Warstrike Buckler - Objets

Warstrike Buckler

Warstrike Buckler
Item Level 64
Bind on equip
1946 Armor
+3 Stamina
+15 Spirit
Durability 85 /85
Requires Level 59
Buy Price: 16037
Sell Price: 3207

More details

  • Can be disenchanted
  • Type: Armor
Name Level Quantity Location % Loot
Scarlet Interrogator 61 - 61 1 Western Plaguelands 1%
Scarlet High Clerist 63 - 63 1 Western Plaguelands 1%
Grand Inquisitor Isillien 63 - 63 1 1%
Highlord Taelan Fordring 63 - 63 1 Western Plaguelands 1%
Foreman Jerris 62 - 62 1 Western Plaguelands 1%
High Protector Lorik 61 - 61 1 Western Plaguelands 1%
The Husk 62 - 62 1 Western Plaguelands 1%
Araj the Summoner 61 - 61 1 Western Plaguelands 1%
Strashaz Myrmidon 60 - 61 1 Dustwallow Marsh 1%
Strashaz Sorceress 60 - 61 1 Dustwallow Marsh 1%
Lethlas 62 - 62 1 Feralas 1%
Phantim 62 - 62 1 Ashenvale 1%
Jademir Oracle 61 - 61 1 Feralas 1%
Jademir Boughguard 62 - 62 1 Feralas 1%
Rothos 62 - 62 1 The Hinterlands 1%
Stone Guardian 60 - 61 1 Un'Goro Crater 1%
Chronalis 61 - 61 1 Tanaris 1%
Dreadlord 62 - 62 1 Blasted Lands 1%
Dreadlord 62 - 62 1 Stranglethorn Vale 1%
Felguard Elite 61 - 61 1 Blasted Lands 1%
Felguard Elite 61 - 61 1 Stranglethorn Vale 1%
Lady Hederine 61 - 61 1 Winterspring 1%
Blackhand Elite 60 - 61 1 1%
Blackhand Assassin 60 - 61 1 1%
Blackhand Iron Guard 60 - 61 1 1%
Rage Talon Dragon Guard 60 - 61 1 1%
Rage Talon Captain 62 - 62 1 1%
Rage Talon Fire Tongue 60 - 61 1 1%
Thuzadin Necromancer 60 - 61 1 1%
Crypt Beast 59 - 60 1 1%
Venom Belcher 60 - 61 1 1%
Chromatic Whelp 57 - 58 1 1%
Risen Warrior 59 - 61 1 1%
Risen Construct 58 - 61 1 1%
Spectral Teacher 58 - 61 1 1%
Winterax Berserker 61 - 62 1 1%
Hakkari Shadowcaster 61 - 61 1 1%
Hakkari Shadow Hunter 61 - 61 1 1%
Hakkari Blood Priest 61 - 61 1 1%
Gurubashi Berserker 62 - 62 1 1%
Gurubashi Champion 61 - 61 1 1%
Soulflayer 61 - 61 1 1%
Razzashi Broodwidow 61 - 61 1 1%
Sandfury Speaker 61 - 61 1 1%
Witherbark Speaker 61 - 61 1 1%
Vilebranch Speaker 61 - 61 1 1%
Risen Guardian 59 - 61 1 1%
Molten Giant 62 - 62 1 1%
Molten Destroyer 63 - 63 1 1%
Flamewaker 62 - 62 1 1%
Flamewaker Priest 62 - 62 1 1%
Flamewaker Elite 62 - 62 1 1%
Lava Annihilator 61 - 62 1 1%
Firewalker 61 - 62 1 1%
Flameguard 61 - 62 1 1%
Firelord 61 - 62 1 1%
Ancient Core Hound 62 - 62 1 1%
Hive'Regal Hive Lord 59 - 61 1 Silithus 1%
Hive'Regal Hive Lord 59 - 61 1 Un'Goro Crater 1%
Hakkari Priest 60 - 60 1 1%
Nathanos Blightcaller 62 - 62 1 Eastern Plaguelands 1%
Borelgore 61 - 61 1 Eastern Plaguelands 1%
Captain Galvangar 61 - 61 1 Alterac Valley 1%
Captain Balinda Stonehearth 61 - 61 1 Alterac Valley 1%
Lava Elemental 61 - 62 1 1%
Lava Reaver 62 - 63 1 1%
Lava Surger 61 - 62 1 1%
Flamewaker Protector 62 - 62 1 1%
Korrak the Bloodrager 62 - 62 1 1%
Demetria 61 - 61 1 1%
Doomguard Commander 61 - 61 1 Blasted Lands 1%
Doomguard Commander 61 - 61 1 Stranglethorn Vale 1%
Lord Kazzak 73 - 73 1 1%
Blackwing Spellbinder 62 - 62 1 1%
Blackwing Warlock 61 - 61 1 1%
Death Talon Wyrmguard 63 - 63 1 1%
Death Talon Overseer 62 - 62 1 1%
Death Talon Flamescale 62 - 62 1 1%
Death Talon Seether 62 - 62 1 1%
Death Talon Wyrmkin 61 - 61 1 1%
Death Talon Captain 62 - 62 1 1%
Death Talon Hatcher 61 - 61 1 1%
