winterax Troll 57 - 58 1 5%
Winterax Berserker 61 - 62 1 5%
Snowblind Harpy 52 - 53 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Irondeep Trogg 52 - 53 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Wildpaw Gnoll 52 - 53 1 5%
Fallen Hero 59 - 60 1 5%
Malor the Zealous 60 - 60 1 Stratholme 5%
Crimson Monk 58 - 60 1 5%
Undead Postman 57 - 58 1 5%
Shatterspear Drummer 52 - 58 1 Darkshore 5%
Scholomance Handler 59 - 60 1 5%
Dark Shade 60 - 60 1 5%
Mossflayer Zombie 53 - 54 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Unliving Mossflayer 54 - 55 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Hakkari Oracle 55 - 56 1 Stranglethorn Vale 5%
Gurubashi Warrior 54 - 55 1 Stranglethorn Vale 5%
High Priestess Hai'watna 57 - 57 1 Stranglethorn Vale 5%
Gordok Enforcer 53 - 54 1 Feralas 5%
Gordok Brute 57 - 58 1 5%
Gordok Mauler 53 - 54 1 Feralas 5%
Gordok Mauler 53 - 54 1 Dire Maul 5%
Gordok Ogre-Mage 52 - 53 1 Feralas 5%
Gordok Mage-Lord 57 - 58 1 5%
Gordok Captain 59 - 60 1 5%
Gordok Warlock 59 - 60 1 5%
Gordok Reaver 58 - 59 1 5%
Wildspawn Satyr 55 - 56 1 5%
Wildspawn Rogue 56 - 57 1 5%
Wildspawn Trickster 56 - 57 1 5%
Wildspawn Betrayer 55 - 56 1 5%
Wildspawn Felsworn 55 - 56 1 5%
Wildspawn Shadowstalker 56 - 56 1 5%
Wildspawn Hellcaller 56 - 57 1 5%
Petrified Treant 57 - 59 1 5%
Ironbark Protector 57 - 59 1 5%
Warpwood Guardian 57 - 58 1 5%
Warpwood Treant 54 - 55 1 5%
Warpwood Tangler 55 - 56 1 5%
Warpwood Stomper 57 - 58 1 5%
Eldreth Seether 58 - 59 1 5%
Eldreth Sorcerer 58 - 59 1 5%
Eldreth Apparition 57 - 58 1 5%
Eldreth Spirit 57 - 58 1 5%
Eldreth Spectre 58 - 59 1 5%
Eldreth Phantasm 58 - 59 1 5%
Skeletal Highborne 57 - 58 1 5%
Rotting Highborne 58 - 59 1 5%
Timbermaw Warder 53 - 54 1 Winterspring 5%
Timbermaw Warder 53 - 54 1 Felwood 5%
Timbermaw Mystic 52 - 54 1 5%
Timbermaw Woodbender 52 - 53 1 Winterspring 5%
Timbermaw Woodbender 52 - 53 1 Felwood 5%
Timbermaw Woodbender 52 - 53 1 Moonglade 5%
Scholomance Dark Summoner 58 - 59 1 5%
Risen Guardian 59 - 61 1 5%
Irondeep Shaman 63 - 64 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Irondeep Skullthumper 64 - 65 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Whitewhisker Digger 52 - 53 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Whitewhisker Geomancer 53 - 54 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Whitewhisker Overseer 54 - 55 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Cavalier Durgen 57 - 57 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Huntsman Radley 56 - 56 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Morloch 58 - 58 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Molten Giant 62 - 62 1 5%
Molten Destroyer 63 - 63 1 5%
Flamewaker 62 - 62 1 5%
Flamewaker Priest 62 - 62 1 5%
Flamewaker Healer 60 - 60 1 5%
Flamewaker Elite 62 - 62 1 5%
Snowblind Windcaller 53 - 54 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Taskmaster Snivvle 58 - 58 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Snowblind Ambusher 52 - 53 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Winterax Witch Doctor 59 - 60 1 5%
Hakkari Priest 60 - 60 1 5%
Wildpaw Shaman 63 - 63 1 5%
Wildpaw Mystic 66 - 67 1 5%
Wildpaw Brute 56 - 57 1 5%
Wildpaw Alpha 68 - 69 1 5%
Spectral Attendant 60 - 60 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Nathanos Blightcaller 62 - 62 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Twilight Avenger 58 - 59 1 Silithus 5%
Twilight Geolord 59 - 60 1 Silithus 5%
Twilight Stonecaller 59 - 60 1 Silithus 5%
Twilight Master 60 - 60 1 Silithus 5%
Crypt Robber 54 - 55 1 5%
