Viscous Hammer - Objets

Viscous Hammer

Viscous Hammer
Item Level 35
Bind on equip
Damages: 70 - 105
Speed: 2.90
(30.17 damage per second)
+3 Strength
+6 Stamina
Durability 100 /100
Requires Level 30
Buy Price: 54048
Sell Price: 189

More details

  • Can be disenchanted
  • Type: Weapon

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Name Level Quantity Location % Loot
Eliza 30 - 30 1 Duskwood 0.5%
Stitches 35 - 35 1 Duskwood 0.5%
Mor'Ladim 30 - 30 1 Duskwood 0.5%
Bloodscalp Warrior 33 - 34 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Bloodscalp Scout 34 - 35 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Bloodscalp Hunter 34 - 35 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Bloodscalp Berserker 36 - 37 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Bloodscalp Witch Doctor 37 - 37 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Bloodscalp Headhunter 36 - 37 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Young Stranglethorn Tiger 30 - 31 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Stranglethorn Tiger 32 - 33 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Young Panther 30 - 31 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Shadowmaw Panther 37 - 38 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Stranglethorn Raptor 33 - 34 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Lashtail Raptor 35 - 36 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Stone Maw Basilisk 31 - 32 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Crystal Spine Basilisk 34 - 35 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Lesser Water Elemental 36 - 37 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Bloodscalp Axe Thrower 33 - 34 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Bloodscalp Shaman 33 - 34 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Bloodscalp Beastmaster 34 - 35 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Bloodscalp Mystic 34 - 35 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Bloodscalp Scavenger 33 - 34 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Panther 32 - 33 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Adolescent Whelp 34 - 35 1 Swamp of Sorrows 0.5%
Dreaming Whelp 35 - 36 1 Swamp of Sorrows 0.5%
Lost One Mudlurker 34 - 35 1 Swamp of Sorrows 0.5%
Lost One Fisherman 35 - 36 1 Swamp of Sorrows 0.5%
Lost One Hunter 36 - 37 1 Swamp of Sorrows 0.5%
Lost One Muckdweller 36 - 37 1 Swamp of Sorrows 0.5%
Swamp Jaguar 36 - 37 1 Swamp of Sorrows 0.5%
Stranglethorn Tigress 37 - 38 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Young Lashtail Raptor 33 - 34 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Sorrow Spinner 36 - 37 1 Swamp of Sorrows 0.5%
Stonard Scout 36 - 37 1 Swamp of Sorrows 0.5%
Saltscale Warrior 35 - 36 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Saltscale Forager 35 - 36 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Saltscale Hunter 35 - 36 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Nightbane Tainted One 30 - 31 1 Duskwood 0.5%
Venture Co. Lumberjack 34 - 35 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Kurzen Jungle Fighter 32 - 33 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Kurzen Commando 34 - 35 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Kurzen Elite 36 - 37 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Kurzen Medicine Man 32 - 33 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Kurzen Headshrinker 34 - 35 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Kurzen Witch Doctor 36 - 37 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Kurzen Wrangler 34 - 34 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Kurzen War Panther 32 - 33 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Chieftain Nek'rosh 26 - 26 1 Wetlands 0.5%
