Super Healing Potion - Objets

Super Healing Potion

Super Healing Potion
Item Level 65
Requires Level 55
Max Stack: 5
Buy Price: 2
Sell Price: 500

More details

  • Type: Consumable
  • Consumable
Name Level Required Level Faction
Master of Potions 70 68 Alliance
Name Level Quantity Location % Loot
Firewing Defender 63 - 64 1 Terokkar Forest 2%
Zuluhed the Whacked 72 - 72 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Spectral Stable Hand 70 - 70 1 Karazhan 2%
Spectral Apprentice 70 - 70 1 Karazhan 2%
Phantom Attendant 71 - 71 1 Karazhan 2%
Spectral Servant 69 - 70 1 Karazhan 2%
Phantom Valet 72 - 72 1 Karazhan 2%
Phantom Guest 70 - 70 1 Karazhan 2%
Spectral Retainer 72 - 72 1 Karazhan 2%
Spectral Chef 71 - 71 1 Karazhan 2%
Ghostly Baker 71 - 71 1 Karazhan 2%
Ghostly Steward 71 - 71 1 Karazhan 2%
Skeletal Waiter 71 - 71 1 Karazhan 2%
Spectral Sentry 71 - 71 1 Karazhan 2%
Phantom Guardsman 71 - 71 1 Karazhan 2%
Wanton Hostess 71 - 71 1 Karazhan 2%
Night Mistress 71 - 71 1 Karazhan 2%
Concubine 71 - 71 1 Karazhan 2%
Spectral Patron 70 - 70 1 Karazhan 2%
Ghostly Philanthropist 72 - 72 1 Karazhan 2%
Skeletal Usher 72 - 72 1 Karazhan 2%
Phantom Stagehand 71 - 71 1 Karazhan 2%
Spectral Performer 71 - 71 1 Karazhan 2%
Ghastly Haunt 72 - 72 1 Karazhan 2%
Trapped Soul 72 - 72 1 Karazhan 2%
Shadow Pillager 72 - 72 1 Karazhan 2%
Ethereal Thief 72 - 72 1 Karazhan 2%
Ethereal Spellfilcher 72 - 72 1 Karazhan 2%
Bonechewer Devastator 63 - 64 1 Terokkar Forest 2%
Bonechewer Backbreaker 63 - 64 1 Terokkar Forest 2%
Gorkan Bloodfist 68 - 68 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Mag'har Grunt 61 - 61 1 2%
Debilitated Mag'har Grunt 58 - 58 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Shattered Hand Grunt 62 - 63 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Bleeding Hollow Grunt 60 - 61 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Bleeding Hollow Dark Shaman 60 - 61 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Bonechewer Mutant 58 - 59 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Shattered Hand Berserker 61 - 62 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Unyielding Footman 59 - 60 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Unyielding Sorcerer 59 - 60 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Unyielding Knight 59 - 60 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Bleeding Hollow Peon 59 - 59 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Mag'har Watcher 62 - 63 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Mag'har Hunter 62 - 63 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Bonechewer Raider 58 - 59 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Stonescythe Whelp 60 - 61 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Stonescythe Alpha 61 - 62 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Dreghood Geomancer 56 - 57 1 2%
Dreghood Brute 56 - 57 1 2%
Mo'arg Engineer 67 - 68 1 Nagrand 2%
Mo'arg Forgefiend 61 - 62 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Gan'arg Servant 60 - 61 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Terrorfiend 61 - 62 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Anger Guard 67 - 68 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Forge Camp Legionnaire 60 - 61 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Sister of Grief 60 - 61 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Warlord Morkh 61 - 61 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Haal'eshi Windwalker 62 - 63 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Haal'eshi Talonguard 62 - 63 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Arch Mage Xintor 61 - 61 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Lieutenant Commander Thalvos 61 - 61 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Blacktalon the Savage 63 - 63 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Illidari Taskmaster 63 - 63 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Fel Orc Convert 69 - 69 1 The Shattered Halls 2%
Avruu 63 - 63 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Boulderfist Crusher 64 - 65 1 Nagrand 2%
Boulderfist Mystic 64 - 65 1 Nagrand 2%
Boulderfist Warrior 65 - 66 1 Nagrand 2%
Boulderfist Mage 65 - 66 1 Nagrand 2%
Windyreed Scavenger 64 - 65 1 Nagrand 2%
Vir'aani Raider 65 - 66 1 Nagrand 2%
Shattered Hand Archer 69 - 69 1 The Shattered Halls 2%
Shattered Hand Gladiator 70 - 70 1 The Shattered Halls 2%
Shattered Hand Centurion 70 - 71 1 The Shattered Halls 2%
Lordaeron Watchman 65 - 65 1 Hyjal Past 2%
Lordaeron Sentry 65 - 65 1 Hyjal Past 2%
Coilfang Technician 63 - 63 1 The Slave Pens 2%
Bloodwarder Protector 69 - 70 1 The Botanica 2%
Bloodwarder Falconer 70 - 70 1 The Botanica 2%
Warmaul Warlock 66 - 67 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Warmaul Warlock 66 - 67 1 Nagrand 2%
Agitated Orc Spirit 66 - 67 1 Nagrand 2%
Rajis Fyashe 63 - 63 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Rajah Haghazed 63 - 63 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Warmaul Shaman 65 - 66 1 Nagrand 2%
Warmaul Shaman 65 - 66 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Warmaul Brute 66 - 67 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Warmaul Brute 66 - 67 1 Nagrand 2%
Umbrafen Oracle 60 - 61 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Umbrafen Seer 60 - 61 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Kataru 62 - 62 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Darkcrest Taskmaster 62 - 63 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Darkcrest Siren 62 - 63 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Bloodscale Enchantress 63 - 64 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Feralfen Hunter 61 - 62 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Feralfen Mystic 61 - 62 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Daggerfen Muckdweller 62 - 62 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Daggerfen Assassin 62 - 63 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Ango'rosh Ogre 62 - 63 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Ango'rosh Shaman 62 - 63 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Ango'rosh Brute 62 - 63 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Ango'rosh Mauler 63 - 64 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Ango'rosh Souleater 63 - 64 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Dreghood Drudge 61 - 62 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Wrekt Slave 62 - 62 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Marsh Lurker 61 - 62 1 Terokkar Forest 2%
