Crunchy Spider Leg - Objets

Crunchy Spider Leg

Crunchy Spider Leg
Item Level 15
Loot from Venom Web Spider
Max Stack: 10
Buy Price: 48
Sell Price: 12

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  • Type: Trade Goods

Members Screenshots

Name Level Required Level Faction
Culinary Crunch 15 12
Name Level Quantity Location % Loot
Myst Spinner 16 - 17 1 - 1 65.81%
Greater Spindleweb 17 - 18 1 - 1 65.25%
Spindleweb Lurker 14 - 15 1 - 1 64.53%
Spindleweb Spider 10 - 11 1 - 1 64.17%
Myst Leecher 17 - 18 1 - 1 64.04%
Giant Plains Creeper 35 - 36 1 - 1 Arathi Highlands 44.59%
Plains Creeper 32 - 33 1 - 1 Arathi Highlands 43.26%
Deepmoss Matriarch 22 - 22 1 - 1 Stonetalon Mountains 41.1%
Naraxis 27 - 27 1 - 1 Duskwood 40.91%
Wildthorn Lurker 28 - 29 1 - 1 Ashenvale 40.32%
Giant Moss Creeper 24 - 25 1 - 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 39.56%
Giant Moss Creeper 24 - 25 1 - 1 Alterac Mountains 39.56%
Forest Moss Creeper 20 - 21 1 - 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 38.82%
Creepthess 24 - 24 1 - 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 38.46%
Leech Stalker 21 - 22 1 - 1 Wetlands 37%
Elder Moss Creeper 26 - 27 1 - 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 36.8%
Wildthorn Venomspitter 24 - 25 1 - 1 Ashenvale 36.72%
Wildthorn Stalker 20 - 21 1 - 1 Ashenvale 35.19%
Wildthorn Stalker 20 - 21 1 - 1 Stonetalon Mountains 35.19%
Carrion Recluse 25 - 26 1 - 1 Duskwood 34.51%
Deepmoss Venomspitter 17 - 18 1 - 1 Stonetalon Mountains 34.25%
Green Recluse 21 - 22 1 - 1 Duskwood 34.19%
Cave Stalker 22 - 22 1 - 1 Wetlands 34.17%
Leech Widow 24 - 24 1 - 1 Wetlands 34%
Deepmoss Creeper 16 - 17 1 - 1 Stonetalon Mountains 33.9%
Deepmoss Webspinner 19 - 20 1 - 1 Stonetalon Mountains 33.6%
Greater Tarantula 19 - 20 1 - 1 Redridge Mountains 32.75%
Venom Web Spider 19 - 20 1 - 1 Duskwood 32.12%
Pygmy Venom Web Spider 18 - 19 1 - 1 Duskwood 31.98%
Tarantula 15 - 16 1 - 1 Redridge Mountains 31.13%
Deepmoss Hatchling 14 - 14 1 - 1 Stonetalon Mountains 29.84%
Cliff Lurker 13 - 14 1 - 1 Loch Modan 29%
Wood Lurker 17 - 18 1 - 1 Loch Modan 29%
Krethis Shadowspinner 15 - 15 1 - 1 Silverpine Forest 28.23%
Mist Creeper 13 - 14 1 - 1 Silverpine Forest 27.74%
Besseleth 21 - 21 1 - 1 Stonetalon Mountains 27.51%
Forest Lurker 10 - 11 1 - 1 Loch Modan 27%
Moss Stalker 12 - 13 1 - 1 Silverpine Forest 25.53%
Chatter 23 - 23 1 - 1 Redridge Mountains 24.03%
Black Widow Hatchling 24 - 25 1 - 1 Duskwood 23.91%
Shanda the Spinner 19 - 19 1 - 1 Loch Modan 21.95%

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