Syndicate Footpad 32 - 33 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.5%
Syndicate Thief 33 - 34 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.5%
Syndicate Spy 35 - 36 1 Alterac Mountains 0.5%
Syndicate Sentry 36 - 37 1 Alterac Mountains 0.5%
Cave Yeti 30 - 31 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.5%
Ferocious Yeti 31 - 32 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.5%
Mountain Yeti 32 - 33 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.5%
Mountain Yeti 32 - 33 1 Alterac Mountains 0.5%
Giant Yeti 33 - 34 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.5%
Giant Yeti 33 - 34 1 Alterac Mountains 0.5%
Crushridge Ogre 34 - 34 1 Alterac Mountains 0.5%
Crushridge Ogre 34 - 34 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.5%
Crushridge Brute 35 - 36 1 Alterac Mountains 0.5%
Crushridge Brute 35 - 36 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.5%
Crushridge Mauler 36 - 37 1 Alterac Mountains 0.5%
Crushridge Mage 37 - 38 1 Alterac Mountains 0.5%
Dalaran Shield Guard 31 - 32 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.5%
Dalaran Shield Guard 31 - 32 1 Alterac Mountains 0.5%
Dalaran Theurgist 32 - 33 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.5%
Dalaran Theurgist 32 - 33 1 Alterac Mountains 0.5%
Argus Shadow Mage 35 - 36 1 Alterac Mountains 0.5%
Syndicate Wizard 35 - 35 1 Alterac Mountains 0.5%
Syndicate Wizard 35 - 35 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.5%
Dalaran Summoner 34 - 35 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.5%
Dalaran Summoner 34 - 35 1 Alterac Mountains 0.5%
Elemental Slave 33 - 34 1 Alterac Mountains 0.5%
Elemental Slave 33 - 34 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.5%
Daggerspine Shorehunter 30 - 31 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.5%
Daggerspine Siren 31 - 32 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.5%
Torn Fin Coastrunner 29 - 30 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.5%
Torn Fin Oracle 30 - 31 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.5%
Torn Fin Tidehunter 31 - 32 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.5%
Mountain Lion 32 - 33 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.5%
Mountain Lion 32 - 33 1 Alterac Mountains 0.5%
Hulking Mountain Lion 33 - 34 1 Alterac Mountains 0.5%
Hulking Mountain Lion 33 - 34 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.5%
Snapjaw 30 - 31 1 Alterac Mountains 0.5%
Snapjaw 30 - 31 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.5%
Snapjaw 30 - 31 1 Silverpine Forest 0.5%
Snapjaw 30 - 31 1 Undercity 0.5%
Ricter 33 - 33 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.5%
Kegan Darkmar 35 - 35 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.5%
Warden Belamoore 36 - 36 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.5%
Crushridge Plunderer 36 - 37 1 Alterac Mountains 0.5%
Drunken Footpad 32 - 33 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.5%
Skhowl 36 - 36 1 Alterac Mountains 0.5%