Marsh Lurker 61 - 62 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Marsh Dredger 61 - 62 1 Terokkar Forest 2%
Marsh Dredger 61 - 62 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Boss Grog'ak 62 - 62 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Overlord Gorefist 64 - 64 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Mudfin Frenzy 62 - 63 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Murkblood Invader 67 - 67 1 Nagrand 2%
Lord Klaq 62 - 62 1 Terokkar Forest 2%
Ethereal Scavenger 64 - 64 1 Mana-Tombs 2%
Ethereal Crypt Raider 64 - 64 1 Mana-Tombs 2%
Ethereal Spellbinder 65 - 66 1 Mana-Tombs 2%
Ethereal Sorcerer 64 - 65 1 Mana-Tombs 2%
Ethereal Theurgist 66 - 66 1 Mana-Tombs 2%
Sethekk Initiate 67 - 67 1 Sethekk Halls 2%
Time-Lost Scryer 67 - 68 1 Sethekk Halls 2%
Sethekk Talon Lord 68 - 69 1 Sethekk Halls 2%
Sethekk Guard 67 - 68 1 Sethekk Halls 2%
Sethekk Prophet 68 - 69 1 Sethekk Halls 2%
Sethekk Shaman 69 - 69 1 Sethekk Halls 2%
Time-Lost Controller 67 - 67 1 Sethekk Halls 2%
Sethekk Oracle 67 - 68 1 Sethekk Halls 2%
Ethereal Darkcaster 65 - 65 1 Mana-Tombs 2%
Steam Pump Overseer 62 - 63 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Bloodwarder Steward 69 - 70 1 The Botanica 2%
Bloodwarder Greenkeeper 69 - 70 1 The Botanica 2%
Sunseeker Geomancer 71 - 71 1 The Botanica 2%
Sunseeker Researcher 70 - 70 1 The Botanica 2%
Cho'war the Pillager 67 - 67 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Warmaul Chef Bufferlo 65 - 65 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Shienor Talonite 62 - 63 1 Terokkar Forest 2%
Skithian Dreadhawk 63 - 64 1 Terokkar Forest 2%
Skithian Windripper 63 - 64 1 Terokkar Forest 2%
Auchenai Soulpriest 65 - 66 1 Auchenai Crypts 2%
Auchenai Vindicator 65 - 66 1 Auchenai Crypts 2%
Unliving Soldier 65 - 71 1 Auchenai Crypts 2%
Unliving Sorcerer 65 - 71 1 Auchenai Crypts 2%
Unliving Cleric 65 - 71 1 2%
Unliving Stalker 65 - 71 1 2%
Phantasmal Possessor 65 - 71 1 2%
Angered Skeleton 66 - 66 1 Auchenai Crypts 2%
Demos, Overseer of Hate 68 - 68 1 Nagrand 2%
Xirkos, Overseer of Fear 68 - 68 1 Nagrand 2%
Phasing Cleric 65 - 66 1 2%
Phasing Sorcerer 65 - 66 1 2%
Phasing Stalker 65 - 66 1 Auchenai Crypts 2%
Raliq the Drunk 68 - 68 1 2%
Cabal Cultist 69 - 70 1 Shadow Labyrinth 2%
Cabal Executioner 71 - 71 1 Shadow Labyrinth 2%
Cabal Acolyte 69 - 69 1 Shadow Labyrinth 2%
Cabal Summoner 70 - 71 1 Shadow Labyrinth 2%
Cabal Deathsworn 69 - 70 1 Shadow Labyrinth 2%
Cabal Assassin 70 - 70 1 Shadow Labyrinth 2%
Cabal Shadow Priest 69 - 70 1 Shadow Labyrinth 2%
Cabal Zealot 70 - 70 1 Shadow Labyrinth 2%
Cabal Spellbinder 70 - 71 1 Shadow Labyrinth 2%
Cabal Warlock 69 - 69 1 Shadow Labyrinth 2%
Subjugator Vaz'shir 68 - 68 1 Nagrand 2%
Mekthorg the Wild 61 - 61 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Coilfang Emissary 63 - 63 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Bro'Gaz the Clanless 66 - 66 1 Nagrand 2%
Speaker Mar'grom 68 - 68 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Ambassador Jerrikar 69 - 69 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Chief Engineer Lorthander 69 - 69 1 Netherstorm 2%
Auchenai Necromancer 66 - 67 1 Auchenai Crypts 2%
Cabal Ritualist 69 - 70 1 Shadow Labyrinth 2%
Fel Overseer 70 - 70 1 Shadow Labyrinth 2%
Gan'arg Sapper 59 - 60 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Malicious Instructor 70 - 71 1 Shadow Labyrinth 2%
Disembodied Protector 67 - 68 1 Netherstorm 2%
Bonechewer Scavenger 58 - 59 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Z'kral 62 - 62 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Wrathguard 58 - 59 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Urga'zz 62 - 62 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Felguard Destroyer 60 - 60 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Doomwhisperer 59 - 59 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Captain Krosh 63 - 63 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Bloodwarder Slayer 70 - 70 1 The Mechanar 2%
Chieftain Mummaki 64 - 64 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Fel Handler 58 - 59 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Arazzius the Cruel 63 - 63 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Mistress of Doom 62 - 63 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Summoned Cabal Acolyte 69 - 69 1 Shadow Labyrinth 2%
Summoned Cabal Deathsworn 69 - 69 1 Shadow Labyrinth 2%
Mechanar Crusher 70 - 70 1 The Mechanar 2%
Force-Commander Gorax 63 - 63 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Subjugator Shi'aziv 62 - 62 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Shattered Hand Grenadier 61 - 61 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Warbringer Arix'Amal 62 - 62 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Mana Leech 64 - 64 1 Mana-Tombs 2%
Drillmaster Zurok 62 - 62 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Subjugator Yalqiz 62 - 62 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Arzeth the Merciless 63 - 63 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Maiden of Pain 61 - 61 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Shattered Hand Neophyte 62 - 63 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Shattered Hand Warlock 62 - 63 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Shattered Hand Mage 61 - 62 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Shattered Hand Guard 61 - 62 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Shattered Hand Acolyte 61 - 62 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Bleeding Hollow Necrolyte 60 - 61 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Bleeding Hollow Tormentor 60 - 61 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Dreadcaller 59 - 59 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Worg Master Kruush 60 - 60 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Tagar Spinebreaker 61 - 61 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Grillok "Darkeye" 61 - 61 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Sunseeker Chemist 70 - 70 1 The Botanica 2%