Crusader Lord Valdelmar 60 - 60 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Captain Galvangar 61 - 61 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Captain Balinda Stonehearth 61 - 61 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Stormpike Mountaineer 55 - 55 1 Dun Morogh 5%
Stormpike Mountaineer 55 - 55 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Alliance Sentinel 55 - 55 1 5%
Stormpike Defender 58 - 58 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Frostwolf Legionnaire 57 - 57 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Frostwolf Warrior 55 - 55 1 5%
Frostwolf Guardian 58 - 58 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Flamewaker Protector 62 - 62 1 5%
Stormpike Guardsman 57 - 57 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Crimson Elite 60 - 60 1 5%
Winterax Axe Thrower 60 - 60 1 5%
Winterax Shadow Hunter 59 - 60 1 5%
Winterax Hunter 59 - 59 1 5%
Korrak the Bloodrager 62 - 62 1 5%
Tortured Druid 55 - 56 1 Silithus 5%
Tortured Sentinel 56 - 57 1 Silithus 5%
Shade of Ambermoon 58 - 58 1 Silithus 5%
Infiltrator Hameya 60 - 60 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Zaeldarr the Outcast 55 - 55 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Infected Mossflayer 57 - 58 1 5%
Ziggurat Protector 58 - 58 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Slaughterhouse Protector 58 - 58 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Quel'Lithien Protector 60 - 60 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Crimson Courier 60 - 60 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Demetria 61 - 61 1 5%
Wailing Spectre 69 - 70 1 Deadwind Pass 5%
Damned Soul 68 - 69 1 Deadwind Pass 5%
Unliving Caretaker 69 - 70 1 Deadwind Pass 5%
Unliving Resident 69 - 70 1 Deadwind Pass 5%
Large Vile Slime 57 - 57 1 Western Plaguelands 5%
Doomguard Commander 61 - 61 1 Blasted Lands 5%
Doomguard Commander 61 - 61 1 Stranglethorn Vale 5%
Emeraldon Boughguard 62 - 62 1 Ashenvale 5%
Emeraldon Tree Warder 60 - 60 1 Ashenvale 5%
Emeraldon Oracle 61 - 61 1 Ashenvale 5%
Verdantine Boughguard 62 - 62 1 The Hinterlands 5%
Verdantine Oracle 61 - 61 1 The Hinterlands 5%
Verdantine Tree Warder 60 - 60 1 The Hinterlands 5%
Onyxia's Elite Guard 58 - 59 1 5%
Warpwood Crusher 56 - 56 1 5%
Umi Thorson 58 - 58 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Keetar 58 - 58 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Irondeep Guard 54 - 55 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Irondeep Raider 54 - 55 1 5%
Aggi Rumblestomp 58 - 58 1 5%
Coldmine Invader 54 - 55 1 5%
Masha Swiftcut 58 - 58 1 5%
Coldmine Guard 54 - 55 1 5%
Coldmine Explorer 54 - 55 1 5%
Coldmine Surveyor 54 - 55 1 5%
Irondeep Surveyor 64 - 65 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Irondeep Explorer 54 - 55 1 5%
Lieutenant Rugba 69 - 69 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Lieutenant Spencer 69 - 69 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Commander Randolph 61 - 71 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Commander Dardosh 71 - 71 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Lieutenant Stronghoof 69 - 69 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Lieutenant Vol'talar 69 - 69 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Lieutenant Grummus 69 - 69 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Lieutenant Murp 69 - 69 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Lieutenant Lewis 69 - 69 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Syndicate Brigand 53 - 53 1 5%
Syndicate Agent 57 - 57 1 5%
Commander Malgor 71 - 71 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Commander Mulfort 71 - 71 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Commander Louis Philips 71 - 71 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Deathstalker Agent 61 - 61 1 5%
