Stormwind - Factions


One of the last bastions of human power, this Alliance capital is ruled by the prodigal king, Varian Wrynn.
Name Rank Profession Buy price
Swift Gray Steed Exalted Mount 500
Name Level Rep. gain
Costumed Orphan Matron 0 +12
Fire Brigade Practice 0 +90
Free at Last! 0 +296
A Threat Within 1 +75
Candied Sweet Potatoes 1 +90
Consecrated Letter 1 +82
Cranberry Chutney 1 +90
Eagan Peltskinner 1 +75
Encrypted Letter 1 +82
Gearing Redridge 1 +275
Give Gerard a Drink 1 +1
Glyphic Letter 1 +82
Hallowed Letter 1 +82
Harlan Needs a Resupply 1 +83
Investigate Echo Ridge 1 +250
Kobold Camp Cleanup 1 +250
Kobold Camp Cleanup 1 +0
Package for Thurman 1 +180
Pilgrim's Bounty 1 +12
Report to Goldshire 1 +90
Rest and Relaxation 1 +30
She Says Potato 1 +180
Simple Letter 1 +80
Skirmish at Echo Ridge 1 +250
Spice Bread Stuffing 1 +90
Tainted Letter 1 +82
The Stolen Tome 1 +100
We're Out of Cranberry Chutney Again? 1 +195
Wine Shop Advert 1 +180
Wolves Across the Border 1 +250
Bounty on Garrick Padfoot 2 +150
Brotherhood of Thieves 2 +250
Grape Manifest 2 +250
Milly Osworth 2 +10
Milly's Harvest 2 +75
Kobold Candles 3 +300
Shipment to Stormwind 3 +350
Gold Dust Exchange 4 +296
Red Linen Goods 4 +296
The Fargodeep Mine 4 +300
The Jasperlode Mine 4 +300
A Small Start 5 +83
Back to Billy 5 +30
Collecting Kelp 5 +300
Cookie's Jumbo Gumbo 5 +165
Goldtooth 5 +300
Lost Necklace 5 +30
Note to William 5 +30
Pie for Billy 5 +420
Speak with Gramma 5 +30
The Escape 5 +300
Tree's Company 5 +550
Wanted: "Hogger" 5 +420
Young Lovers 5 +30
I've Got a Plant 6 +275
Princess Must Die! 6 +300
Riverpaw Gnoll Bounty 6 +300
Westbrook Garrison Needs Help! 6 +30
A Fishy Peril 7 +12
Bounty on Murlocs 7 +300
Cloth and Leather Armor 7 +30
Deliver Thomas' Report 7 +350
Discover Rolf's Fate 7 +90
Find the Lost Guards 7 +30
Further Concerns 7 +300
Manhunt 7 +300
Protect the Frontier 7 +178
Report to Thomas 7 +30
The Collector 7 +300
Furlbrow's Deed 8 +300
Patrolling Westfall 8 +250
The Killing Fields 8 +250
Goretusk Liver Pie 9 +250
Poor Old Blanchy 9 +250
Report to Gryan Stoutmantle 9 +150
The Forgotten Heirloom 9 +250
The People's Militia 9 +250
The People's Militia 9 +250
The People's Militia 9 +350
Westfall Stew 9 +75
Westfall Stew 9 +250
A Swift Message 10 +25
Continue to Stormwind 10 +75
Dungar Longdrink 10 +25
Humble Beginnings 10 +250
Marshal Haggard 10 +1
Red Leather Bandanas 10 +250
Return to Lewis 10 +350
Assessing the Threat 11 +150
Encroaching Gnolls 11 +25
A Donation of Wool 12 +150
A Free Lunch 12 +25
Delivering Daffodils 12 +25
Dry Times 12 +250
Hilary's Necklace 12 +250
Visit the Herbalist 12 +25
Return to Verner 13 +75
Messenger to Stormwind 14 +75
Messenger to Stormwind 14 +25
Messenger to Westfall 14 +75
Messenger to Westfall 14 +25
Red Silk Bandanas 14 +250
The Defias Brotherhood 14 +250
The Defias Brotherhood 14 +75
The Defias Brotherhood 14 +75
The Defias Brotherhood 14 +25
The Defias Brotherhood 14 +250
The Defias Brotherhood 14 +350
The Defias Brotherhood 14 +500
The Price of Shoes 14 +25
Underbelly Scales 14 +350
A Baying of Gnolls 15 +150
Ending the Bloodcurse 15 +275
Howling in the Hills 15 +250
Redridge Goulash 15 +250
Report to Jennea 15 +1
The Bloodcurse Legacy 15 +28