Sunseeker Channeler 70 - 70 1 The Botanica 2%
Sunseeker Gene-Splicer 70 - 70 1 The Botanica 2%
Sunseeker Herbalist 70 - 70 1 The Botanica 2%
Sunseeker Harvester 70 - 70 1 The Botanica 2%
Bloodwarder Centurion 70 - 70 1 The Mechanar 2%
Nethervine Inciter 70 - 70 1 The Botanica 2%
Nethervine Reaper 70 - 70 1 The Botanica 2%
Abjurist Belmara 68 - 68 1 Netherstorm 2%
Bloodwarder Mender 69 - 70 1 The Botanica 2%
Captain Arathyn 68 - 68 1 Netherstorm 2%
Sunfury Astromancer 68 - 68 1 Netherstorm 2%
Bonechewer Evoker 58 - 59 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Mechanar Driller 70 - 70 1 The Mechanar 2%
Mechanar Wrecker 70 - 70 1 The Mechanar 2%
Mechanar Tinkerer 69 - 69 1 The Mechanar 2%
Ango'rosh Warlock 62 - 63 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Daggerfen Servant 62 - 62 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Wrathwalker 67 - 68 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Dreadwarden 70 - 70 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Baelmon the Hound-Master 68 - 68 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Deathforge Tinkerer 68 - 69 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Mo'arg Weaponsmith 66 - 67 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Deathforge Smith 68 - 69 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Coilskar Defender 68 - 68 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Coilskar Sorceress 69 - 70 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Coilskar Siren 68 - 69 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Sunfury Geologist 67 - 68 1 Netherstorm 2%
Coilskar Waterkeeper 69 - 69 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Eclipsion Centurion 68 - 69 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Eclipsion Blood Knight 69 - 69 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Eclipsion Archmage 68 - 69 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Illidari Dreadbringer 69 - 69 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Illidari Painlasher 68 - 69 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Dark Conclave Talonite 67 - 67 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Dark Conclave Shadowmancer 67 - 68 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Arcanist Ardonis 67 - 67 1 Netherstorm 2%
Commander Dawnforge 68 - 68 1 Netherstorm 2%
Nethervine Trickster 70 - 70 1 The Botanica 2%
Severed Spirit 68 - 68 1 Netherstorm 2%
Lashh'an Talonite 65 - 66 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Lashh'an Wing Guard 65 - 66 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Lashh'an Windwalker 65 - 66 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Darkcrest Slaver 61 - 62 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Darkcrest Sorceress 61 - 62 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Bloodmaul Skirmisher 65 - 66 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Bloodmaul Geomancer 65 - 66 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Bloodmaul Brewmaster 65 - 66 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Doomforge Engineer 68 - 68 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Doomforge Attendant 68 - 68 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Doomcryer 68 - 68 1 2%
Terror Sentry 70 - 70 1 2%
Abyssal Flamebringer 70 - 71 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Deathforge Over-Smith 68 - 68 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Deathforge Technician 67 - 68 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Vekh'nir Keeneye 65 - 66 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Vekh'nir Stormcaller 65 - 66 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Vekh'nir Dreadhawk 65 - 65 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Ruuan'ok Cloudgazer 66 - 67 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Ruuan'ok Skyfury 66 - 67 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Ruuan'ok Ravenguard 66 - 67 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Grishna Falconwing 67 - 68 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Grishna Harbinger 67 - 68 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Grishna Scorncrow 67 - 68 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Bloodmaul Brute 65 - 66 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Bloodmaul Shaman 65 - 66 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Bloodmaul Mauler 66 - 67 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Bloodmaul Warlock 66 - 67 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Bladespire Brute 65 - 66 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Bladespire Battlemage 67 - 67 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Bladespire Enforcer 67 - 67 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Bladespire Shaman 65 - 66 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Bloodwarder Legionnaire 71 - 71 1 Tempest Keep 2%
Bloodwarder Vindicator 71 - 71 1 Tempest Keep 2%
Astromancer 71 - 71 1 Tempest Keep 2%
Star Scryer 71 - 71 1 Tempest Keep 2%
Bloodwarder Marshal 72 - 72 1 Tempest Keep 2%
Bloodwarder Squire 71 - 71 1 Tempest Keep 2%
Tempest-Smith 71 - 71 1 Tempest Keep 2%
Apprentice Star Scryer 70 - 70 1 Tempest Keep 2%
Novice Astromancer 70 - 70 1 Tempest Keep 2%
Astromancer Lord 72 - 72 1 Tempest Keep 2%
Crimson Hand Battle Mage 71 - 71 1 Tempest Keep 2%
Crimson Hand Centurion 71 - 71 1 Tempest Keep 2%
Crimson Hand Blood Knight 71 - 71 1 Tempest Keep 2%
Crimson Hand Inquisitor 72 - 72 1 Tempest Keep 2%
Crystalcore Mechanic 71 - 71 1 Tempest Keep 2%
Sunseeker Netherbinder 70 - 70 1 The Mechanar 2%
Bloodscale Overseer 61 - 62 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Bloodscale Wavecaller 62 - 62 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Grimnok Battleborn 67 - 67 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Lashh'an Matriarch 66 - 66 1 2%
Umbrafen Witchdoctor 60 - 61 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Fleeing Dreghood Geomancer 56 - 57 1 2%
Vekh'nir Matriarch 66 - 66 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Ruuan'ok Matriarch 67 - 67 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Pentatharon 69 - 69 1 Netherstorm 2%
Grulloc 70 - 70 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Sunfury Nethermancer 69 - 70 1 Netherstorm 2%