Smith Regzar 60 - 60 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Wing Commander Guse 59 - 59 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Wing Commander Jeztor 58 - 58 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Wing Commander Mulverick 70 - 70 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Phase Lasher 54 - 55 1 5%
Grunnda Wolfheart 58 - 58 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Primalist Thurloga 60 - 60 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Murgot Deepforge 58 - 58 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Wildspawn Imp 56 - 56 1 5%
Frostwolf Shaman 58 - 58 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Lieutenant Largent 69 - 69 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Lieutenant Stouthandle 59 - 69 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Lieutenant Greywand 69 - 69 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Lieutenant Lonadin 69 - 69 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Lieutenant Mancuso 59 - 69 1 5%
Coldmine Peon 52 - 53 1 5%
Coldmine Miner 52 - 53 1 5%
Commander Mortimer 71 - 71 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Commander Duffy 71 - 71 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Commander Karl Philips 71 - 71 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Seasoned Guardsman 58 - 68 1 5%
Seasoned Mountaineer 56 - 56 1 5%
Seasoned Defender 59 - 59 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Seasoned Sentinel 59 - 59 1 5%
Seasoned Guardian 59 - 59 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Seasoned Legionnaire 58 - 68 1 5%
Seasoned Warrior 56 - 56 1 5%
Veteran Defender 60 - 60 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Veteran Guardian 60 - 60 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Veteran Guardsman 59 - 69 1 5%
Veteran Legionnaire 59 - 69 1 5%
Veteran Mountaineer 57 - 57 1 5%
Veteran Sentinel 57 - 57 1 5%
Veteran Warrior 57 - 57 1 5%
Stormpike Bowman 59 - 60 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Frostwolf Bowman 59 - 60 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Master Engineer Zinfizzlex 60 - 60 1 5%
Frostwolf Shredder Unit 60 - 60 1 5%
Irondeep Miner 52 - 53 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Irondeep Peon 52 - 53 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Stormpike Shredder Unit 60 - 60 1 5%
Ivus the Forest Lord 73 - 73 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Champion Guardian 61 - 61 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Champion Defender 61 - 61 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Champion Guardsman 60 - 70 1 5%
Champion Legionnaire 60 - 70 1 5%
Champion Mountaineer 58 - 58 1 5%
Champion Sentinel 58 - 58 1 5%
Champion Warrior 58 - 58 1 5%
Wing Commander Ichman 60 - 60 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Wing Commander Slidore 58 - 58 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Wing Commander Vipore 59 - 59 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Frostwolf Wolf Rider 58 - 68 1 5%
Frostwolf Wolf Rider Commander 59 - 59 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Arch Druid Renferal 60 - 60 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Druid of the Grove 60 - 60 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Field Marshal Teravaine 61 - 61 1 5%
Corporal Noreg Stormpike 58 - 59 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Sergeant Yazra Bloodsnarl 56 - 57 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Warmaster Garrick 61 - 71 1 5%
Stormpike Commando 56 - 56 1 5%
Seasoned Commando 59 - 59 1 5%
Veteran Commando 60 - 60 1 5%
Champion Commando 61 - 61 1 5%
