Core of Elements - Objets

Core of Elements

Core of Elements
Item Level 1
Max Stack: 250

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  • Type: Miscellaneous

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Name Level Required Level Faction
The Elemental Equation 60 55 Alliance & Horde
Core of Elements 60 55 Alliance & Horde
Name Level Quantity Location % Loot
Huricanian 58 - 58 2 - 4 Silithus 95.71%
Smoldar 50 - 50 2 - 4 Searing Gorge 91.61%
The Windreaver 60 - 60 2 - 4 79.81%
Dust Stormer 55 - 57 1 - 1 Silithus 79.31%
Princess Tempestria 60 - 60 2 - 4 78.43%
Cyclone Warrior 57 - 59 1 - 1 Silithus 78.3%
Avalanchion 58 - 58 2 - 4 77.86%
Whirling Invader 57 - 58 1 - 1 Silithus 76.19%
Baron Charr 58 - 58 2 - 4 73.68%
Azure Templar 60 - 60 2 - 4 70.06%
Earthen Templar 60 - 60 2 - 4 68.67%
Crimson Templar 60 - 60 2 - 4 68.24%
Hoary Templar 60 - 60 2 - 4 67.75%
Arcane Feedback 59 - 60 2 - 4 64.52%
Hydrospawn 57 - 57 2 - 4 Dire Maul 63%
Blighted Surge 54 - 55 1 - 1 Eastern Plaguelands 55.13%
Lord Incendius 55 - 55 2 - 4 Blackrock Depths 55%
Lord Roccor 51 - 51 2 - 4 Blackrock Depths 55%
Plague Ravager 55 - 56 1 - 1 Eastern Plaguelands 54.65%
Plague Monstrosity 57 - 58 1 - 1 Eastern Plaguelands 54.35%
Blighted Horror 56 - 57 1 - 1 Eastern Plaguelands 54.01%
Watery Invader 56 - 58 1 - 1 Winterspring 51.72%
Entropic Beast 51 - 52 1 - 1 Felwood 50.77%
Entropic Horror 53 - 54 1 - 1 Felwood 50.58%
Blazing Invader 55 - 56 1 - 1 Un'Goro Crater 47.58%
Blazerunner 56 - 56 1 - 1 Un'Goro Crater 47.12%
Scorching Elemental 53 - 54 1 - 1 Un'Goro Crater 47.02%
Living Blaze 54 - 55 1 - 1 Un'Goro Crater 47%
Toxic Horror 53 - 54 1 - 1 Felwood 46.8%
Greater Obsidian Elemental 55 - 57 1 - 1 Burning Steppes 36.89%
Mana Remnant 57 - 59 2 - 4 36.4%
Thundering Invader 55 - 57 1 - 1 35.86%
Arcane Aberration 59 - 60 2 - 4 35.74%
Obsidian Elemental 51 - 53 1 - 1 Burning Steppes 35.69%
Desert Rumbler 56 - 58 1 - 1 Silithus 35.54%
Fireguard 50 - 52 2 - 4 35.42%
Residual Monstrosity 59 - 60 2 - 4 35.38%
Blazing Fireguard 52 - 52 2 - 4 35.22%
Arcane Torrent 59 - 60 2 - 4 34.29%
Fireguard Destroyer 54 - 54 2 - 4 33.99%
Desert Rager 59 - 59 1 - 1 Silithus 33.27%
Discordant Surge 54 - 58 1 - 1 33.01%
Overmaster Pyron 51 - 51 2 - 4 Searing Gorge 29.51%
Pyroguard Emberseer 60 - 60 2 - 4 Blackrock Spire 28%

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