Feralfen Druid 62 - 62 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Lagoon Eel 61 - 62 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Bogstrok Clacker 63 - 63 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Bogstrok Razorclaw 62 - 63 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Bogstrok Crusher 62 - 63 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Grishna Matriarch 68 - 68 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Bladespire Cook 65 - 66 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Overseer Theredis 68 - 68 1 Netherstorm 2%
Captain Bo'kar 64 - 64 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Ango'rosh Sentry 62 - 63 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Ango'rosh Shadowmage 63 - 64 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Mal'druk the Soulrender 64 - 64 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Ethereum Assassin 68 - 69 1 Netherstorm 2%
Ethereum Shocktrooper 68 - 69 1 Netherstorm 2%
Ethereum Overlord 69 - 70 1 Netherstorm 2%
Terrorclaw 63 - 63 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Kirin'Var Ghost 68 - 68 1 Netherstorm 2%
Maggoc 70 - 70 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Razaani Raider 67 - 68 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Razaani Nexus Stalker 67 - 68 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Razaani Spell-Thief 67 - 68 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Arzeth the Powerless 63 - 63 1 2%
Prophetess Cavrylin 68 - 69 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Korgaah 67 - 67 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Mugdorg 66 - 66 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Glumdor 66 - 66 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Droggam 66 - 66 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Gorr'Dim 67 - 67 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Dorgok 67 - 67 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Bladespire Chef 67 - 67 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Fingrom 67 - 67 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Bladespire Crusher 67 - 67 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Bladespire Mystic 67 - 67 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Gnosh Brognat 67 - 67 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Warden Icoshock 70 - 70 1 Netherstorm 2%
Keeper of the Cistern 68 - 69 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Razorsaw 62 - 62 1 Hellfire Peninsula 2%
Silroth 68 - 69 1 Netherstorm 2%
Arcatraz Defender 68 - 69 1 The Arcatraz 2%
Arcatraz Warder 68 - 69 1 The Arcatraz 2%
Deathforge Summoner 68 - 69 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Deathforge Guardian 68 - 69 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Eredar Soul-Eater 70 - 70 1 The Arcatraz 2%
Unbound Devastator 70 - 70 1 The Arcatraz 2%
Skulking Witch 70 - 70 1 The Arcatraz 2%
Spiteful Temptress 70 - 70 1 The Arcatraz 2%
Sargeron Archer 70 - 70 1 The Arcatraz 2%
Sargeron Hellcaller 70 - 70 1 The Arcatraz 2%
Blazing Trickster 70 - 70 1 2%
Akkiris Lightning-Waker 72 - 72 1 2%
Sulfuron Magma-Thrower 72 - 72 1 2%
Twilight Drakonaar 72 - 72 1 2%
Blackwing Drakonaar 72 - 72 1 2%
Severed Defender 68 - 68 1 Netherstorm 2%
Sunseeker Engineer 69 - 69 1 The Mechanar 2%
Bloodwarder Physician 69 - 69 1 The Mechanar 2%
Scorch Imp 67 - 67 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Boulder'mok Brute 67 - 68 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Boulder'mok Shaman 67 - 68 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Boulder'mok Chieftain 68 - 68 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Nexus-Prince Razaan 68 - 68 1 2%
Disembodied Exarch 67 - 68 1 Netherstorm 2%
Sunfury Blood Knight 70 - 70 1 Netherstorm 2%
Uvuros 70 - 70 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Netharel 70 - 70 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Theras 70 - 70 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Alandien 70 - 70 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Varedis 70 - 70 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Crystal Flayer 66 - 67 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Ravenous Flayer 69 - 70 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Deathtalon Spirit 64 - 64 1 Terokkar Forest 2%
Vashj'ir Honor Guard 71 - 71 1 Serpentshrine Cavern 2%
Coilfang Priestess 71 - 71 1 Serpentshrine Cavern 2%
Coilfang Beast-Tamer 71 - 71 1 Serpentshrine Cavern 2%
Tidewalker Depth-Seer 71 - 71 1 Serpentshrine Cavern 2%
Tidewalker Warrior 71 - 71 1 Serpentshrine Cavern 2%
Tidewalker Shaman 71 - 71 1 Serpentshrine Cavern 2%
Greyheart Tidecaller 71 - 71 1 Serpentshrine Cavern 2%
Greyheart Nether-Mage 71 - 71 1 Serpentshrine Cavern 2%
Greyheart Shield-Bearer 71 - 71 1 Serpentshrine Cavern 2%
Greyheart Skulker 71 - 71 1 Serpentshrine Cavern 2%
Bloodmaul Drudger 65 - 66 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Dullgrom Dredger 65 - 66 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Greyheart Technician 71 - 71 1 Serpentshrine Cavern 2%
Auchenai Initiate 65 - 66 1 Terokkar Forest 2%
Auchenai Doomsayer 64 - 65 1 Terokkar Forest 2%
Bladespire Champion 66 - 66 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Coilfang Serpentguard 71 - 71 1 Serpentshrine Cavern 2%
Coilfang Fathom-Witch 71 - 71 1 Serpentshrine Cavern 2%
Fel Corrupter 66 - 67 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Coilfang Shatterer 71 - 71 1 Serpentshrine Cavern 2%
Shadow Council Warlock 67 - 67 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Terrormaster 67 - 68 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Illidari Shadowstalker 69 - 69 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Coilfang Hate-Screamer 71 - 71 1 Serpentshrine Cavern 2%
Ethereal Nethermancer 64 - 65 1 Terokkar Forest 2%
