Tranquillien - Factions


Once a high elf town, Tranquillien became abandoned after the Scourge invaded Quel'Thalas. It has now been reclaimed by the Forsaken and the blood elves who seek to rid the Ghostlands of the Scourge.
Name Rank Profession Buy price
Apprentice Boots Friendly Cloth 1042
Bogwalker Boots Friendly Leather 138
Tranquillien Flamberge Friendly Sword 4381
Volunteer's Greaves Friendly Mail 1582
Apothecary's Waistband Honored Cloth 965
Batskin Belt Honored Leather 1219
Tranquillien Defender's Girdle Honored Mail 1380
Apothecary's Robe Revered Cloth 1364
Deathstalker's Vest Revered Leather 1712
Suncrown Hauberk Revered Mail 2038
Tranquillien Champion's Cloak Exalted Cloth 2883
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