The Bloodcursed Naga 15 +275
The Everstill Bridge 15 +250
The Hopeless Ones... 15 +275
The Lost Tools 15 +150
Theocritus' Retrieval 15 +150
Wanted: Gath'Ilzogg 15 +350
Wanted: Lieutenant Fangore 15 +350
An Audience with the King 16 +500
Brotherhood's End 16 +25
Items of Some Consequence 16 +25
Selling Fish 16 +150
Shadow of the Past 16 +25
The Attack! 16 +150
The Curious Visitor 16 +25
The Stockade Riots 16 +250
The Unsent Letter 16 +75
A Scroll from Mauren 17 +75
Deliveries to Sven 17 +75
Devils in Westfall 17 +250
Dusky Crab Cakes 17 +75
Eight-Legged Menaces 17 +150
Jitters' Growling Gut 17 +25
Raven Hill 17 +25
Retrieval for Mauren 17 +250
Return to Jitters 17 +75
Solomon's Law 17 +250
The Hermit 17 +75
An Unwelcome Guest 18 +250
Apprentice's Duties 18 +250
Blackrock Menace 18 +250
Daily Delivery 18 +75
Messenger to Darkshire 18 +150
Messenger to Darkshire 18 +25
Seasoned Wolf Kabobs 18 +250
Shadow Magic 18 +350
Tharil'zun 18 +350
The Night Watch 18 +150
The Night Watch 18 +250
The Night Watch 18 +250
The Totem of Infliction 18 +350
Young Crocolisk Skins 18 +250
Missing In Action 19 +350
Wolves at Our Heels 19 +150
An Old History Book 20 +150
Armed and Ready 20 +25
Blackrock Bounty 20 +250
Brother Paxton 20 +25
Claws from the Deep 20 +250
Finding the Shadowy Figure 20 +75
Gyrodrillmatic Excavationators 20 +250
Ink Supplies 20 +25
Lightforge Iron 20 +25
Look To The Stars 20 +250
Look To The Stars 20 +150
Look To The Stars 20 +250
Looking Further 20 +150
Morbent Fel 20 +500
Morganth 20 +350
Murloc Poachers 20 +250
Preserving Knowledge 20 +350
Proving Your Worth 20 +250
Reclaiming Goods 20 +25
Rethban Ore 20 +75
Return the Statuette 20 +150
Return to Kristoff 20 +250
Return to Sven 20 +25
Search More Hovels 20 +75
Seeking Wisdom 20 +25
Southshore 20 +25
Speaking of Fortitude 20 +10
Sven's Camp 20 +75
Sven's Revenge 20 +75
The Search Continues 20 +25
The Shadowy Figure 20 +25
Cleansing the Eye 22 +250
Crime and Punishment 22 +250
Lifting the Curse 22 +75
Quell The Uprising 22 +350
The Color of Blood 22 +350
The Cursed Crew 22 +150
The Eye of Paleth 22 +75
The Legend of Stalvan 22 +25
The Legend of Stalvan 22 +75
The Legend of Stalvan 22 +150
The Legend of Stalvan 22 +25
The Legend of Stalvan 22 +150
The Legend of Stalvan 22 +75
The Legend of Stalvan 22 +75
The Legend of Stalvan 22 +25
The Legend of Stalvan 22 +25
The Legend of Stalvan 22 +25
The Legend of Stalvan 22 +25
The Legend of Stalvan 22 +500
What Comes Around... 22 +250
Worgen in the Woods 23 +75
Worgen in the Woods 23 +150
Worgen in the Woods 23 +150
Worgen in the Woods 23 +350
Crashing the Wickerman Festival (PvP) 25 +150
Farren's Proof 25 +25
More Sparklematic Action 25 +17
The Caravan Road 25 +75
The Scythe of Elune 25 +250
A Donation of Silk 26 +150
Foreboding Plans 26 +75
Syndicate Assassins 26 +150
Mor'Ladim 28 +150
Morgan Ladimore 28 +25
Soothing Turtle Bisque 28 +250
The Daughter Who Lived 28 +25
The Missing Diplomat 28 +158
The Missing Diplomat 28 +75
The Missing Diplomat 28 +25
The Missing Diplomat 28 +75
The Missing Diplomat 28 +25
The Missing Diplomat 28 +75
The Missing Diplomat 28 +26
The Weathered Grave 28 +25
Bartolo's Yeti Fur Cloak 29 +250
Assassin's Contract 30 +25
Bad Medicine 30 +250