Wyrmcult Zealot 67 - 68 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Wyrmcult Acolyte 67 - 68 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Dark Conclave Hawkeye 67 - 67 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Wyrmcult Blackwhelp 67 - 68 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Ashtongue Worker 69 - 69 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Rocknail Flayer 69 - 69 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Wyrmcult Blessed 67 - 68 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Overseer Ripsaw 69 - 69 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Makazradon 68 - 69 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Death's Might 68 - 68 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Illidari Jailor 70 - 70 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Wyrmcult Scout 67 - 68 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Trogma 65 - 65 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Skettis Wing Guard 70 - 71 1 Terokkar Forest 2%
Skettis Wing Guard 70 - 71 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Time-Lost Skettis Reaver 71 - 71 1 Terokkar Forest 2%
Skettis Time-Shifter 71 - 72 1 Terokkar Forest 2%
Skettis Time-Shifter 71 - 72 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Eykenen 70 - 70 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Uylaru 70 - 70 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Haalum 70 - 70 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Dragonmaw Wrangler 68 - 69 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Dragonmaw Subjugator 69 - 70 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Dragonmaw Shaman 69 - 70 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Sunfury Eradicator 67 - 68 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Sunfury Blood Lord 68 - 68 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Time-Lost Skettis Worshipper 71 - 71 1 Terokkar Forest 2%
Harbinger of the Raven 68 - 68 1 2%
Time-Lost Skettis High Priest 71 - 71 1 Terokkar Forest 2%
Shadowmoon Zealot 68 - 69 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Shadowmoon Harbinger 68 - 69 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Wyrmcult Poacher 66 - 67 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Wyrmcult Hewer 66 - 67 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Zandras 70 - 70 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Terokk 72 - 72 1 2%
Cabal Spell-weaver 62 - 63 1 Terokkar Forest 2%
Skettis Sentinel 71 - 72 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Skettis Sentinel 71 - 72 1 Terokkar Forest 2%
Terrorguard Protector 68 - 69 1 Netherstorm 2%
Accursed Apparition 64 - 65 1 Terokkar Forest 2%
Eclipsion Soldier 68 - 69 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Eclipsion Spellbinder 68 - 69 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Eclipsion Cavalier 69 - 69 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Shadowsworn Drakonid 70 - 70 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Torloth the Magnificent 72 - 72 1 2%
Shadowmoon Chosen 70 - 70 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Illidari Watcher 70 - 70 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Wyrmcult Provisioner 67 - 68 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Gordunni Back-Breaker 71 - 72 1 Terokkar Forest 2%
Gordunni Back-Breaker 71 - 72 1 Shattrath City 2%
Gordunni Back-Breaker 71 - 72 1 Nagrand 2%
Gordunni Elementalist 70 - 71 1 Terokkar Forest 2%
Gordunni Elementalist 70 - 71 1 Shattrath City 2%
Gordunni Elementalist 70 - 71 1 Nagrand 2%
Gordunni Head-Splitter 71 - 72 1 Terokkar Forest 2%
Gordunni Head-Splitter 71 - 72 1 Nagrand 2%
Bloodmaul Taskmaster 66 - 67 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Wrath Speaker 70 - 71 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Slaag 70 - 70 1 Nagrand 2%
Fear Whisperer 70 - 71 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Nightmare Imp 70 - 70 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Nightmare Imp 70 - 70 1 Zangarmarsh 2%
Fear Fiend 71 - 71 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Felstorm Corruptor 70 - 71 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Bash'ir Raider 70 - 71 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Bash'ir Spell-Thief 70 - 71 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Bash'ir Arcanist 71 - 72 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Dragonmaw Peon 68 - 69 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Dragonmaw Ascendant 72 - 72 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Wrath Corruptor 70 - 72 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Bladespire Guardian 71 - 73 1 2%
Bladespire Elder 71 - 73 1 2%
Bladespire Keg King 71 - 73 1 2%
Galvanoth 72 - 72 1 2%
Furnace Guard 70 - 72 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Throne-Guard Highlord 72 - 72 1 2%
Mo'arg Extractor 71 - 71 1 2%
Vekh 67 - 67 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Wyrmcult Hunter 66 - 67 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Nightmare Weaver 70 - 71 1 2%
Deathshadow Acolyte 70 - 71 1 Nagrand 2%
Deathshadow Spellbinder 70 - 71 1 Nagrand 2%
Hand of Kargath 63 - 63 1 2%
Cabal Interrogator 64 - 65 1 Terokkar Forest 2%
Bloodmaul Soothsayer 66 - 67 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Lithic Talonguard 63 - 64 1 Terokkar Forest 2%
Wrath Fiend 71 - 72 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 2%
Coilskar General 71 - 71 1 Black Temple 2%
Coilskar Soothsayer 71 - 71 1 Black Temple 2%
Coilskar Wrangler 71 - 71 1 Black Temple 2%
Dragon Turtle 70 - 70 1 Black Temple 2%
Ethereum Jailor 71 - 71 1 2%
Gordunni Soulreaper 70 - 71 1 Terokkar Forest 2%
Talonpriest Ishaal 71 - 71 1 Terokkar Forest 2%
Talonpriest Skizzik 71 - 71 1 Terokkar Forest 2%
Talonpriest Zellek 71 - 71 1 Terokkar Forest 2%
Bash'ir Surveyor 72 - 72 1 2%
Mana-debt Slave 70 - 70 1 2%
Darkscreecher Akkarai 72 - 72 1 2%
Nethermine Flayer 70 - 71 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Crystalfused Miner 70 - 70 1 2%
Dragonmaw Transporter 70 - 70 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Overmine Flayer 70 - 71 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Arvoar the Rapacious 72 - 72 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Barash the Den Mother 72 - 72 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Nethermine Burster 70 - 71 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Crazed Murkblood Foreman 71 - 71 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Disobedient Dragonmaw Peon 68 - 69 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Crazed Murkblood Miner 70 - 70 1 Shadowmoon Valley 2%
Zarcsin 72 - 72 1 2%