Witherbark Shadowcaster 31 - 32 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Witherbark Axe Thrower 32 - 33 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Witherbark Witch Doctor 33 - 34 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Witherbark Headhunter 34 - 35 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Witherbark Shadow Hunter 35 - 35 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Witherbark Berserker 36 - 37 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Highland Strider 30 - 31 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Highland Thrasher 33 - 34 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Highland Fleshstalker 36 - 37 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Boulderfist Ogre 32 - 33 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Plains Creeper 32 - 33 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Boulderfist Enforcer 33 - 34 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Giant Plains Creeper 35 - 36 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Boulderfist Brute 35 - 36 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Boulderfist Magus 36 - 37 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Boulderfist Mauler 37 - 38 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Drywhisker Kobold 35 - 36 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Drywhisker Surveyor 37 - 38 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Drywhisker Digger 36 - 37 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Young Mesa Buzzard 31 - 32 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Mesa Buzzard 34 - 35 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Dabyrie Militia 31 - 32 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Dabyrie Laborer 30 - 31 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Stromgarde Troll Hunter 37 - 38 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Syndicate Highwayman 30 - 31 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Syndicate Pathstalker 32 - 33 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Syndicate Prowler 36 - 37 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Syndicate Mercenary 31 - 32 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Syndicate Conjuror 35 - 36 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Syndicate Magus 37 - 38 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Hammerfall Peon 33 - 34 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Hammerfall Grunt 34 - 35 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Dalaran Worker 33 - 34 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.5%
Dalaran Worker 33 - 34 1 Alterac Mountains 0.5%
Forsaken Courier 35 - 35 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Forsaken Courier 35 - 35 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.5%
Forsaken Bodyguard 35 - 35 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Forsaken Bodyguard 35 - 35 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.5%
Crag Coyote 35 - 36 1 Badlands 0.5%
Feral Crag Coyote 37 - 38 1 Badlands 0.5%
Ridge Stalker 36 - 37 1 Badlands 0.5%
Apothecary Jorell 36 - 36 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Lesser Rock Elemental 37 - 39 1 Badlands 0.5%
Stromgarde Cavalryman 36 - 37 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Shadowforge Tunneler 35 - 36 1 Badlands 0.5%
Shadowforge Darkweaver 36 - 37 1 Badlands 0.5%
Starving Buzzard 35 - 37 1 Badlands 0.5%
Broken Tooth 37 - 37 1 Badlands 0.5%
Dustbelcher Warrior 35 - 37 1 Badlands 0.5%