Emeraldon Boughguard 62 - 62 1 Ashenvale 1%
Emeraldon Oracle 61 - 61 1 Ashenvale 1%
Verdantine Boughguard 62 - 62 1 The Hinterlands 1%
Verdantine Oracle 61 - 61 1 The Hinterlands 1%
Dreamtracker 62 - 62 1 The Hinterlands 1%
Dreamroarer 62 - 62 1 Feralas 1%
Dreamstalker 62 - 62 1 Ashenvale 1%
Chimaerok 61 - 61 1 Feralas 1%
Arcane Chimaerok 60 - 62 1 Feralas 1%
Chimaerok Devourer 61 - 62 1 Feralas 1%
Lord Lakmaeran 62 - 62 1 Feralas 1%
Axtroz 62 - 62 1 Wetlands 1%
Somnus 62 - 62 1 Swamp of Sorrows 1%
Commander Randolph 61 - 71 1 Alterac Valley 1%
Commander Dardosh 71 - 71 1 Alterac Valley 1%
Commander Malgor 71 - 71 1 Alterac Valley 1%
Commander Mulfort 71 - 71 1 Alterac Valley 1%
Commander Louis Philips 71 - 71 1 Alterac Valley 1%
Commander Mortimer 71 - 71 1 Alterac Valley 1%
Commander Duffy 71 - 71 1 Alterac Valley 1%
Commander Karl Philips 71 - 71 1 Alterac Valley 1%
Ivus the Forest Lord 73 - 73 1 Alterac Valley 1%
Champion Guardian 61 - 61 1 Alterac Valley 1%
Champion Defender 61 - 61 1 Alterac Valley 1%
Field Marshal Teravaine 61 - 61 1 1%
Champion Reaver 61 - 71 1 1%
Mountaineer Boombellow 60 - 60 1 Alterac Valley 1%
Jotek 60 - 61 1 Alterac Valley 1%
Setis 61 - 61 1 Silithus 1%
Gurubashi Bat Rider 61 - 61 1 1%
Mad Servant 61 - 61 1 1%
Vyral the Vile 61 - 61 1 Silithus 1%
Prince Skaldrenox 63 - 63 1 1%
High Marshal Whirlaxis 63 - 63 1 1%
Baron Kazum 63 - 63 1 1%
The Duke of Cynders 62 - 62 1 1%
The Duke of Fathoms 62 - 62 1 1%
The Duke of Shards 62 - 62 1 1%
Twilight Overlord 60 - 61 1 Silithus 1%
The Duke of Zephyrs 62 - 62 1 1%
Vekniss Soldier 61 - 61 1 1%
Vekniss Warrior 61 - 61 1 1%
Vekniss Guardian 61 - 61 1 1%
Vekniss Stinger 62 - 62 1 1%
Vekniss Hive Crawler 62 - 62 1 1%
Qiraji Mindslayer 61 - 61 1 1%
Qiraji Brainwasher 61 - 61 1 1%
Qiraji Lasher 61 - 61 1 1%
Qiraji Slayer 61 - 61 1 1%
Qiraji Champion 63 - 63 1 1%
Anubisath Sentinel 61 - 61 1 1%
Anubisath Defender 62 - 62 1 1%
Lord Skwol 63 - 63 1 1%
Anubisath Warder 63 - 63 1 1%
Obsidian Nullifier 61 - 61 1 1%
Hive'Zara Soldier 61 - 61 1 1%
Hive'Zara Sandstalker 61 - 61 1 1%
Qiraji Gladiator 61 - 61 1 1%
Hive'Zara Wasp 61 - 61 1 1%
Hive'Zara Stinger 61 - 61 1 1%
Flesh Hunter 62 - 62 1 1%
Obsidian Destroyer 61 - 61 1 1%
Qiraji Swarmguard 61 - 61 1 1%
Anubisath Guardian 62 - 62 1 1%
Colonel Zerran 63 - 63 1 1%
Major Yeggeth 63 - 63 1 1%
Major Pakkon 63 - 63 1 1%
Captain Drenn 63 - 63 1 1%
Captain Xurrem 63 - 63 1 1%
Captain Qeez 63 - 63 1 1%
Captain Tuubid 43 - 63 1 1%
Minion of Weavil 60 - 61 1 Dustwallow Marsh 1%
Colossal Anubisath Warbringer 61 - 62 1 1%
Imperial Qiraji Destroyer 62 - 62 1 1%
Qiraji Lieutenant General 63 - 63 1 1%
Supreme Anubisath Warbringer 62 - 62 1 1%
Lieutenant General Nokhor 73 - 73 1 1%
Tidelord Rrurgaz 62 - 62 1 Dustwallow Marsh 1%
Doom Touched Warrior 61 - 61 1 1%
Death Touched Warrior 61 - 61 1 1%
Necropolis Acolyte 62 - 62 1 1%
Plagued Gargoyle 61 - 61 1 1%
Spirit of Naxxramas 61 - 61 1 1%
Necro Knight Guardian 62 - 62 1 1%
Necro Stalker 61 - 61 1 1%
Watchkeeper Gargolmar 62 - 62 1 - 1 Hellfire Ramparts 0%
Highlord Kruul 63 - 63 1 1%
Bladespire Battlemage 67 - 67 1 Blade's Edge Mountains 1%

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