Bash'ir's Harbinger 72 - 72 1 2%
Amani'shi Axe Thrower 71 - 71 1 Zul'Aman 2%
Amani'shi Warbringer 71 - 71 1 Zul'Aman 2%
Amani'shi Medicine Man 70 - 71 1 Zul'Aman 2%
Amani'shi Tribesman 71 - 71 1 Zul'Aman 2%
Amani Bear 70 - 70 1 Zul'Aman 2%
Amani'shi Scout 70 - 70 1 Zul'Aman 2%
Amani'shi Flame Caster 71 - 71 1 Zul'Aman 2%
Amani'shi Guardian 71 - 71 1 Zul'Aman 2%
Amani'shi Trainer 70 - 70 1 Zul'Aman 2%
Amani Dragonhawk 70 - 70 1 Zul'Aman 2%
Amani Lynx 69 - 71 1 Zul'Aman 2%
Amani Crocolisk 70 - 70 1 Zul'Aman 2%
Amani'shi Beast Tamer 71 - 71 1 Zul'Aman 2%
Amani Lynx Cub 70 - 70 1 Zul'Aman 2%
Amani'shi Handler 71 - 71 1 Zul'Aman 2%
Amani'shi Wind Walker 71 - 71 1 Zul'Aman 2%
Amani'shi Protector 71 - 71 1 Zul'Aman 2%
Amani'shi Berserker 70 - 70 1 Zul'Aman 2%
Amani Elder Lynx 70 - 70 1 Zul'Aman 2%
Amani'shi Tempest 71 - 71 1 Zul'Aman 2%
Sunblade Mage Guard 70 - 70 1 Magisters' Terrace 2%
Sunblade Blood Knight 70 - 70 1 Magisters' Terrace 2%
Sunblade Magister 70 - 70 1 Magisters' Terrace 2%
Sunblade Warlock 70 - 70 1 Magisters' Terrace 2%
Sunblade Physician 70 - 70 1 Magisters' Terrace 2%
Wretched Skulker 69 - 69 1 Magisters' Terrace 2%
Wretched Bruiser 69 - 69 1 Magisters' Terrace 2%
Wretched Husk 69 - 69 1 Magisters' Terrace 2%
Coilskar Witch 71 - 71 1 Magisters' Terrace 2%
Sister of Torment 71 - 71 1 Magisters' Terrace 2%
Ethereum Smuggler 71 - 71 1 Magisters' Terrace 2%
Sunblade Keeper 69 - 70 1 2%
Sunblade Sentinel 71 - 71 1 Magisters' Terrace 2%
Dawnblade Blood Knight 70 - 70 1 Isle of Quel'Danas 2%
Dawnblade Summoner 70 - 70 1 Isle of Quel'Danas 2%
Dawnblade Marksman 70 - 70 1 Isle of Quel'Danas 2%
Irespeaker 70 - 70 1 Isle of Quel'Danas 2%
Abyssal Flamewalker 70 - 71 1 Isle of Quel'Danas 2%
Unleashed Hellion 70 - 71 1 Isle of Quel'Danas 2%
Darkspine Myrmidon 70 - 71 1 Isle of Quel'Danas 2%
Darkspine Siren 70 - 71 1 Isle of Quel'Danas 2%
Dawnblade Reservist 70 - 70 1 Isle of Quel'Danas 2%
Synipus 72 - 72 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 12.5%
Northsea Duelist 70 - 70 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 9.1%
Drunken Northsea Pirate 70 - 70 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 6.8%
Iron Dwarf 69 - 69 1 - 1 6.8%
Vengeful Taunka Spirit 70 - 71 1 - 1 Dragonblight 5.7%
Vengeful Taunka Spirit 70 - 71 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 5.7%
Necrolord Horus 73 - 73 1 - 1 Dragonblight 5.7%
Yorus the Flesh Harvester 69 - 69 1 - 1 5.6%
Howling Wolvar Shaman 69 - 69 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 5%
Coldarra Scalesworn 71 - 72 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 4.6%
Bloodspore Firestarter 68 - 69 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 4.4%
Coldwind Waste Huntress 73 - 74 1 - 1 Dragonblight 4.3%
Blacksmith Goodman 73 - 73 1 - 1 Dragonblight 4.3%
Scourged Footman 68 - 69 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 4.2%
Coldarra Spellweaver 71 - 72 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 4%
Keeper Witherleaf 71 - 71 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 3.8%
Silverbrook Defender 73 - 74 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 3.8%
Crypt Crawler 68 - 69 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 3.7%
En'kilah Ghoul 70 - 70 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 3.7%
Curator Insivius 72 - 72 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 3.7%
Amberpine Scout 73 - 74 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 3.7%
Iron Rune Laborer 69 - 69 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 3.4%
Skadir Mistweaver 68 - 69 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 3.3%
Frigid Geist 72 - 73 1 - 1 Dragonblight 3.3%
Naxxanar Skeletal Mage 72 - 72 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 3.2%
Bloodmoon Worgen 73 - 74 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 3.2%
Deranged Explorer 70 - 71 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 3.1%
Proto-Drake Handler 70 - 70 1 - 1 Utgarde Keep 3.1%
Nerub'ar Invader 68 - 69 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 3.1%
Bloodspore Roaster 68 - 69 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 3.1%
Plagued Scavenger 68 - 69 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 3.1%
Focus Wizard 71 - 72 1 - 1 Dragonblight 3.1%
Naxxramas Dreadguard 72 - 73 1 - 1 Dragonblight 3.1%
Dragonflayer Tribesman 68 - 69 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 3%
Wastes Taskmaster 73 - 73 1 - 1 Dragonblight 3%
Onslaught Infantry 72 - 73 1 - 1 Dragonblight 3%
Dragonflayer Vrykul 68 - 69 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 2.9%
Winterskorn Skald 68 - 69 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 2.9%
Iron Rune Binder 69 - 70 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 2.9%
Tunneling Ghoul 70 - 70 1 - 1 Utgarde Keep 2.9%
En'kilah Crypt Fiend 70 - 71 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 2.9%
Dragonflayer Strategist 70 - 70 1 - 1 Utgarde Keep 2.8%
Onslaught Deckhand 71 - 72 1 - 1 Dragonblight 2.8%
Beryl Treasure Hunter 69 - 70 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 2.7%
En'kilah Abomination 71 - 71 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 2.7%
Beryl Mage Hunter 69 - 70 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 2.7%
Snowfall Glade Den Mother 71 - 72 1 - 1 Dragonblight 2.7%
Mage Hunter Ascendant 71 - 71 1 - 1 The Nexus 2.7%
Hulking Atrocity 74 - 74 1 - 1 Dragonblight 2.7%
Hulking Atrocity 74 - 74 1 - 1 Zul'Drak 2.7%
Burning Depths Necromancer 73 - 74 1 - 1 Dragonblight 2.7%
North Fleet Salvager 68 - 69 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 2.6%
Dragonflayer Weaponsmith 70 - 70 1 - 1 Utgarde Keep 2.6%
Bloodspore Harvester 68 - 69 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 2.6%
Skadir Raider 68 - 69 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 2.6%
Clandestine Cultist 68 - 69 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 2.6%
Coldarra Wyrmkin 71 - 72 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 2.6%
Wastes Digger 72 - 73 1 - 1 Dragonblight 2.6%
Bloodpaw Warrior 71 - 72 1 - 1 Dragonblight 2.6%
Smoldering Construct 73 - 74 1 - 1 Dragonblight 2.6%
Ahn'kahar Spell Flinger 73 - 73 1 - 1 Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom 2.6%
Dragonblight Mage Hunter 71 - 72 1 - 1 Dragonblight 2.6%
