Warrior's Shield - Objets

Warrior's Shield

Warrior's Shield
Item Level 9
135 Armor
Durability 40 /40
Requires Level 4
Loot from Princess
Loot percentage: 0.42%
Buy Price: 352
Sell Price: 70

More details

  • Cannot be disenchanted
  • Type: Armor

Members Screenshots

Name Level Quantity Location % Loot
Ravenclaw Slave 11 - 12 1 - 1 Silverpine Forest 77.57%
Princess 9 - 9 1 - 1 Elwynn Forest 0.42%
Spearcrafter Otembe 10 - 10 1 - 1 0.39%
Defias Dockworker 9 - 9 1 - 1 Elwynn Forest 0.2%
Tregla 10 - 10 1 - 1 0.2%
Dark Iron Spy 9 - 10 1 - 1 Dun Morogh 0.18%
Bayne 10 - 10 1 - 1 Tirisfal Glades 0.18%
Old Whitebark 10 - 10 1 - 1 0.14%
Defias Ambusher 8 - 9 1 - 1 Elwynn Forest 0.14%
Riverpaw Outrunner 9 - 10 1 - 1 Elwynn Forest 0.12%
Rusty Harvest Golem 9 - 10 1 - 1 Westfall 0.12%
Murloc Lurker 9 - 10 1 - 1 Elwynn Forest 0.12%
Risen Creeper 9 - 10 1 - 1 0.12%
Maggot Eye 10 - 10 1 - 1 Tirisfal Glades 0.1%
Defias Rogue Wizard 9 - 10 1 - 1 Elwynn Forest 0.08%
Young Forest Bear 8 - 9 1 - 1 Elwynn Forest 0.08%
Surena Caledon 9 - 9 1 - 1 Elwynn Forest 0.08%
Dark Iron Ambusher 10 - 10 1 - 1 Loch Modan 0.08%
Defias Bodyguard 10 - 10 1 - 1 Elwynn Forest 0.08%
Darkwraith 9 - 10 1 - 1 0.07%
Mana Serpent 9 - 10 1 - 1 0.06%
Ether Fiend 9 - 10 1 - 1 0.06%
Morgan the Collector 10 - 10 1 - 1 Elwynn Forest 0.06%
Nerubis Guard 9 - 10 1 - 1 0.05%
Rotlimb Marauder 8 - 9 1 - 1 0.05%
Worg 10 - 11 1 - 1 Silverpine Forest 0.04%
Worg 10 - 11 1 - 1 Undercity 0.04%
Worg 10 - 11 1 - 1 Tirisfal Glades 0.04%
Moonrage Whitescalp 10 - 11 1 - 1 Silverpine Forest 0.04%
Defias Footpad 10 - 11 1 - 1 Westfall 0.02%
Mottled Worg 11 - 12 1 - 1 Silverpine Forest 0.02%
Venture Co. Worker 8 - 9 1 - 1 Mulgore 0.02%
Venture Co. Worker 8 - 9 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.02%
Sunscale Lashtail 11 - 13 1 - 1 The Barrens 0.02%
Defias Dockmaster 10 - 10 1 - 1 Elwynn Forest 0.02%
Quel'dorei Ghost 10 - 11 1 - 1 0.01%
Shadowpine Ripper 10 - 11 1 - 1 0.01%
Coyote 10 - 11 1 - 1 Westfall 0.01%

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