Dustbelcher Mystic 37 - 37 1 Badlands 0.5%
Wrathtail Sea Witch 19 - 20 1 Ashenvale 0.5%
Uthil Mooncall 32 - 32 1 Ashenvale 0.5%
Mavoris Cloudsbreak 32 - 32 1 Ashenvale 0.5%
Grandpa Vishas 34 - 34 1 Alterac Mountains 0.5%
Dark Iron Bombardier 30 - 31 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Galak Windchaser 24 - 25 1 Thousand Needles 0.5%
Silithid Searcher 32 - 33 1 Thousand Needles 0.5%
Silithid Invader 34 - 35 1 Thousand Needles 0.5%
Silithid Hive Drone 33 - 34 1 Thousand Needles 0.5%
Scorpid Terror 33 - 34 1 Thousand Needles 0.5%
Scorpid Reaver 31 - 32 1 Thousand Needles 0.5%
Sparkleshell Tortoise 30 - 31 1 Thousand Needles 0.5%
Sparkleshell Snapper 34 - 35 1 Thousand Needles 0.5%
Sparkleshell Borer 32 - 33 1 Thousand Needles 0.5%
Saltstone Basilisk 30 - 31 1 Thousand Needles 0.5%
Saltstone Gazer 34 - 35 1 Thousand Needles 0.5%
Saltstone Crystalhide 32 - 33 1 Thousand Needles 0.5%
Salt Flats Scavenger 30 - 32 1 Thousand Needles 0.5%
Salt Flats Vulture 32 - 34 1 Thousand Needles 0.5%
Scarlet Gallant 33 - 34 1 0.5%
Scarlet Diviner 34 - 34 1 0.5%
Scarlet Adept 33 - 34 1 0.5%
Scarlet Chaplain 34 - 34 1 0.5%
Scarlet Torturer 30 - 31 1 0.5%
Unfettered Spirit 30 - 31 1 0.5%
Drywallow Crocolisk 35 - 36 1 Dustwallow Marsh 0.5%
Drywallow Vicejaw 36 - 37 1 Dustwallow Marsh 0.5%
Bloodfen Raptor 36 - 37 1 Dustwallow Marsh 0.5%
Bloodfen Screecher 36 - 37 1 Dustwallow Marsh 0.5%
Mirefin Puddlejumper 35 - 36 1 Dustwallow Marsh 0.5%
Mirefin Murloc 36 - 37 1 Dustwallow Marsh 0.5%
Mirefin Coastrunner 36 - 37 1 Dustwallow Marsh 0.5%
Darkmist Spider 36 - 37 1 The Barrens 0.5%
Darkmist Silkspinner 36 - 37 1 The Barrens 0.5%
Darkmist Silkspinner 36 - 37 1 Dustwallow Marsh 0.5%
Mudrock Tortoise 36 - 37 1 Dustwallow Marsh 0.5%
Mudrock Spikeshell 35 - 36 1 Dustwallow Marsh 0.5%
Mudrock Spikeshell 35 - 36 1 The Barrens 0.5%
Darkfang Spider 35 - 36 1 Dustwallow Marsh 0.5%
Murkgill Forager 35 - 36 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Murkgill Hunter 35 - 36 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Murkgill Warrior 35 - 36 1 Stranglethorn Vale 0.5%
Kenata Dabyrie 35 - 35 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Marcel Dabyrie 34 - 34 1 Arathi Highlands 0.5%
Scarlet Monk 34 - 34 1 0.5%
Kolkar Mauler 31 - 32 1 Desolace 0.5%
Kolkar Windchaser 31 - 32 1 Desolace 0.5%
Kolkar Battle Lord 32 - 33 1 Desolace 0.5%
Kolkar Destroyer 32 - 33 1 Desolace 0.5%
Magram Scout 32 - 33 1 Desolace 0.5%
Magram Outrunner 32 - 33 1 Desolace 0.5%
Magram Wrangler 33 - 34 1 Desolace 0.5%
Magram Windchaser 33 - 34 1 Desolace 0.5%
Magram Stormer 34 - 35 1 Desolace 0.5%
Magram Pack Runner 34 - 35 1 Desolace 0.5%
Magram Marauder 35 - 36 1 Desolace 0.5%
Magram Mauler 35 - 36 1 Desolace 0.5%
Gelkis Outrunner 32 - 33 1 Desolace 0.5%
Gelkis Scout 32 - 33 1 Desolace 0.5%
Gelkis Stamper 33 - 34 1 Desolace 0.5%
Gelkis Windchaser 33 - 34 1 Desolace 0.5%
Gelkis Earthcaller 34 - 35 1 Desolace 0.5%
Gelkis Mauler 35 - 36 1 Desolace 0.5%
Gelkis Marauder 35 - 36 1 Desolace 0.5%
Maraudine Scout 37 - 38 1 Desolace 0.5%
Maraudine Wrangler 37 - 38 1 Desolace 0.5%
Burning Blade Augur 30 - 31 1 Desolace 0.5%
Burning Blade Reaver 30 - 31 1 Desolace 0.5%
Burning Blade Adept 31 - 32 1 Desolace 0.5%
Burning Blade Felsworn 31 - 32 1 Desolace 0.5%
Burning Blade Shadowmage 32 - 33 1 Desolace 0.5%
Hatefury Rogue 31 - 32 1 Desolace 0.5%
Hatefury Rogue 31 - 32 1 Stonetalon Mountains 0.5%
Hatefury Trickster 31 - 32 1 Desolace 0.5%