Frostwolf Reaver 59 - 59 1 5%
Seasoned Reaver 59 - 59 1 5%
Veteran Reaver 60 - 70 1 5%
Champion Reaver 61 - 71 1 5%
Seasoned Coldmine Guard 56 - 66 1 5%
Veteran Coldmine Guard 58 - 59 1 5%
Champion Coldmine Guard 60 - 60 1 5%
Seasoned Coldmine Surveyor 56 - 57 1 5%
Veteran Coldmine Surveyor 58 - 59 1 5%
Champion Coldmine Surveyor 60 - 60 1 5%
Seasoned Irondeep Explorer 56 - 57 1 5%
Veteran Irondeep Explorer 58 - 59 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Champion Irondeep Explorer 60 - 60 1 5%
Seasoned Irondeep Raider 56 - 57 1 5%
Veteran Irondeep Raider 58 - 59 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Champion Irondeep Raider 60 - 60 1 5%
Seasoned Coldmine Explorer 56 - 57 1 5%
Veteran Coldmine Explorer 58 - 68 1 5%
Champion Coldmine Explorer 60 - 60 1 5%
Seasoned Coldmine Invader 56 - 57 1 5%
Veteran Coldmine Invader 58 - 59 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Champion Coldmine Invader 60 - 60 1 5%
Seasoned Irondeep Guard 56 - 57 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Veteran Irondeep Guard 58 - 59 1 5%
Champion Irondeep Guard 60 - 60 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Seasoned Irondeep Surveyor 56 - 57 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Veteran Irondeep Surveyor 58 - 59 1 5%
Champion Irondeep Surveyor 60 - 60 1 5%
Stormpike Ram Rider 58 - 68 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Stormpike Ram Rider Commander 60 - 60 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Frostwolf Explosives Expert 59 - 59 1 5%
Stormpike Explosives Expert 60 - 60 1 5%
Stormpike Stable Master 60 - 60 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Corporal Teeka Bloodsnarl 56 - 57 1 Alterac Mountains 5%
Mountaineer Boombellow 60 - 60 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Jotek 60 - 61 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Lieutenant Haggerdin 61 - 61 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 5%
Winterax Mystic 58 - 58 1 5%
Winterax Warrior 60 - 60 1 5%
Winterax Seer 59 - 59 1 5%
Alterac Yeti 61 - 71 1 5%
Najak Hexxen 59 - 59 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Ravak Grimtotem 60 - 60 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Athramanis 60 - 60 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Dirk Swindle 59 - 59 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Stormpike Battleguard 61 - 61 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Stormpike Battleguard 61 - 61 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 5%
Frostwolf Battleguard 61 - 61 1 Alterac Mountains 5%
Frostwolf Battleguard 61 - 61 1 Alterac Valley 5%
Petrified Guardian 57 - 59 1 5%
Alshirr Banebreath 54 - 54 1 Felwood 5%
Ragepaw 51 - 51 1 Felwood 5%
The Ongar 51 - 51 1 Felwood 5%
Gordok Bushwacker 58 - 59 1 5%
Setis 61 - 61 1 Silithus 5%
Twilight Lord Everun 60 - 60 1 Silithus 5%
Aspect of Banality 60 - 60 1 5%
Aspect of Corruption 60 - 60 1 5%
Aspect of Malice 60 - 60 1 5%
Aspect of Shadow 60 - 60 1 5%
Ulathek 57 - 57 1 Felwood 5%
Terrordale Spirit 59 - 60 1 5%
Scarlet Inquisitor 61 - 61 1 Eastern Plaguelands 5%
Twilight Flamereaver 60 - 60 1 Silithus 5%
Vyral the Vile 61 - 61 1 Silithus 5%
Twilight Overlord 60 - 61 1 Silithus 5%
Flesh Hunter 62 - 62 1 5%
Twilight Marauder Morna 60 - 60 1 Silithus 5%
Twilight Marauder 58 - 59 1 Silithus 5%
Minion of Weavil 60 - 61 1 Dustwallow Marsh 5%
Tidelord Rrurgaz 62 - 62 1 Dustwallow Marsh 5%
Scourge Siege Engineer 60 - 60 1 5%
Horde Halaani Guard 65 - 65 1 5%
Alliance Halaani Guard 65 - 65 1 5%
Deathshadow Spellbinder 70 - 71 1 Nagrand 5%
Amani'shi Scout 70 - 70 1 Zul'Aman 5%
Watchkeeper Gargolmar 62 - 62 1 - 1 Hellfire Ramparts 0%

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