Dragonflayer Bonecrusher 70 - 71 1 - 1 Utgarde Keep 2.5%
Cult Plaguebringer 70 - 71 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 2.5%
Risen Longrunner 69 - 70 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 2.5%
En'kilah Necromancer 71 - 72 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 2.5%
Magmoth Forager 69 - 70 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 2.5%
Magmoth Forager 69 - 70 1 - 1 Sholazar Basin 2.5%
Snowfall Glade Shaman 71 - 72 1 - 1 Dragonblight 2.5%
Risen Drakkari Warrior 74 - 76 1 - 1 Drak'Tharon Keep 2.5%
Azure Enforcer 71 - 71 1 - 1 The Nexus 2.5%
Conquest Hold Marauder 73 - 74 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 2.5%
Ahn'kahar Web Winder 73 - 73 1 - 1 Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom 2.5%
Winterskorn Spearman 68 - 69 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 2.4%
Dragonflayer Ironhelm 70 - 70 1 - 1 Utgarde Keep 2.4%
Dragonflayer Metalworker 70 - 70 1 - 1 Utgarde Keep 2.4%
Dragonflayer Forge Master 70 - 70 1 - 1 Utgarde Keep 2.4%
Crazed Northsea Slaver 70 - 70 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 2.4%
Warsong Aberration 69 - 69 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 2.4%
Dragonblight Mage Hunter 71 - 72 1 - 1 Dragonblight 2.4%
Risen Drakkari Death Knight 76 - 76 1 - 1 Drak'Tharon Keep 2.4%
Onslaught Raven Priest 71 - 72 1 - 1 Dragonblight 2.4%
Risen Wintergarde Defender 71 - 72 1 - 1 Dragonblight 2.4%
Smoldering Skeleton 73 - 74 1 - 1 Dragonblight 2.4%
Frostbringer 73 - 73 1 - 1 Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom 2.4%
Twilight Darkcaster 74 - 75 1 - 1 Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom 2.4%
Winterskorn Raider 70 - 71 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 2.3%
Iron Rune Sage 69 - 70 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 2.3%
Forsaken Plaguebringer 70 - 70 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 2.3%
Dragonflayer Handler 69 - 70 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 2.3%
Fearsome Horror 70 - 71 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 2.3%
Mate of Magmothregar 70 - 70 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 2.3%
Skadir Longboatsman 68 - 69 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 2.3%
Skadir Mariner 68 - 69 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 2.3%
Festering Ghoul 70 - 71 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 2.3%
Festering Ghoul 70 - 71 1 - 1 Sholazar Basin 2.3%
Blue Drakonid Supplicant 71 - 72 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 2.3%
Kvaldir Raider 68 - 69 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 2.3%
Frostpaw Warrior 75 - 75 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 2.3%
Deranged Indu'le Villager 71 - 72 1 - 1 Dragonblight 2.3%
Moonrest Highborne 71 - 72 1 - 1 Dragonblight 2.3%
Anub'ar Underlord 71 - 72 1 - 1 Dragonblight 2.3%
Mage Hunter Initiate 71 - 71 1 - 1 The Nexus 2.3%
Steward 71 - 71 1 - 1 The Nexus 2.3%
Horde Ranger 71 - 71 1 - 1 2.3%
Mindless Wight 72 - 72 1 - 1 Dragonblight 2.3%
Smoldering Geist 73 - 74 1 - 1 Dragonblight 2.3%
Venture Co. Evacuee 73 - 73 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 2.3%
Twilight Worshipper 74 - 75 1 - 1 Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom 2.3%
Plundering Geist 73 - 73 1 - 1 Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom 2.3%
Dragonflayer Warrior 68 - 69 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 2.2%
Dragonflayer Rune-Seer 68 - 69 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 2.2%
Winterskorn Shield-Maiden 70 - 71 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 2.2%
Dragonflayer Runecaster 70 - 71 1 - 1 Utgarde Keep 2.2%
Winterskorn Defender 68 - 69 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 2.2%
Dragonflayer Overseer 70 - 70 1 - 1 Utgarde Keep 2.2%
Iron Rune Guardian 69 - 70 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 2.2%
Servitor Shade 70 - 70 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 2.2%
Servitor Shade 70 - 70 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 2.2%
Risen Vrykul Ancestor 69 - 70 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 2.2%
Blood Shade 69 - 70 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 2.2%
Ghostly Sage 69 - 70 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 2.2%
Offspring of Magmothregar 69 - 70 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 2.2%
Plagued Magnataur 70 - 71 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 2.2%
Indu'le Fisherman 71 - 72 1 - 1 Dragonblight 2.2%
Indu'le Warrior 71 - 72 1 - 1 Dragonblight 2.2%
Azure Scale-Binder 71 - 71 1 - 1 The Nexus 2.2%
Dragonflayer Huscarl 73 - 74 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 2.2%
Burning Depths Necrolyte 73 - 74 1 - 1 Dragonblight 2.2%
Frenzied Geist 70 - 70 1 - 1 Utgarde Keep 2.2%
Ahn'kahar Slasher 73 - 73 1 - 1 Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom 2.2%
Winterskorn Bonegrinder 68 - 69 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 2.1%
North Fleet Sailor 68 - 69 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 2.1%
Necrotech 71 - 71 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 2.1%
Necrotech 71 - 71 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 2.1%
Dragonflayer Harpooner 68 - 69 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 2.1%
Nerub'ar Web Lord 69 - 69 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 2.1%
Beryl Reclaimer 69 - 70 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 2.1%
Solstice Hunter 73 - 74 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 2.1%
Iron Rune-Smith 74 - 75 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 2.1%
Bloodmoon Cultist 73 - 74 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 2.1%
Onslaught Footman 71 - 72 1 - 1 Dragonblight 2.1%
Onslaught Mason 72 - 73 1 - 1 Dragonblight 2.1%
Frigid Necromancer 73 - 74 1 - 1 Dragonblight 2.1%
Injured Drakkari Refugee 74 - 74 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 2.1%
Twilight Apostle 74 - 75 1 - 1 Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom 2.1%
Iron Rune Stonecaller 70 - 70 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 2%
Beryl Sorcerer 69 - 70 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 2%