Hatefury Trickster 31 - 32 1 Stonetalon Mountains 0.5%
Hatefury Felsworn 31 - 32 1 Desolace 0.5%
Hatefury Felsworn 31 - 32 1 Stonetalon Mountains 0.5%
Hatefury Betrayer 32 - 33 1 Desolace 0.5%
Hatefury Betrayer 32 - 33 1 Stonetalon Mountains 0.5%
Hatefury Shadowstalker 32 - 33 1 Desolace 0.5%
Hatefury Shadowstalker 32 - 33 1 Stonetalon Mountains 0.5%
Hatefury Hellcaller 32 - 33 1 Desolace 0.5%
Hatefury Hellcaller 32 - 33 1 Stonetalon Mountains 0.5%
Lesser Infernal 36 - 37 1 Desolace 0.5%
Nether Maiden 37 - 38 1 Desolace 0.5%
Dread Swoop 32 - 33 1 Desolace 0.5%
Dread Swoop 32 - 33 1 Stonetalon Mountains 0.5%
Dread Flyer 36 - 37 1 Desolace 0.5%
Dread Flyer 36 - 37 1 Stonetalon Mountains 0.5%
Carrion Horror 35 - 37 1 Desolace 0.5%
Scorpashi Snapper 30 - 31 1 Desolace 0.5%
Scorpashi Snapper 30 - 31 1 Stonetalon Mountains 0.5%
Scorpashi Lasher 34 - 35 1 Desolace 0.5%
Aged Kodo 34 - 35 1 Desolace 0.5%
Dying Kodo 35 - 36 1 Desolace 0.5%
Slitherblade Naga 32 - 33 1 Desolace 0.5%
Slitherblade Sorceress 32 - 33 1 Desolace 0.5%
Slitherblade Warrior 33 - 34 1 Desolace 0.5%
Slitherblade Myrmidon 34 - 35 1 Desolace 0.5%
Slitherblade Razortail 35 - 36 1 Desolace 0.5%
Slitherblade Tidehunter 36 - 37 1 Desolace 0.5%
Slitherblade Oracle 34 - 34 1 Desolace 0.5%
Slitherblade Sea Witch 35 - 36 1 Desolace 0.5%
Raging Thunder Lizard 33 - 34 1 Desolace 0.5%
Gritjaw Basilisk 31 - 32 1 Desolace 0.5%
Gritjaw Basilisk 31 - 32 1 Stonetalon Mountains 0.5%
Hulking Gritjaw Basilisk 35 - 36 1 Desolace 0.5%
Theramore Infiltrator 35 - 36 1 Dustwallow Marsh 0.5%
Shadowforge Surveyor 35 - 36 1 Loch Modan 0.5%
Shadowforge Surveyor 35 - 36 1 Badlands 0.5%
Shadowforge Digger 35 - 36 1 Loch Modan 0.5%
Shadowforge Digger 35 - 36 1 Badlands 0.5%
Theramore Skirmisher 36 - 36 1 Dustwallow Marsh 0.5%
Theramore Sentry 35 - 36 1 Dustwallow Marsh 0.5%
Khan Dez'hepah 35 - 35 1 Desolace 0.5%
Tyranis Malem 36 - 36 1 Desolace 0.5%
Gutspill 32 - 32 1 Duskwood 0.5%
Big Will 33 - 33 1 The Barrens 0.5%
Cursed Justicar 59 - 60 1 Hillsbrad Foothills 0.5%
Cleft Scorpid 36 - 36 1 0.5%
Stonevault Ambusher 35 - 35 1 0.5%
Withered Warrior 34 - 35 1 0.5%
Withered Reaver 35 - 36 1 0.5%
Withered Quilguard 35 - 36 1 0.5%
Withered Spearhide 34 - 35 1 0.5%
Withered Battle Boar 34 - 34 1 0.5%
Battle Boar Horror 36 - 36 1 0.5%
Death's Head Geomancer 35 - 35 1 0.5%
Death's Head Necromancer 35 - 35 1 0.5%
Splinterbone Warrior 35 - 36 1 0.5%
Tomb Fiend 35 - 35 1 0.5%
Death's Head Cultist 33 - 34 1 The Barrens 0.5%
Death's Head Cultist 33 - 34 1 Thousand Needles 0.5%
Razorfen Battleguard 33 - 34 1 The Barrens 0.5%
Razorfen Battleguard 33 - 34 1 Thousand Needles 0.5%
Razorfen Thornweaver 33 - 34 1 The Barrens 0.5%
Razorfen Thornweaver 33 - 34 1 Thousand Needles 0.5%
Swirling Vortex 33 - 34 1 Thousand Needles 0.5%
Prince Raze 32 - 32 1 Ashenvale 0.5%
Galak Assassin 27 - 28 1 Thousand Needles 0.5%
Undead Ravager 37 - 38 1 Desolace 0.5%
Drysnap Crawler 33 - 34 1 Desolace 0.5%
Drysnap Pincer 34 - 35 1 Desolace 0.5%
Whirlwind Ripper 32 - 34 1 Desolace 0.5%
Whirlwind Stormwalker 35 - 37 1 Desolace 0.5%
Whirlwind Stormwalker 35 - 37 1 Stonetalon Mountains 0.5%
Whirlwind Shredder 33 - 34 1 Desolace 0.5%
Lord Kazzak 73 - 73 1 0.5%
Qiraji Lieutenant 28 - 28 1 0.5%
Minor Anubisath Warbringer 25 - 25 1 0.5%
Highlord Kruul 63 - 63 1 0.5%
Grimtotem Breaker 36 - 37 1 0.5%
Grimtotem Elder 36 - 37 1 0.5%
Syndicate Thief 36 - 37 1 0.5%

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