Baron's Demise 30 +250
Bookie Herod 30 +150
Captain Vimes 30 +250
Centaur Bounty 30 +350
Colonel Kurzen 30 +250
Costly Menace 30 +250
Crushridge Bounty 30 +250
Crushridge Warmongers 30 +250
Dark Council 30 +250
Deliver the Shipment 30 +150
Driftwood 30 +250
Encroaching Wildlife 30 +250
Encrypted Letter 30 +75
Further Mysteries 30 +75
Hints of a New Plague? 30 +250
Hints of a New Plague? 30 +75
Hints of a New Plague? 30 +250
Hints of a New Plague? 30 +350
Jungle Secrets 30 +75
Kurzen's Mystery 30 +350
Mai'Zoth 30 +350
Malin's Request 30 +350
Northfold Manor 30 +250
Report to Doren 30 +250
Special Forces 30 +250
Stinky's Escape 30 +300
Stromgarde Badges 30 +350
Supplies to Private Thorsen 30 +75
The Hidden Key 30 +75
The Lost Caravan 30 +250
The Lost Supplies 30 +25
The Orc Report 30 +25
The Perenolde Tiara 30 +550
The Second Rebellion 30 +150
The Spy Revealed! 30 +75
Trelane's Defenses 30 +250
Troll Witchery 30 +250
Wanted! Marez Cowl 30 +350
Wanted! Otto and Falconcrest 30 +350
Worth Its Weight in Gold 30 +350
Discrediting the Deserters 32 +250
Magical Analysis 32 +75
Propaganda War 32 +250
Return to Corporal Kaleb 32 +250
The End of the Deserters 32 +350
Traitors Among Us 32 +250
... and Bugs 33 +275
Help Watcher Biggs 33 +75
Morgan Stern 33 +25
Mudrock Soup and Bugs 33 +275
Down the Scarlet Path 34 +75
In the Name of the Light 34 +500
A Meal Served Cold 35 +500
Mazen's Behest 37 +25
Mazen's Behest 37 +250
In Search of The Temple 38 +75
Shadowshard Fragments 38 +350
Bring the Light 39 +150
A Donation of Mageweave 40 +150
Supplies for Nethergarde 40 +150
Tremors of the Earth 40 +350
Tremors of the Earth 40 +250
Vital Supplies 40 +25
Abandoned Hope 48 +250
Marshal Windsor 48 +250
The True Masters 48 +150
The True Masters 48 +250
A Crumpled Up Note 50 +250
A Donation of Runecloth 50 +150
A Shred of Hope 50 +250
Additional Runecloth 50 +50
Better Late Than Never 50 +75
Clear the Way 50 +250
Good Natured Emma 50 +250
Jail Break! 50 +350
The Scourge Cauldrons 50 +10
Victory for the Alliance 50 +500
General Drakkisath's Command 55 +250
Message to Maxwell 55 +250
Where Kings Walk 55 +6600
Honor the Dead 56 +1
The First and the Last 56 +1
Delivery to Ridgewell 57 +250
Doomrigger's Clasp 57 +25
Mayara Brightwing 57 +10
Blessed Arcanite Barding 60 +350
Celebrating Good Times 60 +500
Exorcising Terrordale 60 +250
Grimand's Finest Work 60 +250
Judgment and Redemption 60 +500
New Year Celebrations! 60 +275
The Divination Scryer 60 +75
The Lord of Blackrock 60 +550
The Lord of Blackrock 60 +550
To Show Due Judgment 60 +75
Secrets of the Daggerfen 62 +275
Stormwind 65 +0
A Royal Coup 71 +0
Fate, Up Against Your Will 71 +0
Reborn From The Ashes 71 +0
The Battle For The Undercity 71 +0
The Killing Time 71 +0
A Blade Fit For A Champion 77 +273
A Valiant Of Stormwind 77 +11
A Valiant's Field Training 77 +275
A Worthy Weapon 77 +273
At The Enemy's Gates 77 +275
The Edge Of Winter 77 +275
The Grand Melee 77 +275
The Valiant's Challenge 77 +273
The Valiant's Charge 77 +273
Valiant Of Stormwind 77 +11
A Most Puzzling Circumstance 80 +550
Nombre de visites sur l'accueil depuis la création du site World of Warcraft Classic : 4.103.158 visites.
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