En'kilah Necrolord 69 - 69 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 2%
Ziggurat Defender 70 - 71 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 2%
Redfang Hunter 74 - 75 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 2%
Snowplain Zealot 72 - 73 1 - 1 Dragonblight 2%
Snowplain Shaman 72 - 73 1 - 1 Dragonblight 2%
Vengeful Geist 71 - 72 1 - 1 Dragonblight 2%
Risen Wintergarde Miner 71 - 72 1 - 1 Dragonblight 2%
Silverbrook Hunter 73 - 74 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 2%
Winterskorn Tribesman 70 - 70 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 1.9%
Dragonflayer Fleshripper 68 - 69 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 1.9%
Steel Gate Excavator 71 - 71 1 - 1 1.9%
Den Vermin 68 - 69 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 1.9%
Magmoth Shaman 69 - 70 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 1.9%
Magmoth Shaman 69 - 70 1 - 1 Sholazar Basin 1.9%
Talramas Abomination 71 - 71 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 1.9%
Coldarra Spellbinder 71 - 72 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 1.9%
Northsea Mercenary 69 - 70 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 1.9%
Minion of Kaw 69 - 71 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 1.9%
Bone Warrior 70 - 71 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 1.9%
Bone Warrior 70 - 71 1 - 1 Sholazar Basin 1.9%
Anub'ar Cultist 71 - 72 1 - 1 Dragonblight 1.9%
Drakkari Warrior 73 - 73 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 1.9%
Drakkari Warrior 73 - 73 1 - 1 Dragonblight 1.9%
Drakkari Oracle 73 - 73 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 1.9%
Drakkari Protector 73 - 73 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 1.9%
Decrepit Necromancer 73 - 74 1 - 1 Dragonblight 1.9%
Decrepit Necromancer 73 - 74 1 - 1 Zul'Drak 1.9%
Forgotten Rifleman 71 - 72 1 - 1 Dragonblight 1.9%
Winterskorn Warrior 70 - 71 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 1.8%
Iron Rune Destroyer 69 - 70 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 1.8%
Gjalerbron Sleep-Watcher 70 - 71 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 1.8%
Dragonflayer Soulreaver 68 - 69 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 1.8%
Magmoth Crusher 70 - 70 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 1.8%
Magmoth Crusher 70 - 70 1 - 1 Sholazar Basin 1.8%
Cultist Necrolyte 68 - 69 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 1.8%
Diseased Drakkari 73 - 73 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 1.8%
Undead Miner 74 - 75 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 1.8%
Onslaught Workman 71 - 72 1 - 1 Dragonblight 1.8%
Dreadbone Construct 72 - 73 1 - 1 Dragonblight 1.8%
Blight Geist 74 - 75 1 - 1 The Storm Peaks 1.8%
Blight Geist 74 - 75 1 - 1 Zul'Drak 1.8%
Eye of Taldaram 73 - 73 1 - 1 Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom 1.8%
Winterskorn Berserker 70 - 71 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 1.7%
North Fleet Soldier 68 - 69 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 1.7%
Gjalerbron Warrior 70 - 71 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 1.7%
Deathless Watcher 70 - 71 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 1.7%
Surge Needle Sorcerer 71 - 72 1 - 1 Dragonblight 1.7%
Rune Reaver 74 - 75 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 1.7%
Iron Rune-Shaper 73 - 74 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 1.7%
Anub'ar Slayer 71 - 72 1 - 1 Dragonblight 1.7%
Iron Rune-Weaver 75 - 75 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 1.7%
Scourge Siegesmith 72 - 72 1 - 1 Dragonblight 1.7%
Scourge Siegesmith 72 - 72 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 1.7%
Blightguard 74 - 75 1 - 1 Zul'Drak 1.7%
Blightguard 74 - 75 1 - 1 The Storm Peaks 1.7%
Gjalerbron Rune-Caster 70 - 71 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 1.6%
Kvaldir Mistweaver 68 - 69 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 1.6%
Kvaldir Mist Lord 68 - 69 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 1.6%
Kvaldir Mist Lord 68 - 69 1 - 1 Dragonblight 1.6%
Loot Crazed Diver 69 - 70 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 1.6%
Snowfall Glade Reaver 71 - 72 1 - 1 Dragonblight 1.6%
Snowfall Glade Wolvar 71 - 72 1 - 1 Dragonblight 1.6%
Drakkari Defender 74 - 74 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 1.6%
Conquest Hold Raider 73 - 74 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 1.6%
Forgotten Peasant 71 - 71 1 - 1 Dragonblight 1.6%
Forgotten Footman 71 - 72 1 - 1 Dragonblight 1.6%
Dragonflayer Flamebinder 73 - 74 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 1.6%
Withered Troll 74 - 75 1 - 1 The Storm Peaks 1.6%
Withered Troll 74 - 75 1 - 1 Crystalsong Forest 1.6%
Withered Troll 74 - 75 1 - 1 Zul'Drak 1.6%
Dragonflayer Thane 68 - 69 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 1.5%
Loot Crazed Hunter 70 - 71 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 1.5%
Indu'le Mystic 71 - 72 1 - 1 Dragonblight 1.5%
Mur'ghoul Flesheater 71 - 71 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 1.4%
Mur'ghoul Flesheater 71 - 71 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 1.4%
Necrolord 70 - 71 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 1.4%
Mutinous Sea Dog 69 - 70 1 - 1 Howling Fjord 1.4%
Loot Crazed Poacher 69 - 70 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 1.4%
Winterfin Oracle 69 - 70 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 1.3%
Winterfin Warrior 69 - 70 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 1.3%
Onslaught Knight 71 - 72 1 - 1 Dragonblight 1.3%
Putrid Abomination 74 - 75 1 - 1 Zul'Drak 1.3%
Northsea Thug 69 - 70 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 1.2%
Drakkari Shaman 73 - 73 1 - 1 Grizzly Hills 1.2%
Drakkari Shaman 73 - 73 1 - 1 Dragonblight 1.2%
Winterfin Shorestriker 69 - 70 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 1.1%
Gorloc Steam Belcher 70 - 71 1 - 1 Borean Tundra 0.8%
Name Level Stock Location Sell Price:
Dealer Sadaqat
Potent Potables
60 - 60 2 2
Forest Frog 1 - 1 4 2
Angelique Butler
First Aid Supplies
75 - 75 3 Dalaran 2
Professor Thaddeus Paleo
Darkmoon Faire Cards & Exotic Goods
35 - 35 2 Elwynn Forest 2

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